Downtown Announcements: Today is First Thursday, and Downtown Muncie's many art galleries open their monthly exhibits on the first Thursday of each month, with meet-the-artist receptions, entertainment and refreshments. Tonight's First Thursday features special events, guest lectures and book signings.
Read more...SPRING ZING returns for a second year to Downtown Muncie on April 26th. Kids Art Show deadline is April 4th, and booth application deadline is April 18th. Volunteers are needed to help with setup, working gates, and cleanup at the event. If you have a couple hours to give, please call Cheryl Crowder at 282-7897.
Click here for details and applications.
The 22nd annual A Taste of Muncie event returns to Cornerstone Center for the Arts on April 20th.
Read more...APRIL EVENTS :
3rd - First Thursday Downtown, 5-8pm, featuring art gallery openings and meet-the-artist receptions.
3rd - Bill Goshnell, Delaware County Emergency Management Agency director will discuss disaster preparedness at 5pm at Muncie Civic Theatre. At 6pm Dan Burkholder famed photographer will be speaking.
3rd - Peter Blume will offer remarks about framing at 6:30 PM at Gordy Fine Art & Framing, at the opening of "The Frame Show" exhibit.
4th - Muncie Children's Museum Friends and Family Fun Night, "Young at Art," free adm. 3-7pm. The Ball State Art Club will be leading visitors through fun-filled games, crafts and story time, centered around the Chagall for Children exhibit.
4th - The Living Room features Nathan Angelo and Tyler James. Doors open at 8pm, show starts at 8:30pm. More Living Room events online at
3rd - Groove-A-Tron at Doc's Music Hall, doors open 8pm.
4-5th - Muncie Civic Theatre presents Godspell at 7:30pm. All performances will be on the main stage at Muncie Civic Theatre, 216 East Main Street, Muncie, Indiana. Tickets are available by calling 765-288-PLAY or at the Box Office.
4th - Mike Milligan and Steamshovel w/The TomKats will perform at Center Stage. Doors open @ 8pm.
4th - Walden's Song at Morton's Pub & Grub, 8:00 pm
4th - Cory Hill Band at Doc's Music Hall, 10:30pm.
4th - Jack's Camera Shop: famed photographer Dan Burkholder will be hanging out.
6th - Muncie Civic Theatre presents Anne of Green Gables at 2:00pm. All performances will be on the main stage at Muncie Civic Theatre, 216 East Main Street, Muncie, Indiana. Tickets are available by calling 765-288-PLAY or at the Box Office.
5th - Mars or the Moon at Morton's Pub & Grub, 9:00 pm
5-6th - Jack's Camera Shop: famed photographer will be teaching workshops call 282-0204 for details.
7th - Community Center for Vital Aging: Taste of Appachia 6:30-8pm call 289-4541
10 & 11th - Muncie Civic Theatre presents Anne of Green Gables at 7:30pm. All performances will be on the main stage at Muncie Civic Theatre, 216 East Main Street, Muncie, Indiana. Tickets are available by calling 765-288-PLAY or at the Box Office.
11th - Doc's Music Hall presents Everthus the Deadbeats, Arrah and the Ferns, Everything Now! at 10pm.
12th- Muncie Civic Theatre presents Godspell at 7:30pm. All performances will be on the main stage at Muncie Civic Theatre, 216 East Main Street, Muncie, Indiana. Tickets are available by calling 765-288-PLAY or at the Box Office.
12th - The Artist Within presents LIVE MUSIC with Bryce Taylor from 8 to 11pm. Studio fee is included with the cover.
14th - Comedy Night at The Heorot featuring MATT STANTON w/ PHIL KIJAK and RYAN EHRESMAN, 9pm.
15th - "Basic Art Clay Silver" class at The Artist Within, 6-9pm, with Marti Icenogle. Pre-registration is required.
15th - Second annual Cornerstone Art Show, from 5-8:00pm. Featuring two and three dimensional works from artists aged kindergarten to adult.
15th - Community Center for Vital Aging: The Art of Writing: Memories to be remembered and recorded 6:30-8:00pm
16th - Administrative Professionals Day at the Horizon Convention Center. Reservation deadline is April 11. Call Brenda Brumfield 765-751-9151, or email
17th - Muncie Civic Theatre presents Godspell at 7:30pm. All performances will be on the main stage at Muncie Civic Theatre, 216 East Main Street, Muncie, Indiana. Tickets are available by calling 765-288-PLAY or at the Box Office.
