
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Downtown Business Council Meeting May 23

The Muncie Downtown Business Council will have a regular meeting Wednesday, May 23rd, at 3:00 pm in The Star Press conference room, 345 S. High St.

Downtown Business Council is not limited to businesses and merchants. Residents, organizations and supporters of downtown in general are all encouraged take the time to attend. Meetings typically last one hour.

The DBC values the input of everyone downtown! Please spread the word, bring a friend, and help take part in making Downtown Muncie the best place to be.

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Downtown Business Council to Host a "Meet the Members" Mixer
Thursday, May 24th from 5 to 7pm at the Fickle Peach

The Downtown Business Council invites merchants, friends and residents of downtown to join us for a "Meet the Members" mixer on Thursday, May 24th, from 5 to 7pm at the Fickle Peach on Charles Street.

One free drink voucher will be given to anyone who attends the monthly Downtown Business Council meeting the day before, on Wednesday, May 23rd, at 3:00 in the Star Press conference room, 345 S. High Street in Downtown Muncie.

You need not be a member to attend the meetings. Residents, organizations and supporters of downtown in general are all encouraged to take the time to attend. Meetings typically last one hour. Downtown Business Council is not limited to businesses and merchants.

Please make a point to attend the meeting and/or the mixer to learn all about the Downtown Business Council, and our continued efforts to market your business and our downtown neighborhood.

Members will be on hand to answer any questions about the Downtown Business Council, and membership applications will be available for anyone who wants to join.

This is an excellent opportunity to network with your downtown peers, and discover what DBC can do for you. Please come by, and bring a friend!

Future mixers will be held throughout the year at various restaurants and clubs in downtown Muncie. Stay tuned for details.

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