Artists find relief after a stressful day at work by slipping into their studios or a corner in a room and totally immersing themselves in creative play. Artists consider working with their hands as an opportunity to express themselves and maintain their sanity. Though living in a world that seems to be out of control, they are in charge in their studios or any space available to create art.
The theme "Occupational Hazards" refers to individuals who have jobs that are risky, hazardess and/or stressful. This exhibit will showcase the artworks created by individuals who are either professional or advocational artists. The media they resort to for self-expression may be the same hazardess material used on their jobs. Their careers vary. They may teach, do auto body repair, hang from scaffolds, work with molten metals, are in management positions or sales. These artists have one thing in common; they seek relief from their hectic jobs by creating their art.
Old National Bank of Muncie originally underwrote the Occupational Hazards Exhibit for several years. This exhibit is once again is being brought to the gallery by popular demand. This event is free and open to the public.
The following artists will have work on display at ArtWorks Gallery for the month of March.
Carol Antrim - Basketry, Anthony Batio - MudPics, Ken Bailey - Photography, Jonathan Becker - Theater Masks, Thurman Grantham - Floral Sculptures and Pens, James R. Jackson - Ceramic Star Trek Masks, Ben Holland - Vintage Camera Lamps, Judy Kreiger Wand - Metals, Don Miller - Photography, Mary Ann Rahe - Ceramic Sculptures and Drawings, Ken Ryden - Bronze Sculptures, Anne Wilson-Miller - Dance Costume Designer, Nancy Wood - Fibers.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Busting Out - The Busts of Twila Graber Beahm at Gallery 308
Twila Graber Beahm, a potter, hopes to make people aware of how women have been
viewed, used and exploited through the ages because of their breasts.
Her current exhibit is done with not only humor at the word play on breasts,
but also with the seriousness of physical abuse, breast cancer,
and the psychological effects of demoralizing comments and ideologies passed down from
generation to generation, and how women have become strong in dealing with those issues and triumphed.
Please join us for this unique Gallery Talk and meet the artist.
When Twila started this project, she thought she was a potter.
Upon completion she, "... realized that I was not the potter, I was the clay."
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Weekly Downtown E-News 2-27-09
"King Corn" will be presented at Muncie Civic Theatre on Saturday, February 28th at 8:00pm. Sponsored by Downtown Farm Stand, Blue Bottle, and Harvest Moon Film Festival. Proceeds will benefit Civic Theatre. READ MORE...
Downtown Muncie will hold the 27th Annual St. Patrick's Day Parade on Saturday March 14th, 2009 at 5:30pm. Deadline for entry is March 12th at 5:00pm. Click Here to download an entry form (PDF), or pick one up from the Downtown Development office at 300 S. Walnut. READ MORE...
New features are added to the new downtown website almost daily, so stay tuned!. Click here to send your friends an e-card from Downtown Muncie!
Read More Downtown News at
February 27 - The new Muncie Arts and Culture Council (MACC) will meet 11:30am to 1pm at Cornerstone Center for the Arts; Bring your own lunch. Anyone with an interest in the arts in Muncie is encouraged to attend.
February 27 - Student critique for "ecoREHAB" architecture class will be Friday, February 27, 1:00-4:00 p.m. in the City Hall auditorium. READ MORE...
February 27 - Joe Paulson at The Living Room. For more info visit
February 27 - Catch Curtis (progressive/electronica) and Karma Marmalade (progressive/rock) at Doc's Downtown. For more info visit
February 28 - Farmers Market at Minnetrista is expanding the season! Join us inside Minnetrista from 9 a.m. to noon. Shop for delicious local meats, cheeses, eggs, honey, produce, coffee, baked goods and more! READ MORE...
February 28 - Music on the Move Programming by the Muncie Symphony Orchestra at Muncie Children's Museum, at 1pm. Admission is free. The day's program will include a performance from the horn section and arts and crafts.
February 28 - "Cool Moves! The Artistry of Motion," themed Friends and Family Fun Night, at the Muncie Children's Museum, from 3 - 7 p.m.! Admission is free.
February 28 - Buley & Ross Community Center Fundraisers Children's Fashion Show, 5-7pm at Cornerstone Center for the Arts, 520 E. Main St.
February 28 - "King Corn," a feature length documentary on the reality behind one of America's most pervasive cash crops, will be presented at Muncie Civic Theatre on Saturday, February 28th at 8:00pm. READ MORE...
February 28 - Blank Records Launch Party featuring Blues Funk Project at Doc's Downtown. For more info visit
On Saturdays - Muncie Ballet is offering Sparkle Salon Days, Each Saturday 9:00-10:00am at Muncie Ballet located in Cornerstone Center for the Arts. READ MORE...
Through February 27 - Cornerstone Arts Gallery will exhibit the work of Ball State University art student Mary Barczak. The show is entitled Periodically, Nothing Happens and there will be a reception during Downtown's First Thursday events on February 5th from 6 to 8 pm. READ MORE...
Through February 27 - Gallery 308, 308 E. Main St. will host a Juried Student Art Exhibit, Grades K - 12, opening Thursday, Feb. 5 and running through Feb. 27. Fourteen art classes representing schools throughout Delaware County are participating. The First Thursday opening reception, 5 - 8 p.m. will feature awards presentations at 6 p.m. READ MORE...
Through February 28 - The Artist Within will exhibit Ball State University Advanced Painting Classes in the main gallery, and the upper level gallery will feature "It's Not Your Mom's Refrigerator Anymore," a juried show with the BSU Art Department Painting Faculty selecting the pieces. An opening reception will be during First Thursday, Feb. 5, from 5 to 8pm.
Through February - Gordy Fine Art & Framing will exhibit David & Sarojini Johnson, BSU professors of printmaking, "Fresh Ink: Recent Etchings, Relief Prints and Artist's Books."
Through February - ArtWorks Gallery will exhibit "Twig Turns to Wood" by Mark Twig. An opening reception will be during First Thursday, Feb. 5, from 5 to 8pm.
Through February - Muncie Children's Museum - Make 'n Take. Included with admission. Come to the MCM every Wednesday and Friday, at 1:00 p.m. Pre-registration is not required.
Through March 1 - Minnetrista proudly welcomes the return of Our Land, Our Souls, Our Freedom to its galleries January 31 - March 1. READ MORE...
Through May 15 - "Cool Moves! The Artistry of Motion!" at the Muncie Children's Museum. READ MORE...
March 3 - Baubles, Bangles and Beads at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. FREE. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 to reserve your seat.
March 4 - Discover the Genealogy of Indiana at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. FREE. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 to reserve your seat.
March 6 -Mike Dean will be at The Living Room playing a full band show on March 6th. Mike Gentry will be opening. Doors open at 8pm, show starts at 8:30pm.
March 6-8 - Muncie Civic Theatre presents Our Town by Thornton Wilder on the Main Stage. Thursday through Saturday performances are at 7:30pm and the Sunday matinee on March 8th is at 2:00pm. READ MORE...
March 7 - Muncie Civic Theatre will be having auditions for actors on Saturday, March 7th at 1:00pm, for Mainstage and Studio shows. READ MORE...
March 10 - Celebration of Muncie's Preserve America status at 6:00 p.m. at Vera Mae's Bistro. READ MORE...
March 11 - Muncie on the Move at the Horizon Convention Center. Doors open 6:45am. Program begins at 7:30, ends at 8:30am.
March 11 - Climate Changes at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. FREE. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 to reserve your seat.
March 12-14 - Muncie Civic Theatre presents Our Town by Thornton Wilder on the Main Stageat 7:30pm. READ MORE...
March 13 - Brown Bag Lunch and a Movie at the Community Center for Vital Aging, featuring "Finding Nemo" with Albert Brooks and Ellen Degeneres, Noon-2pm. Cost is free. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 for more information.
March 14 - Cornerstone will offer visual arts workshops for individuals and for families from 2-4:00pm, and will include two options - family albums and garden ornaments. READ MORE...
March 16 - Exploring Local and Family History at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. FREE. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 to reserve your seat.
March 17 - Taste of Jordan at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. A small fee will be charged to participate. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 for more information.
March 19 - Gallery 308 Living Arts Series Presents Busting Out - The Busts of Twila Graber Beahm, at 7:00 PM in the Founders Gallery at Gallery 308, 308 E. Main St. Muncie IN.
March 19 - Craft Seminar for Easter and spring at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. A small fee will be charged. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 to reserve your seat.
