
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Downtown Business Council to Meet Tomorrow

The Muncie Downtown Business Council will meet Wednesday, April 18th, at 3:00 pm in The Star Press conference room, 345 S. High St. Residents, organizations and supporters of downtown in general are all encouraged take the time to attend. Meetings typically last one hour.

Downtown Business Council is not limited to businesses and merchants. The DBC values the input of everyone downtown! Please spread the word, bring a friend, and help take part in making Downtown Muncie the best place to be!
The next meeting date will be Wednesday, May 16th, at 3:00 pm in the Star Press conference room.

Listed below is the agenda for the April 18th meeting:

Statement of Purpose
"The primary purpose of the Muncie Downtown Business Council is to create and maintain an environment for growth and expansion of businesses in the downtown area of Muncie, Indiana"


1. Welcome & Call to Order Andrew Dale

2. Committee Reports

A. Special Events & Volunteers Michael Martin
1. Co-Chairs
2. Sping Zing
3. BSU Downtown Parent Tours Update

B. Planning & Advocacy Andrew
1. Co-Chairs
2. Need 3-5 more committee members

C. Membership & Marketing Carey Hays
1. Co-Chairs
2. Membership Gathering Event

3. Distribution of Revised By-Laws Andrew

4. Announcements & Discussion

5. Adjournment

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