
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Downtown Holiday Lights Update

Here is an update from our Downtown Holiday Lights Celebration committee. I have tried to take what we discussed from last Wednesday's meeting and put it into action along with a list of needs and desires. Remember this is a work in progress and is intended to be updated as things are confirmed, added or changed.

If you have information, organizations or activities that can be added to the list, or if you would like to take on an additional responsibility, just cut and paste this list into a new document, make your additions or changes and e-mail to the entire group. Hopefully this will make this outline an evolving document that we all can all work with. Just be sure to use the last outline sent to you, so we don't lose or overlook any changes.

There will be some expense to this event. Do we have any money to work with? Does someone want to approach an underwriter? I think we could do everything included in this outline with about $1000.

The Star Press has committed to some advertising support in addition to the Holiday tab Mark DiFabio is working on. The tab deadline is Wednesday.
I think we can anticipate some assistance from All Access and the reporting staff as well. Carrie will go to work with her marketing magic through the website along with everyone using their own mailing and e-mail resources. Traci has volunteered to do our design work. I have sent our basic info (invitation to participate) to WLBC, Visitors Bureau, Star Press, Daily News, All Access and MuncieDowntown. Hopefully by next week we will be able to send a PR of actual activities to all sources.

We will ask for help where it is missing at the DBC meeting on Wednesday. What else are we missing?

I did not include Ms. Gant from United Insurance...anyone have her e-mail address? If so please forward to all so that we can put her in the loop.

Did we schedule a date for our next meeting? If we did, I can't find it in my notes.

Not a bad start for a weeks worth of work!
Thanks for everything you do!

Cheryl Crowder
Downtown Development

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