18th & 19th - Muncie Civic Theatre presents Anne of Green Gables at 7:30pm. All performances will be on the main stage at Muncie Civic Theatre, 216 East Main Street, Muncie, Indiana. Tickets are available by calling 765-288-PLAY or at the Box Office.
18th - Caddle w/ The TomKats will perform at Center Stage. Doors open @ 8pm.
19th - Muncie Ballet presents the Mad Hatter Team at 10am and 3pm. Reservations are required, for more details call 282-1480 or
19th - Muncie Children's Museum will hold the 9th annual Children's Health Fair from 10am to 5pm, with free admission.
20th - Cornerstone for the Arts announces 2008 A Taste of Muncie, over 22 local restaurants will be participating this year.
22nd - "Art Clay Silver/Lacy ball Earring" class at The Artist Within, 6-9pm, with Marti Icenogle. Pre-registration is required.
24th - Customer Service Excellence Workshop, 8 - 11:30a.m. at the Horizon Center. Sponsored by the Muncie-Delaware County Chamber of Commerce, Joe Constance, President of Constant Training, will facilitate the program. Email for info.
25th - Muncie Ballet presents Alice in Wonderland 7pm held at the Cornerstone for the Arts. for more details call 282-1480 or
26th - Spring Zing from 10am to 5pm in the streets of Downtown Muncie. For details, visit
26th - The Muncie YWCA, Weed & Seed, Del. Co. Coordinaing Council for the Prevention of Substance Abuse, United Way of Delaware County, Parents Encouraging Parents and Fight Against Drugs and Violence will celebrate SPIRIT DAY and the public is invited. The YWCA will host speakers and resouce providers in the morning. Free "toolbox" kits with information for parents will be offered. Then at 1 pm join us in Heekin Park for an outdoor festival with games, face-painting, and an outdoor cookout. Singers, dancers and a Youth Idol Karaoke Contest will also be part of the fun. Festivities will continue until 5 pm. For more information contact the YWCA.
26th - Muncie Ballet presents Alice in Wonderland 4pm held at the Cornerstone for the Arts for more details call 282-1480 or
26th - Muncie Children's Museum's Free Family Saturday from 10am-5pm.
26th - The Artist Within will host a book signing from 3-5pm with two authors, John R. Anderson, local behavioral counselor and author of "The Empowered Parent: How to Parent Without Frustration, Anger and Guilt," and with Michael Hoars, licensed mental health counselor and author of the book "Life is Not A Sound Bite: Cultural Crisis in America."
26th - Cardinal Greenways will hold its 2nd Annual Run for the Season 5K run and walk, for details call 287-0399
30th - Muncie Downtown Business Council meets at 3pm in the Star Press building conference room. You do not have to be a member to attend the meetings.
Through April 26th - Gallery 308 welcomes Dan Burkholder's Photo Exhibit "The Color of Loss; An Intimate Portrait of New Orleans after Katrina" in April. Join us Thursday April 3 from 5-9 p.m. for his new exhibit and book signing. The show will run thru April 26th.
Through April 26th - Gordy Fine Art & Framing will present "The Frame Show: Framus Fantasticus" on display through April. The Frame Show opens during the monthly First Thursday art event on April 3rd from 5 to 8 PM. Peter Blume will offer remarks about the framing at 6:30 PM. Light refreshments will be served and the public is invited to attend.
Through April 27th - "Grossology: The (Impolite) Science of the Human Body" exhibit at Minnetrista. For more information, call (765) 282-4848, visit, or visit the Grossology tour Web site at
Through April 30th - "Wax and Water" will showcase the talents of several local artists during April at The Artist Within April 1 through April 30, with an opening reception Thursday, April 3 from 5-8pm.
Through April 30th - Artworks will exhibit "Totemic Spirit in Clay," a new exhibition by Judy Wojcik. An opening reception will be held during First Thursday, April 3, 5:30pm to 8:30pm.
Through May 2 - Muncie Children's Museum presents Chagall for Children, a one-of-a-kind traveling exhibit. Admission is included with regular admission to the Museum. For more information on Chagall for Children, call (765) 286-1660 or visit
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