A former middle-school teacher, who splits his time between Muncie and Florida, Ayers has exhibited in Muncie and in juried exhibitions in Florida at the Art Center Manatee and at Selby Gardens. Growing up surrounded by the architecture of his hometown Columbus, Indiana, and the paintings of his grandmother, a Brown County artist, he developed an interest and appreciation for art. The well-traveled Ayers shoots a wide range of subjects and is drawn to the colors, patterns, and images in both natural and urban scapes. His interests extend from vibrant colors to classic black and white.
Digital photography allows him to alter images similarly to the way film photographers do in photo labs. He enjoys pushing the reality of photography into the realm of fine art by enhancing digital images, extending them further from reality into impressionism and abstraction. His goal is to inspire the viewer to appreciate and to display photography as another form of fine art and to enjoy the experience.
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