
Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Winter Acting Academy at Muncie Civic Theatre

MUNCIE CIVIC THEATRE is currently accepting registration for classes being offered as part of the Winter Acting Academy, the new expansion of the Young Actors Workshop which has been a vital program at Muncie Civic since the 1960s. Classes are available for ages 7 - Adult. Class sessions will begin February 17 and continue for 10 weeks culminating in final performances and demonstration classes the week of May 12. Registration for each class will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Class size is limited to 15 per class. Tuition for classes range from $75-$100 depending on the class. All classes are held at Muncie Civic Theatre, 216 E. Main Street in downtown Muncie. Registration is available by completing a registration form and returning it to the theatre along with required deposit. Registration forms are available in the lobby of the theatre or by calling 765-288-PLAY.

Classes being offered as part of the WINTER ACTING ACADEMY include: Performance Playlab: DISNEY'S 101 DALMATIONS (a performance-based class for ages 7-12 -Saturdays 9:0-12:00), Family Theatre Workshop: AND THEN THEY CAME FOR ME: REMEMBERING THE WORLD OF ANNE FRANK (an advanced level performance-based class for all ages - this class is offered by audition only classes begin January 20 with performances March 23-31 - classes meet Saturdays 10:00-2:00), Improvisation (ages 8-10 - Wednesdays 4:00-6:00; ages 10-12 - Saturdays 12:00-2:00), Acting for Adults (all ages class - Mondays 7:00-9:00).

Instructors for the classes include Muncie Civic Education Director Marty Grubbs, Muncie Civic Executive Director Darrin Murrell, and High Street Methodist Church Children's Choir Director and Taylor University instructor Julie Barber. Assistant Teachers and Interns are students from the Ball State Theatre Department's Education Program.

For more information call 765-288-PLAY.

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