
Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Fall Classes at Cornerstone Center for the Arts

Cornerstone Center for the Arts announces that registrations are being accepted for the Fall session. The 12 week session begins September 11th and continues until December 7th. Register by September 5th and receive a discount! Examples of classes include: Making a Rock Band, Hip Hop dance, Blues Band Society, Watercolors, Piano, Ballet, Voice lessons, Musical Theatre, Martial Arts, Digital Photography, American Sign Language, Native American Culture, Film and much more! Classes are available for all ages ? children and adults.

Graciously established by the Robert & Beverly Terhune Donor-Advised Fund, the Arts Adventure Program partners with area community centers, Delaware County Schools, Ball State University, Taylor University, the Muncie Music Center and other community groups to offer 2 semesters of 12-week classes and a summer session in visual arts, movement, cultural and language arts, writing, martial arts, theatre, and music (group and private lessons). The Arts programming has developed to encompass numerous classes for more the 1,500 children and adults annually.
The Fall 2006 semester offers 76 group classes and 9 private lesson specialities through 27 Teaching Artists. Limited financial assistance is considered upon application.

Cornerstone works diligently to publicize our programs to the entire community, welcoming all, regardless of age, race/ethnicity, economic status, or physical ability. With the creation of our tag line, ?Creating Community Connections,? Cornerstone Center for the Arts strives To nurture community connections by providing opportunities for creative expression, educational programs, and events in a historic setting.

Cornerstone Center for the Arts has become intentional in our mission to provide arts programming, activities, and events that are family-friendly, accessible, affordable, and enjoyable to our community.

For the complete brochure or for more information visit our website at HYPERLINK "" or contact Robby Tompkins, Director of Education at HYPERLINK "" or 765.281.9503, ext. 23.

Press Release
For Immediate Release
Date: August 27, 2006
From: Cornerstone Center for the Arts
520 E. Main Street
P.O. Box 454
Muncie, IN 47308-0454
Contact: Robby Tompkins, Director of Education

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