
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Mayoral Candidates to Speak at a Special Meeting of the Downtown Business Council

The Muncie Downtown Business Council will hold a special session with the Mayoral candidates on Thursday, September 27th from 3 to 5pm in the Star Press conference room.

This special meeting is a departure from the regularly scheduled MDBC members meeting, normally held on the last Wednesday of each month.

Immediately following the Mayoral Event, DBC Vice President Bob Hartley will host a "Meet the Members Mixer" at the Artist Within from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. This is an excellent opportunity to network with your downtown peers, and to learn all about the Downtown Business Council and our continued efforts to market your organization and our downtown neighborhood.

The next "Meet the Members" mixer is scheduled for November 29 at Cornerstone Center for the Arts.

Provided below is the agenda for the meeting along with the five initial questions we'll be asking each of the candidates:

1. Welcome & Introductions (2-3 minutes)

2. Mayoral Candidate Opening Remarks (at this time each candidate will have up to eight (8) minutes to share general platforms...anything you want to share with those in attendance)

3. Planned Questions: 1) Why are you running for mayor? 2) What is your position on downtown what degree of emphasis will you place your efforts toward the downtown? 3) What roll can you provide in facilitating a more meaningful dialogue between BSU and downtown Muncie? 4) What will your approach be in dealing with the Hotel Roberts? and 5) There are two organizations that focus to higher degree on downtown Muncie--that being the MDBC and Heart of the City. What rolls do you understand them to each maintain and how do you see yourself utilizing these entities during your tenure as mayor? (Questions will be alternated between each candidate so that neither candidate has an on-going advantage through the Q & A process.)

4. Questions from the audience (selected using index card submissions and gleaned so that a variety of questions can be responded to).

5. Closing Statements (up to five (5) minutes each.)

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