
Sunday, August 31, 2008

"Art in a Democracy" - A Public Forum Sponsored by Gallery 308

What are the acceptable boundaries of artistic expression? Just how far can the artist push the envelope before society pushes back?

On Thursday September 18 at 7 p.m., Gallery 308 presents "Art in a Democracy," part of the Gallery's monthly Living Arts Series. This program is a panel discussion moderated by Dr. Patsy Donn, and will take place at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 4800 West Bradford, Muncie. The panel includes local artists, art historians and educators such as Mark Sawrie, Lucinda Rarick, Jim Faulkner, Bill Inman and Juli Eflin.

The panelists are prepared to discuss specific issues related to artistic freedom, such as: Does it matter where the artist expresses him- or herself? For instance, how can non-mainstream art magazines advertise the so-called Jesus dolls that "walk on water" (and be met with silence) and yet the "Chocolate Jesus" show is attacked by protesters? These and other matters often fuel our passions and raise questions as to how much our society will accept when it comes to artistic freedom.

Freedom of expression - whether it's in the theater, the art gallery, or the classroom, whether it's through the visual arts, the written or the spoken word - is highly valued by Americans. It is hoped that this discussion will bring all points of view to the table. Admission to the event is free.

For more information about "Art in a Democracy," contact Gallery 308 at 765-289-8575.

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