
Monday, June 02, 2008

Meet the Artists During First Thursday Downtown

Celebrate the arts in Downtown Muncie this First Thursday, June 5th, from 5 to 8pm. Our many art galleries spotlight their exhibit openings on the first Thursday evenings of every month, with meet-the-artist receptions.

Some of the gallery events (in alphabetical order by gallery) at the next First Thursday:

The Artist Within ~ 313 S Walnut Street ~ 765-289-7895

June at the Artist Within will feature the collaborative work of Nick Carnes and Jason Bord.

The two artists began working on a series of paintings during a phase where both were unemployed with not a lot of money to spend. They started painting over old used canvases with any left over oil paint that they could find.

"We would paint at the same time but occasionally switch sides, making the painting belong to neither of us. We were painting for the sake of painting", explains Jason.

After awhile both got jobs and could afford to start painting on larger pieces. At that point they decided to try putting together a show of their collaborative automatism paintings.

Their paintings exhibit a bold use of color and express a great deal of emotion, reminiscent of the Expressionists. Jason is a Ball State graduate and is currently working several different jobs and Nick is a current Ball State student who will be teaching at Wapahani High School this fall.

The collaborative paintings will be on display from June 3-28, 2008 with an artists' reception Thursday June 5th from 5-8pm.


Artworks ~ 301 South Walnut Street ~ 765-288-2221

"Earth and Fire" by Sue Beach and Carol Burt will be on exhibit through July 1, 2008 at Artworks Gallery with an opening reception at First Thursday, June 5 from 5:00pm to 8:00pm.

Sue Beach makes functional pottery using various techniques including throwing on the potters wheel, extruding and hand building. Her wheel-thrown work is made on a kick-wheel designed and built by her husband, Ron. She develops and mixes her own glazes and is continually experimenting with new colors and techniques.

Beach says that "beautiful objects should be used everyday. It is satisfying to know that my work brings the joy and beauty of handmade pottery into the lives of others".

Beach has been working with pottery since 1998 and currently does most of her work at her studio located in rural Delaware County. She has studied with Marvin Reichle and is currently studying with well-known local potter, John Peterson.

Carol Burt is a life-long resident of Muncie and has been making art for over twenty years. Burt graduated from Ball State University with a B.S. in English and Art Education and a M.A. in painting. For the past six years she has been studying ceramics, taking classes at Ball State, with local potter John Peterson, and attending summer workshops in Tennessee.

In 2007 Burt was awarded a Lilly Endowment to research the history and science of ceramic kilns and is currently at work completing a 25 cubic foot gas reduction kiln at her home.

Burt has been teaching art for 18 years and has just completed her 13th year at Sutton Elementary where her fifth graders can participate in Pottery Club to learn the basics of throwing pots on the wheel.

The two friends met when they both decided to study with John Peterson and have become friends through the class. They have discovered a lot of common viewpoints and interests beyond their love of pottery.

ArtWorks Gallery's Mission as non-profit cooperative artist gallery is to serve the Muncie community and provide local artists a facility to exhibit their art and to provide educational opportunities and affordable to our community.

Ongoing Exhibits: Linda Norris - Morton, pottery John Peterson - pottery


Blue Bottle ~ 206 South Walnut Street ~ 765-284-3630

Artwork by Joshua Chatwin and Brie Thompson will be on exhibit at Blue Bottle Coffee Shop in June. Eric Ernstberger's artwork will be featured in July. If you have artwork you'd like to be displayed at Blue Bottle, please contact Lelly at 284-3630.


Gallery 308 ~ 308 E. Main Street ~ 765-289-8575

Three members of Ball State's Department of Architecture faculty, Joseph C. Blalock, Jr., Lohren Deeg, and Brian Hollars, will present Muncie Triptych: A Vision of Hope in Three Parts, the new exhibition that will open June 5 at Gallery 308. A free public reception will be held for the First Thursday opening from 5 to 8 p.m.