March 20 -Cameron Sprinkle and David Lowry will be playing at The Living Room. Doors open at 8pm, show starts at 8:30pm.
March 20-21 - Muncie Civic Theatre presents Our Town by Thornton Wilder on the Main Stageat 7:30pm. READ MORE...
March 23 - Girls Night Out at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. A small fee will be charged. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 to reserve your seat.
March 25 - A Night at the Movies: Paul Newman - A Legend and a Legacy at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. FREE. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 to reserve your seat.
March 28 - Farmers Market at Minnetrista is expanding the season! Join us inside Minnetrista from 9 a.m. to noon. Shop for delicious local meats, cheeses, eggs, honey, produce, coffee, baked goods and more! READ MORE...
March 31 - Meeting the First Ladies at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. A small fee will be charged. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 to reserve your seat.
Through March - The Artist Within will feature "Moving Forward with Hope" an exhibit of recent work by local artist Laurie Lunsford. An opening reception will be held First Thursday March 5, 2009 from 5-8pm. Music for the opening will be provided by a live drum circle where visitors will be encouraged to participate. Nathan Shew, a graduate student in Music at BSU will lead the drum circle. READ MORE...
Through March - Gordy Fine Art and Framing Company will host an exhibition in March by retired Ball State University Professor of Biology, Ed Hale. Serigraph prints and metal sculptures depicting laboratory instruments, experiments or science phenomenon will be included in the month-long exhibit at the downtown gallery. An opening reception for the artist will be held on Thursday, March 5th from 5 to 8 PM. READ MORE...
Beginning March 9 - Cornerstone Center for the Arts will be offering several popular dance, visual art, and language classes in a six week session. READ MORE...
Through May 15 - "Cool Moves! The Artistry of Motion!" at the Muncie Children's Museum. READ MORE...
April 4 - Cornerstone will offer visual arts workshops for individuals and for families from 2-4:00pm, and will include two options - kite making and greeting cards. READ MORE...
April 4 - Meridian Services is sponsoring a walk on April 4 Saturday at Worthen Arena, 8:30-11:30 to promote Prevention of Child Abuse Awareness. Community agencies and services will have booths for information and activities. Further information can be had by contacting Eileen Moore at Meridian Services - Suzanne Gresham Center 288-1928.
April 16 - Chamber Connect Speed Networking, 2:00--4:00pm at the Horizon Convention Center. Reservations Required, bring plenty of business cards! For reservations contact Nance Buchert at 765-751-9114, nbuchert [at] muncie [dot] com.
April 17 & 18 - Muncie Ballet Studio presents Alice in Wonderland @ 4 pm. Visit for info.
April 25 - Farmers Market at Minnetrista is expanding the season! Join us inside Minnetrista from 9 a.m. to noon. Shop for delicious local meats, cheeses, eggs, honey, produce, coffee, baked goods and more! READ MORE...
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Downtown Muncie will hold the 27th Annual St. Patrick's Day Parade on Saturday March 14th, 2009 at 5:30pm. Deadline for entry is March 12th at 5:00pm. Click Here to download an entry form (PDF), or pick one up from the Downtown Development office at 300 S. Walnut. READ MORE...
New features are added to the new downtown website almost daily, so stay tuned!. Click here to send your friends an e-card from Downtown Muncie!
Read More Downtown News at
February 27 - The new Muncie Arts and Culture Council (MACC) will meet 11:30am to 1pm at Cornerstone Center for the Arts; Bring your own lunch. Anyone with an interest in the arts in Muncie is encouraged to attend.
February 27 - Student critique for "ecoREHAB" architecture class will be Friday, February 27, 1:00-4:00 p.m. in the City Hall auditorium. READ MORE...
February 27 - Joe Paulson at The Living Room. For more info visit
February 27 - Catch Curtis (progressive/electronica) and Karma Marmalade (progressive/rock) at Doc's Downtown. For more info visit
February 28 - Farmers Market at Minnetrista is expanding the season! Join us inside Minnetrista from 9 a.m. to noon. Shop for delicious local meats, cheeses, eggs, honey, produce, coffee, baked goods and more! READ MORE...
February 28 - Music on the Move Programming by the Muncie Symphony Orchestra at Muncie Children's Museum, at 1pm. Admission is free. The day's program will include a performance from the horn section and arts and crafts.
February 28 - "Cool Moves! The Artistry of Motion," themed Friends and Family Fun Night, at the Muncie Children's Museum, from 3 - 7 p.m.! Admission is free.
February 28 - Buley & Ross Community Center Fundraisers Children's Fashion Show, 5-7pm at Cornerstone Center for the Arts, 520 E. Main St.
February 28 - "King Corn," a feature length documentary on the reality behind one of America's most pervasive cash crops, will be presented at Muncie Civic Theatre on Saturday, February 28th at 8:00pm. READ MORE...
February 28 - Blank Records Launch Party featuring Blues Funk Project at Doc's Downtown. For more info visit
On Saturdays - Muncie Ballet is offering Sparkle Salon Days, Each Saturday 9:00-10:00am at Muncie Ballet located in Cornerstone Center for the Arts. READ MORE...
Through February 27 - Cornerstone Arts Gallery will exhibit the work of Ball State University art student Mary Barczak. The show is entitled Periodically, Nothing Happens and there will be a reception during Downtown's First Thursday events on February 5th from 6 to 8 pm. READ MORE...
Through February 27 - Gallery 308, 308 E. Main St. will host a Juried Student Art Exhibit, Grades K - 12, opening Thursday, Feb. 5 and running through Feb. 27. Fourteen art classes representing schools throughout Delaware County are participating. The First Thursday opening reception, 5 - 8 p.m. will feature awards presentations at 6 p.m. READ MORE...
Through February 28 - The Artist Within will exhibit Ball State University Advanced Painting Classes in the main gallery, and the upper level gallery will feature "It's Not Your Mom's Refrigerator Anymore," a juried show with the BSU Art Department Painting Faculty selecting the pieces. An opening reception will be during First Thursday, Feb. 5, from 5 to 8pm.
Through February - Gordy Fine Art & Framing will exhibit David & Sarojini Johnson, BSU professors of printmaking, "Fresh Ink: Recent Etchings, Relief Prints and Artist's Books."
Through February - ArtWorks Gallery will exhibit "Twig Turns to Wood" by Mark Twig. An opening reception will be during First Thursday, Feb. 5, from 5 to 8pm.
Through February - Muncie Children's Museum - Make 'n Take. Included with admission. Come to the MCM every Wednesday and Friday, at 1:00 p.m. Pre-registration is not required.
Through March 1 - Minnetrista proudly welcomes the return of Our Land, Our Souls, Our Freedom to its galleries January 31 - March 1. READ MORE...
Through May 15 - "Cool Moves! The Artistry of Motion!" at the Muncie Children's Museum. READ MORE...
March 3 - Baubles, Bangles and Beads at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. FREE. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 to reserve your seat.
March 4 - Discover the Genealogy of Indiana at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. FREE. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 to reserve your seat.
March 6 -Mike Dean will be at The Living Room playing a full band show on March 6th. Mike Gentry will be opening. Doors open at 8pm, show starts at 8:30pm.
March 6-8 - Muncie Civic Theatre presents Our Town by Thornton Wilder on the Main Stage. Thursday through Saturday performances are at 7:30pm and the Sunday matinee on March 8th is at 2:00pm. READ MORE...
March 7 - Muncie Civic Theatre will be having auditions for actors on Saturday, March 7th at 1:00pm, for Mainstage and Studio shows. READ MORE...
March 10 - Celebration of Muncie's Preserve America status at 6:00 p.m. at Vera Mae's Bistro. READ MORE...
March 11 - Muncie on the Move at the Horizon Convention Center. Doors open 6:45am. Program begins at 7:30, ends at 8:30am.
March 11 - Climate Changes at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. FREE. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 to reserve your seat.
March 12-14 - Muncie Civic Theatre presents Our Town by Thornton Wilder on the Main Stageat 7:30pm. READ MORE...
March 13 - Brown Bag Lunch and a Movie at the Community Center for Vital Aging, featuring "Finding Nemo" with Albert Brooks and Ellen Degeneres, Noon-2pm. Cost is free. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 for more information.
March 14 - Cornerstone will offer visual arts workshops for individuals and for families from 2-4:00pm, and will include two options - family albums and garden ornaments. READ MORE...
March 16 - Exploring Local and Family History at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. FREE. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 to reserve your seat.
