
Friday, March 09, 2007

"I'm Working for MY Red Cross Day"

There is an exciting Red Cross event that will take place in March. It is called "I'm Working for MY Red Cross Day." “I’m Working for MY Red Cross Day” funds will be used to provide hope, food, clothing and shelter for local families affected by disaster as well as provide 24 hour emergency communications for members of the military and their families.

March is a very special month for the Red Cross. Since 1943, when President Franklin Delano Roosevelt declared March Red Cross Month for unparalleled service to the war effort, each sitting President since has signed a proclamation extending the honor. They have done so to call America's attention to the need to support the organization's worldwide humanitarian efforts.

We are so excited about the "I'm Working for MY Red Cross Day" event, we can't wait to share it with you. Our objective is to increase public awareness for all that the Hoosier Heartland Chapter of the American Red Cross is doing in Blackford, Delaware, Fayette, Franklin, Jay, Randolph and Rush Counties, while also empowering people to make a difference in the lives of their families, friends and neighbors. To participate, employer’s chose a day in March giving their employees an opportunity to donate $5 to the Hoosier Heartland Chapter of the American Red Cross. They will be given a button to wear that says “I’m Working for MY Red Cross”. They will also be given a brochure “Be Red Cross Ready” which is a three step plan to prepare for disasters.

Please contact Stephanie LeBlanc at 284-3361 or 1-800-480-4403 or As always, we appreciate your continued interest in the work of the Hoosier Heartland Chapter of the American Red Cross.

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