Muncie Triptych picks up on a subject that has been the focus of a recent series in the StarPress. The newspaper series has spotlighted the abandoned and decaying buildings that blight the city's landscape. Many Muncie residents see a pattern emerging: Empty and decaying buildings have been allowed to remain while some historically significant buildings were destroyed. Downtown Muncie is a "shadow" of the intricate fabric of life that it once was, says Professor Blalock.

In Muncie Triptych, the three architects use a three-part model to tell the story of Muncie's past, present and future. On one "side" of the triptych is Muncie as it once was, on the second is Muncie as it currently is, and on the third is a hopeful and positive vision of what Muncie could become.

The architects hope that the exhibition will help to stimulate a positive, creative and thoughtful discussion about the unique regional qualities that are Muncie.

Blalock, Deeg and Hollars will also present the program for Gallery 308's Living Art series on Thursday, June 19, at 7 p.m. They will discuss Muncie Triptych in detail. Public policy makers, community leaders, and everyone who cares about Muncie should plan to attend the free presentation.

About the exhibitors:

* Joseph C. Blalock, Jr., ASLA, Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture and Registered Landscape Architect, is an urban designer interested in urban issues and community, places and placemaking. Blalock has an M.S. in Urban Design from the Pratt Institute, a Bachelors of Landscape Architecture degree from SUNY College (Syracuse, NY), and he studied relevant courses at Onondaga Community College. He has taught design, landscape architectural engineering, landscape architecture history, and numerous other courses since joining the Architecture faculty in 1999.

* Lohren Deeg, Instructor of Architecture and Professional Illustrator, ASAI, is an urban designer and illustrator who has helped communities create visions of who they want to be in more then 30 communities in at least three countries. He is a Midwest native and resident of Muncie with a B.A. and M.S. from Ball State (Architecture) as well as a Bachelor of Science degree. He has illustrated design studies and charrettes, and been involved in numerous community-based projects and competitions.

* Brian Hollars, Instructor of Architecture, is an architect and builder whose work reflects the unique qualities of this region with sensitivity to the area's heritage. He has a Bachelor of Architecture degree (1991) and Master of Arts (2004-present) in Career and Technical Education from Ball State. In addition to teaching, he has numerous commercial and residential projects on his resume, as well as furniture and cabinetry experience.

All three are Muncie residents.

Gallery 308 is a 501(c)(3) community art gallery which exists to provide exhibition space for artists, encourage innovative work and serve the community as a cultural and educational resource. Contributions to Gallery 308 are tax-deductible. For more information about gallery hours, volunteer and donor opportunities, please call 765-289-8575.


Gordy Fine Art & Framing ~ 224 E Main Street ~ 765-284-8422

Gordy Fine Art and Framing exhibit: twelve members of the Indiana Plein Air Painters Association will be on exhibit. Opening reception on June 5th 5-8pm


Mitchell Place Studio ~ 301 S Walnut

Institute for Digital Intermedia Arts & Animation Student Art & Research Showcase
Thursday April 3rd, 5 p.m.

See monthly showcase of recent, supported student art and research projects in association with First Thursdays downtown. For more information on this and other IDIAA programs visit

Other downtown Muncie businesses may have art exhibits or special events during First Thursdays include:

~ Cortex Hair Center, 112 W Jackson Street - 765-288-6685
~ David Dale Designs, Interior Designs & Fine Art Gallery, 421 S Walnut Street - 765-284-4987
~ FB Fogg, 418 E Main Street - 765-289-7464
~ Glitterati in the Rose Court on Charles Street
~ Minnetrista, 1200 N. Minnetrista Parkway - 765-282-4848

Additionally, all of Downtown's independently owned bars and restaurants will be open and ready to serve you. For more information, visit

Click Here for More Downtown Muncie Events.

Please help keep us informed of any upcoming events or exhibits in Downtown Muncie. Email details to info [at]

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