March 17 - Taste of Jordan at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. A small fee will be charged to participate. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 for more information.
March 19 - Gallery 308 Living Arts Series Presents Busting Out - The Busts of Twila Graber Beahm, at 7:00 PM in the Founders Gallery at Gallery 308, 308 E. Main St. Muncie IN.
March 19 - Craft Seminar for Easter and spring at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. A small fee will be charged. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 to reserve your seat.
March 20 -Cameron Sprinkle and David Lowry will be playing at The Living Room. Doors open at 8pm, show starts at 8:30pm.
March 20-21 - Muncie Civic Theatre presents Our Town by Thornton Wilder on the Main Stageat 7:30pm. READ MORE...
March 23 - Girls Night Out at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. A small fee will be charged. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 to reserve your seat.
March 25 - A Night at the Movies: Paul Newman - A Legend and a Legacy at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. FREE. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 to reserve your seat.
March 28 - Farmers Market at Minnetrista is expanding the season! Join us inside Minnetrista from 9 a.m. to noon. Shop for delicious local meats, cheeses, eggs, honey, produce, coffee, baked goods and more! READ MORE...
March 31 - Meeting the First Ladies at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. A small fee will be charged. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 to reserve your seat.
Through March - The Artist Within will feature "Moving Forward with Hope" an exhibit of recent work by local artist Laurie Lunsford. An opening reception will be held First Thursday March 5, 2009 from 5-8pm. Music for the opening will be provided by a live drum circle where visitors will be encouraged to participate. Nathan Shew, a graduate student in Music at BSU will lead the drum circle. READ MORE...
Through March - Gordy Fine Art and Framing Company will host an exhibition in March by retired Ball State University Professor of Biology, Ed Hale. Serigraph prints and metal sculptures depicting laboratory instruments, experiments or science phenomenon will be included in the month-long exhibit at the downtown gallery. An opening reception for the artist will be held on Thursday, March 5th from 5 to 8 PM. READ MORE...
Beginning March 9 - Cornerstone Center for the Arts will be offering several popular dance, visual art, and language classes in a six week session. READ MORE...
Through May 15 - "Cool Moves! The Artistry of Motion!" at the Muncie Children's Museum. READ MORE...
April 4 - Cornerstone will offer visual arts workshops for individuals and for families from 2-4:00pm, and will include two options - kite making and greeting cards. READ MORE...
April 4 - Meridian Services is sponsoring a walk on April 4 Saturday at Worthen Arena, 8:30-11:30 to promote Prevention of Child Abuse Awareness. Community agencies and services will have booths for information and activities. Further information can be had by contacting Eileen Moore at Meridian Services - Suzanne Gresham Center 288-1928.
April 16 - Chamber Connect Speed Networking, 2:00--4:00pm at the Horizon Convention Center. Reservations Required, bring plenty of business cards! For reservations contact Nance Buchert at 765-751-9114, nbuchert [at] muncie [dot] com.
April 17 & 18 - Muncie Ballet Studio presents Alice in Wonderland @ 4 pm. Visit for info.
April 25 - Farmers Market at Minnetrista is expanding the season! Join us inside Minnetrista from 9 a.m. to noon. Shop for delicious local meats, cheeses, eggs, honey, produce, coffee, baked goods and more! READ MORE...
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Thursday, February 26, 2009
Open Auditions at Muncie Civic Theatre
Muncie Civic Theatre will be having auditions for actors on Saturday, March 7th at 1:00pm, for Mainstage and Studio shows.
The shows being cast are Blues Clues, Torch Song Trilogy, and The Vagina Monologues. There are roles available for children and adults in Blues Clues and roles for adults in Torch Song Trilogy and The Vagina Monologues.
Please be prepared to recite a monologue or personal short story. Anyone interested in volunteering in design and crew positions should also attend to learn about the exciting opportunities.
Auditions will be held at Muncie Civic Theatre, 216 E. Main St. Muncie, IN 47305.
Visit us online at or call 288.PLAY for season information.
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The shows being cast are Blues Clues, Torch Song Trilogy, and The Vagina Monologues. There are roles available for children and adults in Blues Clues and roles for adults in Torch Song Trilogy and The Vagina Monologues.
Please be prepared to recite a monologue or personal short story. Anyone interested in volunteering in design and crew positions should also attend to learn about the exciting opportunities.
Auditions will be held at Muncie Civic Theatre, 216 E. Main St. Muncie, IN 47305.
Visit us online at or call 288.PLAY for season information.
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"Cool Moves" Theme at MCM Friends and Family Fun Night
Show us your moves while you take part in the "Cool Moves! The Artistry of Motion," themed Friends and Family Fun Night, at the Muncie Children's Museum, on March 6, 2009, from 3 - 7 p.m.! Admission is free.
March's Friends and Family Fun Night will be focused around the MCM's new traveling exhibit, "Cool Moves! The Artistry of Motion"! Come to the MCM March 6, to make "spin art" in the MCM's Make 'n Take, make a rainbow streamer craft, take part in experiments with the Spouting Bowl and explore "Cool Moves!".
Underwriting for Friends and Family Fun Night is provided by the Edmund F. & Virginia B. Ball Foundation.
For more information on March's Friends and Family Fun Night, call (765) 286-1660 or visit
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March's Friends and Family Fun Night will be focused around the MCM's new traveling exhibit, "Cool Moves! The Artistry of Motion"! Come to the MCM March 6, to make "spin art" in the MCM's Make 'n Take, make a rainbow streamer craft, take part in experiments with the Spouting Bowl and explore "Cool Moves!".
Underwriting for Friends and Family Fun Night is provided by the Edmund F. & Virginia B. Ball Foundation.
For more information on March's Friends and Family Fun Night, call (765) 286-1660 or visit
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Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Laurie Lunsford Exhibit at The Artist Within Through March
Laurie uses her entrepreneurial skills in creating products and in writing, art and music. Creativity has been woven into every part of her teaching, parenting, homemaking, and singleness. She has 3 grown sons. Her degrees are from Ball State University in teaching and art. She believes that art, music, and creative expression can bring healing. She is now working on a gerontology certificate at BSU and hopes to use her creativity more and more with the elderly.
An opening reception will be held First Thursday March 5, 2009 from 5-8pm. Music for the opening will be provided by a live drum circle where visitors will be encouraged to participate. Through this type of recreational music, you can find your own beat and fit it in with the others in the group. Nathan Shew, a graduate student in Music at BSU will lead the drum circle.
Light refreshments will be served along with a coffee bar from Alliance World Coffees.
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Muncie Historic Preservation Events
Student critique for "ecoREHAB" architecture class will be Friday, February 27, 1:00-4:00 p.m. in the City Hall auditorium.
As some of you know, we have been working to form a new non-profit organization to demonstrate affordable & sustainable rehabilitation of existing homes. "ecoREHAB" will partner with the city, Ball State University, and Historic Landmarks Foundation to rehab houses and to create a Design Assistance Center for homeowners. Already, Jonathan Spodek is teaching an architecture studio which revolves around ecoREHAB. The students have field measured a dozen homes from our unsafe buildings, drawn plans and elevations and assessed existing conditions. On Friday they will present conceptual designs for the rehab of these homes.
Please come for all or part of the "crits," see what the students have come up with, and give them feedback. The review is informal, so pop in whenever you have time, and stay for the afternoon or five minutes. Bring anyone else who may have an interest.
Preserve America
Celebration of Preserve America status: Tuesday, March 10, 6:00 p.m. at Vera Mae's Bistro
Dr. James Glass, Director, Indiana Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology, will help us celebrate our Preserve America designation. We received Preserve America status on December 12 from Laura Bush, outgoing First Lady and Honorary Chair of the Preserve America program. The Mayor will unveil a Preserve America road sign. We'll provide some snacks and a cash bar.
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As some of you know, we have been working to form a new non-profit organization to demonstrate affordable & sustainable rehabilitation of existing homes. "ecoREHAB" will partner with the city, Ball State University, and Historic Landmarks Foundation to rehab houses and to create a Design Assistance Center for homeowners. Already, Jonathan Spodek is teaching an architecture studio which revolves around ecoREHAB. The students have field measured a dozen homes from our unsafe buildings, drawn plans and elevations and assessed existing conditions. On Friday they will present conceptual designs for the rehab of these homes.
Please come for all or part of the "crits," see what the students have come up with, and give them feedback. The review is informal, so pop in whenever you have time, and stay for the afternoon or five minutes. Bring anyone else who may have an interest.
