
Friday, January 27, 2006

News from Downtown Muncie 1/27/2006

Two important messages from your Downtown Business Council:

1. Please come to the membership meeting next Wednesday, February 1st @ 7:30 in the Star Press first floor conference room. The Mayor will be there to make an important announcement! Come early for coffee and donuts, courtesy The Star Press.

2. Ballots are due in to Genny Gordy by Monday, January 30th, 5 pm for the new Executive Committee members. If you haven't received a ballot, and have paid your dues, please contact Genny immediately at 284-8422. If you'd like to pay your dues ($25 individual; $50 corporate), you may do so at The Blue Bottle (to Tom Steiner, Membership Chair) or at Wishbone Gifts (to Rod Crossland, Treasurer). Then contact Genny for a ballot!


27th-28th Civic Theater presents a contemporary tragi-comedy JOE EGG 8:00pm

28th Muncie Children's Museum at 2 p.m., special guest Sandy (Canter) Rector will use an old quilt to help children learn how quilts celebrate family traditions.

29th Horizon Convention Center: Annual Bridal Show

29th Civic Theater presents a contemporary tragi-comedy JOE EGG 2:00pm

29th Minnestrista 1-4pm Cooking with Fire, Food Perservation


2nd First Thurs. 5pm - 8pm galleries and other businesses are open with new exhibits.

4th Muncie Children's Museum Celebrate Black History Month by embarking on a journey through time at 2 p.m. with Indianapolis author Lois Burnett-Guyinn.

2nd-4th Civic Theater presents a contemporary tragi-comedy JOE EGG 8:00pm

3rd Muncie Children't Museum Family Fun Night 3-7pm


1st-16th Mitchell Place Gallery presents an art exhibit that "tells the stories of 20 courageous Hoosiers living with HIV/AIDS who wanted to go public in this way to help diminish the stigma surrounding the disease."

2nd-28th Gordy's presents: Alan Patrick, "The Indian Creek Drawings" with a portion of the proceeds going to Red-tail Conservancy.

2nd-28th Artist Within features:

2nd-28th Artworks features: The Madison County Chapter of
the Blind. Various works of art.

5th-31st Mitchell Place Gallery: quilt exhibit entitled 8th Deadly Sin The pieces in this part of the exhibit represent sins both silly (wasting time, obsessing on chocolate, leaving the toilet seat up) and serious (religious intolerance, apathy, self-centeredness.

21st- April 15th Cornerstone for the Arts: many workshops, for more information call 281-9503 or visit our website at

Thru Feb. 19th Minnetrista Something Old, New, Borrowed and Blue

Thru April 16 - Minnetrista Hunters of the Sky

Muncie Children's Museum has new daily programs at 3:30 p.m. Don't miss ABC Read with Me, a preschool program, on Tuesdays, Fun Fine Arts on Wednesdays, Creative Crafts on Thursdays, Sensational Science on Fridays and Weekend Wonders on Saturday and Sunday. To learn more, call the Museum at (765) 286-1660.

Minnetrista many tours available: G.A. Ball house, nature and gardens and specialty tours. Call for details.


Weekly emailed newsletter to

For the printed monthly Do It Downtown newsletter in the Star Press, send news to, or call the Downtown Development office at 282-7897.

To have information added to the downtown website, email


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