Gone are the art supplies and old name. Gordy Fine Art and Framing Company is a micro-manufacturer of replica frames, hand gilding, frame restoration and traditional framing services. Growing beyond their initial space, the family of artisans wanted to stay in the downtown art scene. The first requirement for expansion was to use all the space allotted. New heating and cooling systems have recently been installed so, for the first time ever, their entire space will be in use.
"We have talked and dreamed about 'the perfect setup' for our manufacturing needs for probably a decade," confesses Genny, president of the art gallery/frame shop. "The old adage that you have to spend money to make money pinched us into action. It has been a challenge to maintain our current schedule with the old setup and we knew growth would be impossible. Opportunities have presented themselves and we feel we are now ready to capitalize on those."
One of the opportunities the Gordy team is counting on is their induction into the Indiana Artisan project. Brian Gordy was accepted in 2008 for both his watercolors and hand-gilded replica frames, and son, Ben, General Manager, was recently given the award for his own line of gilded frames for artists. They both look forward to the project's first trade show in February in Indianapolis. "To be identified as one of the State artisans is a tremendous honor, of course. But the real opportunity for new markets has far-reaching implications for our bottom line," offers the elder Gordy.
Exhibiting fine art from the Muncie area and beyond has also expanded the original shop's offerings. The last remodeling job in 2004 gained a fifty foot long gallery wall in the showroom upon which dozens of artists have displayed paintings, prints, photographs, drawings, sculptures and ceramics. The display
this month, however, will be the owner's work. Brian Gordy is known for his watercolor paintings, and his recent series of the turtles of White River. He has painted 20 new images in the past year, initially shown in a Bloomington gallery.
Returning to Muncie, the exhibit will be the featured show for the Gordy anniversary month, starting with a public reception during the First Thursday art event on August 6th from 5 to 8 PM. A tour of the production areas will be given by Braydee Euliss, Production Manager, at 6 PM. Cake and sparkling refreshments will be served and participants will be given the opportunity to receive product and service gifts throughout the evening.
The turtle exhibit may also be viewed during normal business hours through August 29th: Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 5:30 PM, Saturday, 9 to 3, or by appointment.
Gordy Fine Art and Framing Company is located at 224 East Main Street in downtown Muncie, next door to Civic Theatre. For more information, call 765-284-8422 or visit www.gordyframing.com or www.TurtlePaintings.com.
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