Preserve America
Celebration of Preserve America status: Tuesday, March 10, 6:00 p.m. at Vera Mae's Bistro
Dr. James Glass, Director, Indiana Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology, will help us celebrate our Preserve America designation. We received Preserve America status on December 12 from Laura Bush, outgoing First Lady and Honorary Chair of the Preserve America program. The Mayor will unveil a Preserve America road sign. We'll provide some snacks and a cash bar.
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Important Meeting About Downtown Muncie on Wednesday
All friends and supporters of Downtown Muncie Indiana are invited to attend the Downtown Business Council meeting on Wednesday, February 25, at 3pm in the Star-Press building conference room.
This is a very important meeting, as we will hold discussion on combining our organization with the Heart of the City organization, in pursuit of the Main Street Program designation for Downtown Muncie.
Note: you don't have to be a downtown business to attend this meeting - anyone with an interest in Downtown Muncie is urged to attend this important meeting!
Our intent in joining forces is to create a unified environment, eliminate redundancy, and take advantage of funding opportunities made possible through the Main Street program and Heart of the City's not-for-profit status.
The floor will be open to discussion on this matter. We want to hear your opinions, questions and concerns so that we may proceed in the best interest of Downtown as a community.
A public meeting and presentation on the Main Street Program will be announced at a later date.
Community building is our ultimate goal in pursuing these opportunities. Consequently, community input is vital. We urge you to attend this and future meetings, and ask you to help spread the word. We will keep you involved and informed throughout the process.
Muncie Downtown Business Council
Board of Directors
Carey Hays, President
Dan Canan, Vice-President
Bruce Law, Secretary
Jason Allardt, Treasurer
Dave Ring, Board Member
Mike Martin, Board Member
Bob Hartley, Board Member
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Downtown Business Council Statement of Purpose "The primary purpose of the Muncie Downtown Business Council is to create and maintain an environment for growth and expansion of businesses in the downtown area of Muncie, Indiana"
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This is a very important meeting, as we will hold discussion on combining our organization with the Heart of the City organization, in pursuit of the Main Street Program designation for Downtown Muncie.
Note: you don't have to be a downtown business to attend this meeting - anyone with an interest in Downtown Muncie is urged to attend this important meeting!
Our intent in joining forces is to create a unified environment, eliminate redundancy, and take advantage of funding opportunities made possible through the Main Street program and Heart of the City's not-for-profit status.
The floor will be open to discussion on this matter. We want to hear your opinions, questions and concerns so that we may proceed in the best interest of Downtown as a community.
A public meeting and presentation on the Main Street Program will be announced at a later date.
Community building is our ultimate goal in pursuing these opportunities. Consequently, community input is vital. We urge you to attend this and future meetings, and ask you to help spread the word. We will keep you involved and informed throughout the process.
Muncie Downtown Business Council
Board of Directors
Carey Hays, President
Dan Canan, Vice-President
Bruce Law, Secretary
Jason Allardt, Treasurer
Dave Ring, Board Member
Mike Martin, Board Member
Bob Hartley, Board Member
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Downtown Business Council Statement of Purpose "The primary purpose of the Muncie Downtown Business Council is to create and maintain an environment for growth and expansion of businesses in the downtown area of Muncie, Indiana"
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Weekly Downtown E-News 2-20-09
Muncie Mardi Gras is set for Saturday, Feb. 21st, and the full entertainment lineup is posted on the Muncie Gras web page. You can also find Muncie Gras info on MYSPACE, FACEBOOK and TWITTER.
Mark your calendars for next Wednesday - the Muncie Downtown Business Council will hold a very important meeting on Wednesday, February 25th, at 3pm in the Star Press building conference room. We will hold discussion on combining our organization with the Heart of the City organization, in pursuit of the Main Street Program designation for Downtown Muncie. We want to hear your opinions, questions and concerns so that we may proceed in the best interest of Downtown as a community. Any and all supporters of Downtown Muncie are encouraged to attend this meeting, so please help spread the word! A detailed announcement will be sent by email on Monday. A public meeting and presentation on the Main Street Program will be announced at a later date.
Read More Downtown News at
February 20 - The Bears of Blue River, Rodeo Ruby Love, and Eric Alexander will play an all-ages show at Cornerstone Center for the Arts on February 20th at 8.p.m. READ MORE...
February 20 - Open mic night at The Living Room. For more info visit
February 20 - Project Hero and Losing September at Doc's Music Hall. Visit for info.
February 20-21 - Smoke on the Mountain at Muncie Civic's Main Street Studio Theatre. READ MORE...
February 21 - Muncie Gras in the streets of downtown Muncie! Check for regular updates, subscribe to the RSS feed, and search for the event listing on MySpace and Facebook.
February 21 - Cosmic Railroad at Doc's Music Hall. Visit for info.
February 22 - Sundays with Jazz at Vera Mae's featuring Larry McWilliams and Friends. For more info call 747-3439 or visit
February 23 - Relax with Reflexology at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. Cost is free but space is limited. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 to reserve your seat.
February 23 - Muncie Ballet Studio welcomes the return of Valery Lantratov, artistic director, Russian National Ballet foundation, and Laura Lee author of "A Child's Introduction to Ballet" to Muncie Ballet. READ MORE...
February 25 - Downtown Business Council will meet at 3pm in the Star Press building conference room. New Board of Directors and Officers will be introduced, and an update will be given on the Main Street Program.
February 25 - Beginning Indian Cooking at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. A small fee will be charged to participate. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 to reserve your seat.
February 26 - Craft Seminar featuring crafts for St. Patrick's Day at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. A small fee will be charged to participate. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 to reserve your seat.
February 26 - The Broderick at Doc's Music Hall. Visit for info.
February 27 - Joe Paulson at The Living Room. For more info visit
February 28 - "King Corn," a feature length documentary on the reality behind one of America's most pervasive cash crops, will be presented at Muncie Civic Theatre on Saturday, February 28th at 8:00pm. READ MORE...
February 28 - Farmers Market at Minnetrista is expanding the season! Join us inside Minnetrista from 9 a.m. to noon. Shop for delicious local meats, cheeses, eggs, honey, produce, coffee, baked goods and more! READ MORE...
On Saturdays - Muncie Ballet is offering Sparkle Salon Days, Each Saturday 9:00-10:00am at Muncie Ballet located in Cornerstone Center for the Arts. READ MORE...
Every Monday - Jazz at the Fickle Peach features Charlie Owen on drums, Paul Rhine on double-bass and flute, and Phil Cooley on Piano. They perform every Monday night from 9 to 11.
Through February 27 - Cornerstone Arts Gallery will exhibit the work of Ball State University art student Mary Barczak. The show is entitled Periodically, Nothing Happens and there will be a reception during Downtown's First Thursday events on February 5th from 6 to 8 pm. READ MORE...
Through February 27 - Gallery 308, 308 E. Main St. will host a Juried Student Art Exhibit, Grades K - 12, opening Thursday, Feb. 5 and running through Feb. 27. Fourteen art classes representing schools throughout Delaware County are participating. The First Thursday opening reception, 5 - 8 p.m. will feature awards presentations at 6 p.m. READ MORE...
Through February 28 - The Artist Within will exhibit Ball State University Advanced Painting Classes in the main gallery, and the upper level gallery will feature "It's Not Your Mom's Refrigerator Anymore," a juried show with the BSU Art Department Painting Faculty selecting the pieces. An opening reception will be during First Thursday, Feb. 5, from 5 to 8pm.
Through February - Gordy Fine Art & Framing will exhibit David & Sarojini Johnson, BSU professors of printmaking, "Fresh Ink: Recent Etchings, Relief Prints and Artist's Books."
Through February - ArtWorks Gallery will exhibit "Twig Turns to Wood" by Mark Twig. An opening reception will be during First Thursday, Feb. 5, from 5 to 8pm.
Through February - Muncie Children's Museum - Make 'n Take. Included with admission. Come to the MCM every Wednesday and Friday, at 1:00 p.m. Pre-registration is not required.
Through March - Minnetrista proudly welcomes the return of Our Land, Our Souls, Our Freedom to its galleries January 31 - March 1. READ MORE...
Through May 15 - There is an exciting traveling exhibit opening at the Muncie Children's Museum, Tuesday, February 17, 2009, "Cool Moves! The Artistry of Motion!" READ MORE...
