
Monday, February 01, 2010

Paint Story: New Abstracts by Eric Ernstberger at Gordy's in February

Paint Story: New Abstracts by Eric Ernstberger is the featured exhibit this month at Gordy Fine Art in downtown Muncie. The prolific painter, who employs a knife in place of the typical brushes, merges his other interests - landscape architecture and writing - when creating his color-filled works of art. The artist admits to an attraction to drama. "My subjects reflect things I like, things I fear, dreams, and places I've been. Like the drama in a good story, I appreciate the tension of a contradiction or the truth imbedded in an underlying notion."

Abstract art is usually traced back to Picasso and his contemporaries, Braque and Matisse. Their rebellion against traditional painting techniques and nature-derived subject matter took place around 1910. One hundred years later, abstraction in art is still fresh, and still being mined for its treasures of raw energy and intellectual content. Muncie artist, Ernstberger, finds painting with a knife not dissimilar to writing with a pen. "Both represent storytelling exercises, as both can morph fact and fiction and employ the use of modifiers; words are to colors as adjectives are to strokes, or adverbs to hues."

Ernstberger will give a short talk about his work during the First Thursday artist reception on February 4th at 6 PM. Hours of the reception are 5 to 8 PM and the public is invited to attend. Light refreshments will be served. The exhibit may also be viewed throughout the month during normal business hours at the gallery/frame shop: Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 5:30, Saturday, 9 to 3, or by appointment.

Ernstberger is a Principal in the firm, Rundell, Erstberger Associates, LLC, located in downtown Muncie.

Gordy Fine Art and Framing is located at 224 East Main Street. For more information call 765-284-8422 or visit

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