Downtown Announcements:
About 20 people attended the Downtown Business Council meeting this week. If you missed the meeting, the minutes are available on the Downtown Business Council blog:
DBC members are also encouraged to look over the results of the special planning session, and review the proposed committee plan and goals to be voted on with the officers' election. The outline of that plan is also available on the DBC blog at
Plans are underway for the downtown Holiday Lights event, scheduled for First Thursday, Dec. 7, from 5-9pm. All downtown building owners and/or residents are asked to put clear white lights in their windows, especially on the upper floors. Anyone wishing to volunteer some help for the evening is encouraged to call Downtown Development @ 765 282-7897. For a complete outline of details and help needed, click here:
11th - 2pm, Barbara Lantz will sign copies of her new book, The Return of Chief Joseph, at Danner's Books-Gifts-Yarn on Wheeling Ave. Visit for info.
12 - 2-3:30pm. Cornerstone Center for the Arts' Sunday Sampler Series presents Self Defense, led by Carl Jackson, Sr. For more information about our Sunday Sampler series, please contact Mr. Robby Tompkins, Director of Education at (765) 281-9503.
14th - Minnetrista; Holidays Around the World, appropriate for 4-5 year olds, 4-5pm. This program includes a trip to the exhibit, Children Just Like Me.Registration Deadline is Nov. 10. Call (765) 213-3549 for details.
15th - Minnetrista ; Play Around the World, appropriate for 3 year olds 4-5pm. This program includes a trip to the exhibit, Children Just Like Me.Registration Deadline is Nov. 10. Call (765) 213-3549 for details.
16th - Minnetrista: Celebrations around the World appropriate for 6 & 7 year olds from 4-5pm. This program includes a trip to the exhibit, Children Just Like Me.Registration Deadline is Nov. 10. Call (765) 213-3549 for details.
17th - A Taste of Danner's, from 5 to 8pm. The Book Clubs and Knitting Groups of Danner's invite the public to a special event held to benefit the bookstore, A Taste of Danner's! will feature a smorgasbord of multi-ethnic food and drinks, including wine, cheese, appetizers, entrees, desserts, and more! More info available at Danner's: Books-Gifts-Yarns 1316 North Wheeling Ave. Call 765-288-1122 or visit
18th - Muncie Children’s Museum; free family Saturday 10am-5pm.
18th - Minnetrista; Where the Wind Blows Minn-trip to Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center at Goshen College. Appropriate for adults, 10am-6pm. Registration deadline is Nov. 10. Call (765) 213-3549 for details.
18th - Cornerstone Center for the Arts presents Candy Cane Lane~~crafts, presents, refreshments, entertainment, and photos with Santa: 1-4 pm. For more info, contact Brett Ellison @ 765-281-9503, ext. 53.
19 - Cornerstone Center for the Arts' Sunday Sampler Series presents African Dance 2pm - 3:30pm, and Salsa 3:30pm – 5pm Classes are open to anyone. African Dance taught by Janae Mackins; Salsa taught by Joyce Maxwell – Chenault. For more information about our Sunday Sampler series, please contact Mr. Robby Tompkins, Director of Education at (765) 281-9503.
24th-25th - Santa Claus visits the Muncie Children's Museum. Children will be able to share their list with Santa on Friday, November 24 between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. and on Sunday, November 26 between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Santa visits are free to members and are included in the regular admission cost.
24-25th Muncie Civic Theater presents: Over the River & Through the Woods at 7:30pm. Reservations and ticket sales are available by calling 765-288-PLAY or at
25th - Muncie Children's Museum, 2pm, Snakehead Ed & Friends return by popular demand. Meet ten of Ed's friendly snakes, up close and personal, learning both the facts and myths about snakes. Free to members and is included in the Museum's regular admission price.
26th - Muncie Civic Theater presents: Over the River & Through the Woods at 2:00 pm Reservations and ticket sales are available by calling 765-288-PLAY or at
25th - The Artist Within turns two this month! Stop by Saturday, November 25th for cake and punch and to help us celebrate and to thank you for your support the past two years!
30th Muncie Civic Theater presents: Over the River & Through the Woods at 7:30pm Reservations and ticket sales are available by calling 765-288-PLAY or at
Through November - The Artist Within will feature the artwork of Thomas L. Farris throughout the month of November. His one man show, "IDEA DRIVEN…MEDIA EXPLORATION", runs November 1-25, 2006 with an artist opening reception Thursday, November 2 from 5-8 pm. The upper level gallery will feature the work of two Ball State University seniors. Painting majors Jessica Green and Duncan Ford will exhibit recent works. Jessica will showcase painting done while on her trip to France last summer; Duncan will feature his figure studies. They will also have an artists reception from 5-8 pm on Thursday November 2nd. For more info and calendar, visit
Through November - Gordy Fine Art & Framing Co. features: Sally Myers and Brian Gordy
Through Nov. 30 - ArtWorks features: artist Jeanette Gilbert~~opening reception Thurs. Nov. 2nd 5:30-8:00pm
Through November - MPG Arts features art by Bill Inman. Opening reception on First Thursday Nov. 2.
Through January 22 Minetrista presents: It’s Not Just a Game! Call (765) 213-3549 for details.
1st-2nd - Muncie Civic Theater presents: Over the River & Through the Woods at 7:30pm Reservations and ticket sales are available by calling 765-288-PLAY or at
3rd - Cornerstone Center for the Arts presents: Rag Quilting 2:00-3:30pm and Holiday card making 3:30-5:00pm
7th - Holiday Lights Downtown, 5-9pm. Holiday Carolers, children’s activities and holiday movie, Muncie Symphony League Chili Cook Off, Midwest Writer Book Sale, specialty foods and crafts, street musicians and lots of Downtown cheer! For more info call Downtown Development @ 765 282-7897.
7th - Open House – The Lofts @ Mitchell Place. 301 South Walnut Street. Tour the remaining unsold units and see what everyone is talking about. 5:30PM-7:00PM. Call 765.730.1862 or at for more information.
Dec. 15-17th - Muncie Ballet presents The Children's Nutcracker, attended by over 1600 community children annually. Now in it's 6th year, families have made a tradition of attending this children's holiday classic. Details at
Dec. 15-23 - MUNCIE CIVIC THEATRE will present the inaugural production of its new Family Theatre Workshop Series with THE BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT EVER! by Barbara Robinson. The play will perform on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, December 15, 16, 21, 22 & 23 at 7:30pm as well as on Sunday, December 17 at 2:00pm. The performances will be on the main stage at Muncie Civic Theatre, 216 East Main Street, Muncie, Indiana.
Dec. 20-23 MAIN STREET STUDIO THEATRE will present A CHRISTMAS CABARET on December 20, 21, 22 & 23 at 8:00pm. The performances will be at The Main Street Studio Theatre, 222 East Main Street, Muncie, Indiana. The production is rated G. Reservations and ticket sales are available by calling 765-288-PLAY or at the Box Office. Box Office hours are Tuesday through Friday from 3:00pm to 6:00pm and one hour prior to each performance.
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