March at the Artist Within will feature "Moving Forward with Hope" an exhibit of recent work by local artist Laurie Lunsford. An opening reception will be held First Thursday March 5, 2009 from 5-8pm. Music for the opening will be provided by a live drum circle where visitors will be encouraged to participate. Nathan Shew, a graduate student in Music at BSU will lead the drum circle.
March 6-8 - Muncie Civic Theatre presents Our Town by Thornton Wilder on the Main Stage. Thursday through Saturday performances are at 7:30pm and the Sunday matinee on March 8th is at 2:00pm. READ MORE...
March 12-14 - Muncie Civic Theatre presents Our Town by Thornton Wilder on the Main Stageat 7:30pm. READ MORE...
March 20-21 - Muncie Civic Theatre presents Our Town by Thornton Wilder on the Main Stageat 7:30pm. READ MORE...
March 28 - Farmers Market at Minnetrista is expanding the season! Join us inside Minnetrista from 9 a.m. to noon. Shop for delicious local meats, cheeses, eggs, honey, produce, coffee, baked goods and more! READ MORE...
April 17 & 18 - Muncie Ballet Studio presents Alice in Wonderland @ 4 pm. Visit for info.
April 25 - Farmers Market at Minnetrista is expanding the season! Join us inside Minnetrista from 9 a.m. to noon. Shop for delicious local meats, cheeses, eggs, honey, produce, coffee, baked goods and more! READ MORE...
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Mark your calendars for next Wednesday - the Muncie Downtown Business Council will hold a very important meeting on Wednesday, February 25th, at 3pm in the Star Press building conference room. We will hold discussion on combining our organization with the Heart of the City organization, in pursuit of the Main Street Program designation for Downtown Muncie. We want to hear your opinions, questions and concerns so that we may proceed in the best interest of Downtown as a community. Any and all supporters of Downtown Muncie are encouraged to attend this meeting, so please help spread the word! A detailed announcement will be sent by email on Monday. A public meeting and presentation on the Main Street Program will be announced at a later date.
Read More Downtown News at
February 20 - The Bears of Blue River, Rodeo Ruby Love, and Eric Alexander will play an all-ages show at Cornerstone Center for the Arts on February 20th at 8.p.m. READ MORE...
February 20 - Open mic night at The Living Room. For more info visit
February 20 - Project Hero and Losing September at Doc's Music Hall. Visit for info.
February 20-21 - Smoke on the Mountain at Muncie Civic's Main Street Studio Theatre. READ MORE...
February 21 - Muncie Gras in the streets of downtown Muncie! Check for regular updates, subscribe to the RSS feed, and search for the event listing on MySpace and Facebook.
February 21 - Cosmic Railroad at Doc's Music Hall. Visit for info.
February 22 - Sundays with Jazz at Vera Mae's featuring Larry McWilliams and Friends. For more info call 747-3439 or visit
February 23 - Relax with Reflexology at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. Cost is free but space is limited. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 to reserve your seat.
February 23 - Muncie Ballet Studio welcomes the return of Valery Lantratov, artistic director, Russian National Ballet foundation, and Laura Lee author of "A Child's Introduction to Ballet" to Muncie Ballet. READ MORE...
February 25 - Downtown Business Council will meet at 3pm in the Star Press building conference room. New Board of Directors and Officers will be introduced, and an update will be given on the Main Street Program.
February 25 - Beginning Indian Cooking at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. A small fee will be charged to participate. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 to reserve your seat.
February 26 - Craft Seminar featuring crafts for St. Patrick's Day at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. A small fee will be charged to participate. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 to reserve your seat.
February 26 - The Broderick at Doc's Music Hall. Visit for info.
February 27 - Joe Paulson at The Living Room. For more info visit
February 28 - "King Corn," a feature length documentary on the reality behind one of America's most pervasive cash crops, will be presented at Muncie Civic Theatre on Saturday, February 28th at 8:00pm. READ MORE...
February 28 - Farmers Market at Minnetrista is expanding the season! Join us inside Minnetrista from 9 a.m. to noon. Shop for delicious local meats, cheeses, eggs, honey, produce, coffee, baked goods and more! READ MORE...
On Saturdays - Muncie Ballet is offering Sparkle Salon Days, Each Saturday 9:00-10:00am at Muncie Ballet located in Cornerstone Center for the Arts. READ MORE...
Every Monday - Jazz at the Fickle Peach features Charlie Owen on drums, Paul Rhine on double-bass and flute, and Phil Cooley on Piano. They perform every Monday night from 9 to 11.
Through February 27 - Cornerstone Arts Gallery will exhibit the work of Ball State University art student Mary Barczak. The show is entitled Periodically, Nothing Happens and there will be a reception during Downtown's First Thursday events on February 5th from 6 to 8 pm. READ MORE...
Through February 27 - Gallery 308, 308 E. Main St. will host a Juried Student Art Exhibit, Grades K - 12, opening Thursday, Feb. 5 and running through Feb. 27. Fourteen art classes representing schools throughout Delaware County are participating. The First Thursday opening reception, 5 - 8 p.m. will feature awards presentations at 6 p.m. READ MORE...
Through February 28 - The Artist Within will exhibit Ball State University Advanced Painting Classes in the main gallery, and the upper level gallery will feature "It's Not Your Mom's Refrigerator Anymore," a juried show with the BSU Art Department Painting Faculty selecting the pieces. An opening reception will be during First Thursday, Feb. 5, from 5 to 8pm.
Through February - Gordy Fine Art & Framing will exhibit David & Sarojini Johnson, BSU professors of printmaking, "Fresh Ink: Recent Etchings, Relief Prints and Artist's Books."
Through February - ArtWorks Gallery will exhibit "Twig Turns to Wood" by Mark Twig. An opening reception will be during First Thursday, Feb. 5, from 5 to 8pm.
Through February - Muncie Children's Museum - Make 'n Take. Included with admission. Come to the MCM every Wednesday and Friday, at 1:00 p.m. Pre-registration is not required.
Through March - Minnetrista proudly welcomes the return of Our Land, Our Souls, Our Freedom to its galleries January 31 - March 1. READ MORE...
Through May 15 - There is an exciting traveling exhibit opening at the Muncie Children's Museum, Tuesday, February 17, 2009, "Cool Moves! The Artistry of Motion!" READ MORE...
March at the Artist Within will feature "Moving Forward with Hope" an exhibit of recent work by local artist Laurie Lunsford. An opening reception will be held First Thursday March 5, 2009 from 5-8pm. Music for the opening will be provided by a live drum circle where visitors will be encouraged to participate. Nathan Shew, a graduate student in Music at BSU will lead the drum circle.
March 6-8 - Muncie Civic Theatre presents Our Town by Thornton Wilder on the Main Stage. Thursday through Saturday performances are at 7:30pm and the Sunday matinee on March 8th is at 2:00pm. READ MORE...
March 12-14 - Muncie Civic Theatre presents Our Town by Thornton Wilder on the Main Stageat 7:30pm. READ MORE...
March 20-21 - Muncie Civic Theatre presents Our Town by Thornton Wilder on the Main Stageat 7:30pm. READ MORE...
March 28 - Farmers Market at Minnetrista is expanding the season! Join us inside Minnetrista from 9 a.m. to noon. Shop for delicious local meats, cheeses, eggs, honey, produce, coffee, baked goods and more! READ MORE...
April 17 & 18 - Muncie Ballet Studio presents Alice in Wonderland @ 4 pm. Visit for info.
April 25 - Farmers Market at Minnetrista is expanding the season! Join us inside Minnetrista from 9 a.m. to noon. Shop for delicious local meats, cheeses, eggs, honey, produce, coffee, baked goods and more! READ MORE...
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Monday, February 23, 2009
Art Meets Science in New Exhibit at Gordy's
An opening reception for the artist will be held on Thursday, March 5th from 5 to 8 PM. Light refreshments will be served and the public is invited to attend and meet the artist. The exhibit may also be viewed throughout March during normal business hours: Monday-Friday, 9 AM to 5:30 PM, Saturday, 9 to 3.
Brightly colored squiggles and geometric shapes march across the print titled, "Restriction Enzyme." The tidy arrangement belies the fact that the image represents something specific to scientists; art patrons would most likely appreciate it for its aesthetic qualities. Neon lights, crop circles and electric circuitry all come to mind. The repeating circles, squares, triangles recede into a wallpaper effect. Other prints seem related, but distinctly different in voice. Each reaches out to the viewer in simple terms, profound reference.
