
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Downtown Business Council Meets Wednesday

The Muncie Downtown Business Council will meet this Wednesday, February 27th, at 3:00 pm in the Star Press building conference room.

Topics on the agenda include upcoming spring events (St. Patty's Day parade and Spring Zing); update on the mall wall, coupon sheet and other downtown marketing efforts; and a report from Heart of the City. Information will also be given about the upcoming BSU Cardinal Chili Challenge, and sponsorship opportunities for businesses.

You need not be a member to attend the meetings, and Downtown Business Council is not limited to businesses and merchants. Meetings typically last one hour. This is an excellent opportunity to network with your downtown peers, keep informed of downtown happenings, and learn all about the Downtown Business Council and our continued efforts to market your business and our downtown neighborhood.

The next Downtown Business Council meeting will be Wednesday, March 26th at 3pm at Minnetrista, followed by a "Meet the Members Mixer." Members will be on hand to answer any questions about the Downtown Business Council, and membership applications will be available for anyone who wants to join. Please come by, bring a friend, and help take part in making Downtown Muncie the best place to be.

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Downtown Business Council Statement of Purpose “The primary purpose of the Muncie Downtown Business Council is to create and maintain an environment for growth and expansion of businesses in the downtown area of Muncie, Indiana”

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