
Monday, February 02, 2009

Fire Safety Program at MCM Gets A Boost from State Farm Insurance

The Muncie Children's Museum's "Learn Not to Burn" program is gaining an additional educational component that will ensure children are better prepared in the case of an emergency.

On Friday, February 6, 2009, at the Muncie Children's Museum, at 3:30 p.m., Jason May and Bob Lay, two local Muncie insurance agents, will present the Muncie Children's Museum with two 911 phone call simulators.

The 911 phone call simulators allow children to role play a 911 emergency call and learn how to make such a phone call in a calm and constructive manner. The generous gift of two phone call simulators will improve upon the Museum's "Learn Not to Burn" program. The "Learn Not to Burn" program teaches children how to react in the situation of a house fire by learning the appropriate actions to take if they are caught in a house fire.

"The 911 Simulators are going to be a great addition to our Learn Not to Burn program! Not only will we be able to teach children how to react to a fire in a calm and effective manner, we will also be able to teach them how to call and interact with emergency services. I cannot explain how valuable an asset this is to both our museum and the children of our community," Exhibits and Education Director Robert Abner said.

After the presentation of the simulators, there will be opportunities for Museum visitors to try the 911 phone call simulators.

For more information on the Muncie Children's Museum, call (765) 286-1660 or visit

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