Like the prints, Hale's sculptures represent DNA and other scientific images, but seem naturally beautiful to the unscientific eye. Rhythmic and almost musical, the metal forms swirl upward in graceful tempo, recalling spiral staircases or flowing ribbons. According to his artist statement, Hale created one of the sculptures "to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the determination of the structure of DNA."
Gordy Fine Art and Framing is located at 224 East Main Street in downtown Muncie. For more information, call 765-284-8422 or visit
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Friday, February 20, 2009
Minnetrista Launches New Theatre and Outreach Program
Minnetrista Theatre Preserves is a new program that provides theatrical performances that address educational standards. Using props, costumes, sets, and professional actors, students will be excited to watch performances weave around textbook subjects. Best of all, Minnetrista Theatre Preserves brings the action to the schools as a travelling program. To kick it off Minnetrista Theatre Preserves is offering $100 off to any school that calls to book a performance before Friday, Feb. 27! *
Each program is 45 minutes in length, followed by a 15 minute Q & A session with the actors. Teachers will also receive a packet of pre- and post-show activities that meet educational standards to accompany each performance.
"We are preserving our environment, preserving our history, and preserving our community through educational and entertaining experiences. It's another way to bring the treasures of Minnetrista to the schools," said George Buss, Director of Experience and Education.
Currently, there are two shows to choose from that are created for Kindergarten through 5th grade. Hook and the Faeries' Treasure tells the story of the infamous Captain Hook and Cobblestone the Sprite as they learn environmental practices that everyone can do. In this production, you will find a special appearance from Hook's long-time enemy the Tick Tock Crock made by local artist Nancy Dietz.
The second show, Habitat-tat-tat explores the importance of food, water, and shelter through large-scale puppetry, masks, and costumes. The masks used to bring the story to life were created by another local artist and professor at Ball State University, Jonathan Becker. His work is nationally known and has been used on Broadway in shows like The Lion King.
For more information on this exciting new program, contact Tonya Kunkel, Theatre and Outreach Manager, at 765-213-3540 ext. 129.
*The $100 discount applies to the first performance. Additional performances will be regular price.
Minnetrista Theatre Preserves is supported in part by a generous grant from the Harry L. and Janet M. Kitselman fund administered by The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County.
Located along historic White River, Minnetrista includes 40 acres of beautiful gardens and grounds, a modern museum facility, an historic home, Nature Area, numerous sculptures, and a portion of the White River Greenway. Minnetrista serves East Central Indiana with dynamic community activities and exhibits that honor and reflect its natural and cultural heritage. For more information about Minnetrista, visit
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Each program is 45 minutes in length, followed by a 15 minute Q & A session with the actors. Teachers will also receive a packet of pre- and post-show activities that meet educational standards to accompany each performance.
"We are preserving our environment, preserving our history, and preserving our community through educational and entertaining experiences. It's another way to bring the treasures of Minnetrista to the schools," said George Buss, Director of Experience and Education.
Currently, there are two shows to choose from that are created for Kindergarten through 5th grade. Hook and the Faeries' Treasure tells the story of the infamous Captain Hook and Cobblestone the Sprite as they learn environmental practices that everyone can do. In this production, you will find a special appearance from Hook's long-time enemy the Tick Tock Crock made by local artist Nancy Dietz.
The second show, Habitat-tat-tat explores the importance of food, water, and shelter through large-scale puppetry, masks, and costumes. The masks used to bring the story to life were created by another local artist and professor at Ball State University, Jonathan Becker. His work is nationally known and has been used on Broadway in shows like The Lion King.
For more information on this exciting new program, contact Tonya Kunkel, Theatre and Outreach Manager, at 765-213-3540 ext. 129.
*The $100 discount applies to the first performance. Additional performances will be regular price.
Minnetrista Theatre Preserves is supported in part by a generous grant from the Harry L. and Janet M. Kitselman fund administered by The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County.
Located along historic White River, Minnetrista includes 40 acres of beautiful gardens and grounds, a modern museum facility, an historic home, Nature Area, numerous sculptures, and a portion of the White River Greenway. Minnetrista serves East Central Indiana with dynamic community activities and exhibits that honor and reflect its natural and cultural heritage. For more information about Minnetrista, visit
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Muncie Civic Theatre presents "Our Town"
Muncie Civic Theatre presents Our Town by Thornton Wilder on the Main Stage, March 6th-8th, 12th-14th, & 20th-21st.
The play is set in the fictional community of Grover's Corners, modeled after several New Hampshire towns in the Mount Monadnock region. Our Town details the interactions between citizens of an everyday town in the early 20th century through their everyday lives. The story focuses in particular on the lives of George Gibbs, a doctor's son, and Emily Webb, the daughter of a newspaper editor. Come and join us in Our Town for a wonderful evening of theatre. Directed by Dick Willis.
Performances are March 6th-8th, 12th-14th, & 20th-21st. Thursday through Saturday performances are at 7:30pm and the Sunday matinee on March 8th is at 2:00pm. Tickets are $15 for adults and $5 for college students and younger.
Call 288.PLAY to purchase your tickets over the phone or stop by the Box Office, Tuesday-Friday from Noon-6:00pm at 216 E. Main Street in Muncie.
Go online to for complete season information.
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The play is set in the fictional community of Grover's Corners, modeled after several New Hampshire towns in the Mount Monadnock region. Our Town details the interactions between citizens of an everyday town in the early 20th century through their everyday lives. The story focuses in particular on the lives of George Gibbs, a doctor's son, and Emily Webb, the daughter of a newspaper editor. Come and join us in Our Town for a wonderful evening of theatre. Directed by Dick Willis.
Performances are March 6th-8th, 12th-14th, & 20th-21st. Thursday through Saturday performances are at 7:30pm and the Sunday matinee on March 8th is at 2:00pm. Tickets are $15 for adults and $5 for college students and younger.
Call 288.PLAY to purchase your tickets over the phone or stop by the Box Office, Tuesday-Friday from Noon-6:00pm at 216 E. Main Street in Muncie.
Go online to for complete season information.
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Thursday, February 19, 2009
New Farmers Market Dates at Minnetrista
Farmers Market at Minnetrista is expanding the season! Join us inside Minnetrista Saturday, February 28; March 28; and April 25 from 9 a.m. to noon. Shop for delicious local meats, cheeses, eggs, honey, produce, coffee, baked goods and more!
"Farmers Market at Minnetrista has become so popular that people really didn't want to see it disappear for 6 months. Both customers and vendors asked for an extension. So, from November through April, we have a somewhat smaller Market once a month. However, the bitter winter has driven us inside the Center where we will stay until regular Market season begins again in May," said Betty Brewer, President & CEO of Minnetrista.
For more information, contact Theresa Coy, Retail Buyer & Manager, at 765-287-3505 or visit
Located along historic White River, Minnetrista includes 40 acres of beautiful gardens and grounds, a modern museum facility, an historic home, Nature Area, numerous sculptures, and a portion of Cardinal Greenway. Minnetrista serves East Central Indiana with dynamic community activities and exhibits that honor and reflect its natural and cultural heritage. For more information about Minnetrista, visit
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"Farmers Market at Minnetrista has become so popular that people really didn't want to see it disappear for 6 months. Both customers and vendors asked for an extension. So, from November through April, we have a somewhat smaller Market once a month. However, the bitter winter has driven us inside the Center where we will stay until regular Market season begins again in May," said Betty Brewer, President & CEO of Minnetrista.
For more information, contact Theresa Coy, Retail Buyer & Manager, at 765-287-3505 or visit
Located along historic White River, Minnetrista includes 40 acres of beautiful gardens and grounds, a modern museum facility, an historic home, Nature Area, numerous sculptures, and a portion of Cardinal Greenway. Minnetrista serves East Central Indiana with dynamic community activities and exhibits that honor and reflect its natural and cultural heritage. For more information about Minnetrista, visit
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Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Ekoostik Hookah at Doc's Music Hall on Thursday
"One of the most original and energetic acts around today, ekoostik hookah is the nucleus of family drawn to its lucid, improvisational treatment of psychedelic rock n roll, blues, funk, jazz and bluegrass layered with rich harmonies. Born early in 1991 in a smoky basement
bar, the band has been continually evolving, cultivating a sound that has perked the ears of contemporaries and attracted fans who travel miles to hear them play." -Official Hookah Myspace page
Check them out on Myspace to get ready for the show! hookah
Buy your tickets early & save $2 per ticket...$10 prsale/$12 DOS
For tickets/info, please visit us at or call (765)286-0949.
