
Thursday, May 15, 2008

Weekly Downtown E-News 5/15/08

May events: 15th - Gallery 308 Living Arts Program presents "Why Watercolor" at 7:00 p.m. Juli Eflin, Pat Garofolo, and Yvonne Williams will discuss their individual and group experiences with watercolor. The program is free and open to the general public. Light refreshments will be served.

15th - WIBU semi-annual social event--Progressive Dinner, cost $25 traveling by MITS to McDowell B&B, Average Joe's Grill and Muncie Children's Museum, call 289-6015 for reservations.

15th - Cardinal Greenway Wysor Street Depot 5:30pm, program benefits of walking.

15th - Losing September and One Piece Suite, 10pm at Doc's Music Hall.

16th & 17th - Muncie Civic Theatre-rummage sale 8am-4pm

16th - M.V.L, Mic Sol, Freeze, Ace One, WhoIsLouis, 10pm at Doc's Music Hall.

17th - Minnestrista May Market every Saturday in the Orchard Shop parking lot. Vegetable and flower bedding plants, early veggies,hanging baskets (good for Mothers Day in May), eggs, honey, baked goods, meat, cheese and much more.

17th - Michael Kelsey and The Last Domino, 9:30pm at Doc's Music Hall.

18th - High Street United Methodist Church 62nd annual Summer Chamber Music Festival 2pm

19th - Community Center for the Vital Aging located at Cornerstone Center for the Arts--Under the Hood 6:30-8PM free

19th - Muncie Children's Museum Golf Outing--Crestview Golf Course, shotgun start at 1:00pm with registration and lunch at 11:30am.

20th, 27th, June 3rd, 10, 17, 24 Community Center for the Vital Aging located at Cornerstone Center for the Arts--Living Healthy 6:30-8pm FREE

21st Community Center for the Vital Aging located at Cornerstone Center for the Arts--Supper in a Snap 6:3-80pm FREE

21st Minnetrista PBS Program Club, 2-4pm. This month will focus on the Frontline production of "Bush's War."

23rd Community Center for the Vital Aging located at Cornerstone Center for the Arts--Make It and Take It Crafts 1;30-3pm

24th Minnetrista May Market every Saturday in the Orchard Shop parking lot. Vegetable and flower bedding plants, early veggies,hanging baskets (good for Mothers Day in May), eggs, honey, baked goods, meat, cheese and much more

24th Minnetrista Minne-trip River Rhythm 9am-6pm. Explore the sights and sounds of scenic Whitewater River in Brookville, Indiana.Visit for info.

26th - MEMORIAL DAY - many city and government offices will be closed.

28th - Muncie Downtown Business Council meeting at 3pm at the Star Press building. The meeting will be followed by a "Meet the Members" mixer at 4:30 at David Dale Designs. If your business would like to host a mixer, please email

29th - Community Center for the Vital Aging located at Cornerstone Center for the Arts--Taste of Spain 6:30-8pm.

31st - Minnestrista May Market every Saturday in the Orchard Shop parking lot. Vegetable and flower bedding plants, early veggies,hanging baskets (good for Mothers Day in May), eggs, honey, baked goods, meat, cheese and much more

31st - Muncie Children's Museum Free Family Saturday. Free admission from 10 am to 5 pm. For more information, contact the Museum at 286-1660 or visit our website at


Every Monday - Jazz at the Fickle Peach features Ralph Johnson on drums, Paul Rhine on double-bass and flute, and Phil Cooley on Piano. They perform every Monday night from 9 to 11.

Through May 29th - Gallery 308 presents "Four Femmes: Inner and Outer - a Watermedia Exhibit." A complementary exhibition, "New Works," spotlights ceramic work by Kim Anderson in 308's Founders Gallery. The opening reception for both exhibitions is Thursday, May 1, 5:00 - 8:00 p.m., at 308 E. Main.

Through May 30th - Artworks Gallery features Fran Carrioc--flowers and handmade sea themed glass beads.

Through May 30th - David Dale Designs Spring Art Show, featuring Rosemary Gishler, watercolor; Paul Laseau, watercolor; and Jean McCauley, oil. Featured First Thursday, May 1, from 5 to 7, with light refreshments. For more information visit

Through May 31st - "Young Artists" exhibit at The Artist Within. An opening reception is planned for first Thursday, May 1 from 5-8 pm.

Through May 31st - Gordy Fine Art & Framing presents Night Work: Abstract Paintings by Eric Ernstberger. The exhibit will open with a First Thursday reception for the artist on May 1, 2008 from 5 to 8 PM. Light refreshments will be served and the public is invited to attend.

Daily at Minnetrista--Historical House Tours at 11, 1 and 3pm

Daily at Minnetrista--The Minnetrista Story 2pm

Daily at Minnetrista--Nature & Garden Fun at 4pm


June 2 - Deadline to submit applications for 401 (k)ids Arts Scholarship Program at Cornerstone Center for the Arts. Visit for info.

June 9 thru July 25th - Sign up for Muncie Children's Museum Summer Camp, camps run June 9-July 25, call the museum for details 286-1660.

June 29 - Doc's Music Hall presents Shooter Jennings on Sunday, June 29th. Visit for more information.

June at the Artist Within will feature the collaborative work of Nick Carnes and Jason Bord. The collaborative paintings will be on display from June 3-28, 2008 with an artists' reception Thursday June 5th from 5-8pm.

June exhibit at Artworks will be "Earth and Fire" featuring Sue Beach and Carol Burt. Their works will be on display June 5, 2008 through July 1, 2008, with an opening reception at First ThursdayJune 5 from 5 to 8pm.

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