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Valery Lantratov returns to Muncie Ballet Studio
Muncie Ballet will offer two ballet classes, a story time and art activity. Children of any age may come for a story time and art activity beginning at 3:30pm at no cost.
Muncie Ballet Studio welcomes the return of Valery Lantratov, artistic director, Russian National Ballet foundation, and Laura Lee author of "A Child's Introduction to Ballet" to Muncie Ballet Monday, Feb. 23rd.
An introduction to ballet class will be held for children age 6-9, 4:15-5:00pm led by Lisa Love, Director, Muncie Ballet. Class fee $10
Valery Lantratov will lead a class 5:00-6:30pm for dancers 9 and up. Class fee with guest artist $15.00
"A Child's Introduction to Ballet" by Laura Lee with contributions by Valery Lantratov combines the mesmerizing stories of the world's great ballets with fun facts, dancing how-tos, history, profiles-- all accompanied by charming original watercolors, and corresponding tracks on an enclosed CD. Book author, Laura Lee and Dancer, Valery Lantratov will be on hand to autograph. The book is 21.95
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Muncie Ballet Studio welcomes the return of Valery Lantratov, artistic director, Russian National Ballet foundation, and Laura Lee author of "A Child's Introduction to Ballet" to Muncie Ballet Monday, Feb. 23rd.
An introduction to ballet class will be held for children age 6-9, 4:15-5:00pm led by Lisa Love, Director, Muncie Ballet. Class fee $10
Valery Lantratov will lead a class 5:00-6:30pm for dancers 9 and up. Class fee with guest artist $15.00
"A Child's Introduction to Ballet" by Laura Lee with contributions by Valery Lantratov combines the mesmerizing stories of the world's great ballets with fun facts, dancing how-tos, history, profiles-- all accompanied by charming original watercolors, and corresponding tracks on an enclosed CD. Book author, Laura Lee and Dancer, Valery Lantratov will be on hand to autograph. The book is 21.95
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Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Six-Week Classes and One-Time Workshops at Cornerstone
Cornerstone Center for the Arts will be offering several popular dance, visual art, and language classes in a six week session beginning the week of March 9th, with the majority of classes costing $40. Cornerstone will also be offering four exciting visual arts workshops at the low cost of $15. Register online at
The six week session offers many classes for artists of all ages. Cornerstone will be offering an early art class for 1 to 3 year-olds, an early art class for 4 to 6 year olds, youth art for 1st through 5th graders, and an art exploration class for middle school age students. Cornerstone will also be offering a six week youth hip-hop class, youth tap dance, a youth creative writing class, an early sign language class for four to six year olds, and a youth sign language class for elementary and middle school age students.
Cornerstone will offer 9th grade -adult six week courses in digital photography, fiber art, sign language, and line dancing. Cornerstone also offers private lessons that can begin at anytime for singles or couples in ballroom dancing, swing dancing, and line dancing. There are also private music lessons for all ages in clarinet, drums, guitar, piano, saxophone, strings, trumpet, and voice.
Cornerstone will also be offering visual arts workshops for individuals and for families. The first workshops will be March 14th from 2-4:00pm and will include two options - family albums and garden ornaments. The second workshop date is April 4th and will also include two options - kite making and greeting cards. Workshops are $15 per person or per craft item and participants will be able to create a craft item and take it home with them during these fun one time workshops.
Register online at or in our building at 520 East Main Street in Muncie. For more information call the Education Office at 281-9503, ext. 15.
This series is a small sampling of classes and Cornerstone will offer a full session of classes in dance, theatre, music, visual arts, writing, language, and martial arts starting in June.
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The six week session offers many classes for artists of all ages. Cornerstone will be offering an early art class for 1 to 3 year-olds, an early art class for 4 to 6 year olds, youth art for 1st through 5th graders, and an art exploration class for middle school age students. Cornerstone will also be offering a six week youth hip-hop class, youth tap dance, a youth creative writing class, an early sign language class for four to six year olds, and a youth sign language class for elementary and middle school age students.
Cornerstone will offer 9th grade -adult six week courses in digital photography, fiber art, sign language, and line dancing. Cornerstone also offers private lessons that can begin at anytime for singles or couples in ballroom dancing, swing dancing, and line dancing. There are also private music lessons for all ages in clarinet, drums, guitar, piano, saxophone, strings, trumpet, and voice.
Cornerstone will also be offering visual arts workshops for individuals and for families. The first workshops will be March 14th from 2-4:00pm and will include two options - family albums and garden ornaments. The second workshop date is April 4th and will also include two options - kite making and greeting cards. Workshops are $15 per person or per craft item and participants will be able to create a craft item and take it home with them during these fun one time workshops.
Register online at or in our building at 520 East Main Street in Muncie. For more information call the Education Office at 281-9503, ext. 15.
This series is a small sampling of classes and Cornerstone will offer a full session of classes in dance, theatre, music, visual arts, writing, language, and martial arts starting in June.
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Friday, February 13, 2009
Weekly Downtown E-News 2-13-09 turns six years old on Saturday, February 14th. Stay tuned to the website over the next couple days for a nice birthday surprise! Many thanks to all the downtown organizations who have contributed news and events information to help make the website the most popular source of information about Downtown Muncie, Indiana.
Muncie Mardi Gras is set for Saturday, Feb. 21st, and the full entertainment lineup is posted on the Muncie Gras web page. You can also find Muncie Gras info on MYSPACE, FACEBOOK and TWITTER.
Mark your calendars - the Muncie Downtown Business Council will hold a very important meeting on Wednesday, February 25th, at 3pm in the Star Press building conference room. We will hold discussion on combining our organization with the Heart of the City organization, in pursuit of the Main Street Program designation for Downtown Muncie. We want to hear your opinions, questions and concerns so that we may proceed in the best interest of Downtown as a community. Any and all supporters of Downtown Muncie are encouraged to attend this meeting, so please help spread the word! A detailed announcement will be sent by email on Monday. A public meeting and presentation on the Main Street Program will be announced at a later date.
Read More Downtown News at
February 13 - 1st Ladies Appreciation Dinner, to be presented by Cornerstone Center for the Arts. READ MORE...
February 13 - Dave Elwert will be having his pre-release show at The Living Room on February 13th. He will be playing full band. Alex Hall and Mike Dean will be opening. Doors open at 8pm, show starts at 8:30. READ MORE...
February 13 - Brown Bag Lunch and a Movie at the Community Center for Vital Aging, featuring "Homecoming: with Anne Bancroft and Bonnie Bedelia, Noon-2pm. Cost is free. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 for more information.
February 13-14 - Smoke on the Mountain at Muncie Civic's Main Street Studio Theatre. READ MORE...
February 14 - Griffin House & Charlie Mars at The Living Room on February 14th. Check out Griffin's music at and Charlie's music at (Editor's note: Don't miss this show! Charlie Mars is a personal favorite.) READ MORE...
February 14 - Valentine's Day Dinner at Vera Mae's, featuring a special menu. Regular dinner menu will not be offered. Call 765-747-4941 to make reservations.
February 17 - Taste of Nepal at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. A small fee will be charged to participate. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 for more information.
February 19 - "Courtship and Marriage, International Style" at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. Cost is free but space is limited. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 to reserve your seat.
February 20 - The Bears of Blue River, Rodeo Ruby Love, and Eric Alexander will play an all-ages show at Cornerstone Center for the Arts on February 20th at 8.p.m. READ MORE...
February 20-21 - Smoke on the Mountain at Muncie Civic's Main Street Studio Theatre. READ MORE...
February 21 - Muncie Gras in the streets of downtown Muncie! Check Here for regular updates, subscribe to the RSS feed, and search for the event listing on MySpace and Facebook.
February 23 - Relax with Reflexology at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. Cost is free but space is limited. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 to reserve your seat.
February 25 - Downtown Business Council will meet at 3pm in the Star Press building conference room. New Board of Directors and Officers will be introduced, and an update will be given on the Main Street Program.
February 25 - Beginning Indian Cooking at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. A small fee will be charged to participate. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 to reserve your seat.
February 26 - Craft Seminar featuring crafts for St. Patrick's Day at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. A small fee will be charged to participate. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 to reserve your seat.
February 28 - "King Corn," a feature length documentary on the reality behind one of America's most pervasive cash crops, will be presented at Muncie Civic Theatre on Saturday, February 28th at 8:00pm. READ MORE...
On Saturdays - Muncie Ballet is offering Sparkle Salon Days, Each Saturday 9:00-10:00am at Muncie Ballet located in Cornerstone Center for the Arts. READ MORE...
Every Monday - Jazz at the Fickle Peach features Charlie Owen on drums, Paul Rhine on double-bass and flute, and Phil Cooley on Piano. They perform every Monday night from 9 to 11.
Through February 27 - Cornerstone Arts Gallery will exhibit the work of Ball State University art student Mary Barczak. The show is entitled Periodically, Nothing Happens and there will be a reception during Downtown's First Thursday events on February 5th from 6 to 8 pm. READ MORE...
Through February 27 - Gallery 308, 308 E. Main St. will host a Juried Student Art Exhibit, Grades K - 12, opening Thursday, Feb. 5 and running through Feb. 27. Fourteen art classes representing schools throughout Delaware County are participating. The First Thursday opening reception, 5 - 8 p.m. will feature awards presentations at 6 p.m. READ MORE...
February 3 - 28 - The Artist Within will exhibit Ball State University Advanced Painting Classes in the main gallery, and the upper level gallery will feature "It's Not Your Mom's Refrigerator Anymore," a juried show with the BSU Art Department Painting Faculty selecting the pieces. An opening reception will be during First Thursday, Feb. 5, from 5 to 8pm.
February 17 through May 15 - There is an exciting traveling exhibit opening at the Muncie Children's Museum, Tuesday, February 17, 2009, "Cool Moves! The Artistry of Motion!" READ MORE...
Through February - Gordy Fine Art & Framing will exhibit David & Sarojini Johnson, BSU professors of printmaking, "Fresh Ink: Recent Etchings, Relief Prints and Artist's Books."
Through February - ArtWorks Gallery will exhibit "Twig Turns to Wood" by Mark Twig. An opening reception will be during First Thursday, Feb. 5, from 5 to 8pm.
Through March - Minnetrista proudly welcomes the return of Our Land, Our Souls, Our Freedom to its galleries January 31 - March 1. READ MORE...
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Muncie Mardi Gras is set for Saturday, Feb. 21st, and the full entertainment lineup is posted on the Muncie Gras web page. You can also find Muncie Gras info on MYSPACE, FACEBOOK and TWITTER.
Mark your calendars - the Muncie Downtown Business Council will hold a very important meeting on Wednesday, February 25th, at 3pm in the Star Press building conference room. We will hold discussion on combining our organization with the Heart of the City organization, in pursuit of the Main Street Program designation for Downtown Muncie. We want to hear your opinions, questions and concerns so that we may proceed in the best interest of Downtown as a community. Any and all supporters of Downtown Muncie are encouraged to attend this meeting, so please help spread the word! A detailed announcement will be sent by email on Monday. A public meeting and presentation on the Main Street Program will be announced at a later date.
Read More Downtown News at
February 13 - 1st Ladies Appreciation Dinner, to be presented by Cornerstone Center for the Arts. READ MORE...
February 13 - Dave Elwert will be having his pre-release show at The Living Room on February 13th. He will be playing full band. Alex Hall and Mike Dean will be opening. Doors open at 8pm, show starts at 8:30. READ MORE...
February 13 - Brown Bag Lunch and a Movie at the Community Center for Vital Aging, featuring "Homecoming: with Anne Bancroft and Bonnie Bedelia, Noon-2pm. Cost is free. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 for more information.
February 13-14 - Smoke on the Mountain at Muncie Civic's Main Street Studio Theatre. READ MORE...
February 14 - Griffin House & Charlie Mars at The Living Room on February 14th. Check out Griffin's music at and Charlie's music at (Editor's note: Don't miss this show! Charlie Mars is a personal favorite.) READ MORE...
February 14 - Valentine's Day Dinner at Vera Mae's, featuring a special menu. Regular dinner menu will not be offered. Call 765-747-4941 to make reservations.
February 17 - Taste of Nepal at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. A small fee will be charged to participate. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 for more information.
February 19 - "Courtship and Marriage, International Style" at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. Cost is free but space is limited. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 to reserve your seat.
February 20 - The Bears of Blue River, Rodeo Ruby Love, and Eric Alexander will play an all-ages show at Cornerstone Center for the Arts on February 20th at 8.p.m. READ MORE...
February 20-21 - Smoke on the Mountain at Muncie Civic's Main Street Studio Theatre. READ MORE...
February 21 - Muncie Gras in the streets of downtown Muncie! Check Here for regular updates, subscribe to the RSS feed, and search for the event listing on MySpace and Facebook.
February 23 - Relax with Reflexology at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. Cost is free but space is limited. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 to reserve your seat.
February 25 - Downtown Business Council will meet at 3pm in the Star Press building conference room. New Board of Directors and Officers will be introduced, and an update will be given on the Main Street Program.
February 25 - Beginning Indian Cooking at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. A small fee will be charged to participate. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 to reserve your seat.
February 26 - Craft Seminar featuring crafts for St. Patrick's Day at the Community Center for Vital Aging, 6:30-8pm. A small fee will be charged to participate. Call the CCVA at 765-289-4541 to reserve your seat.
February 28 - "King Corn," a feature length documentary on the reality behind one of America's most pervasive cash crops, will be presented at Muncie Civic Theatre on Saturday, February 28th at 8:00pm. READ MORE...
On Saturdays - Muncie Ballet is offering Sparkle Salon Days, Each Saturday 9:00-10:00am at Muncie Ballet located in Cornerstone Center for the Arts. READ MORE...
Every Monday - Jazz at the Fickle Peach features Charlie Owen on drums, Paul Rhine on double-bass and flute, and Phil Cooley on Piano. They perform every Monday night from 9 to 11.
Through February 27 - Cornerstone Arts Gallery will exhibit the work of Ball State University art student Mary Barczak. The show is entitled Periodically, Nothing Happens and there will be a reception during Downtown's First Thursday events on February 5th from 6 to 8 pm. READ MORE...
Through February 27 - Gallery 308, 308 E. Main St. will host a Juried Student Art Exhibit, Grades K - 12, opening Thursday, Feb. 5 and running through Feb. 27. Fourteen art classes representing schools throughout Delaware County are participating. The First Thursday opening reception, 5 - 8 p.m. will feature awards presentations at 6 p.m. READ MORE...
February 3 - 28 - The Artist Within will exhibit Ball State University Advanced Painting Classes in the main gallery, and the upper level gallery will feature "It's Not Your Mom's Refrigerator Anymore," a juried show with the BSU Art Department Painting Faculty selecting the pieces. An opening reception will be during First Thursday, Feb. 5, from 5 to 8pm.
February 17 through May 15 - There is an exciting traveling exhibit opening at the Muncie Children's Museum, Tuesday, February 17, 2009, "Cool Moves! The Artistry of Motion!" READ MORE...
Through February - Gordy Fine Art & Framing will exhibit David & Sarojini Johnson, BSU professors of printmaking, "Fresh Ink: Recent Etchings, Relief Prints and Artist's Books."
Through February - ArtWorks Gallery will exhibit "Twig Turns to Wood" by Mark Twig. An opening reception will be during First Thursday, Feb. 5, from 5 to 8pm.
Through March - Minnetrista proudly welcomes the return of Our Land, Our Souls, Our Freedom to its galleries January 31 - March 1. READ MORE...
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Muncie Mardi Gras Complete Entertainment Lineup
All acts and times are subject to change!
Heated Tent FM Music Stage
200 block of Walnut St
7-8: Funcie Funk
8-9: 8 Stories high
9-10: Prizzy Prizzy Please
10-11: Losing September
11-12: Michael Martin Band
12-2: Mid West
Doc's Music Hall
215 S. Walnut St
9-10: Jack of Suede
10-11: James Brown Car Alarm
11-12: Redlight Remedy
1-3: Cosmic Railroad
Totally Michael....all night long
Blue Bottle our own Cafe du Monde!
Food specials, beer and wine
Heorot (additional ticket purchase required before 2/21)
219 S. Walnut Street
Mr. Mouse
223 S. Walnut
Coyote Crazy! Window Dancers
Heated Doc's on Dill Tent
east side of Adams and Walnut St.
MC Sparkplug Trip Hop Dance Party.....all night long
8:00 and 10:00 BSU Busted Space Vaudeville
Heated End Zone Tent
west side of Adams and Walnut St.
Budlight Go-Go Cage
Center Stage- Club Bud
7-8 Mudeye Joe
8-9- Joan Hamilton Band
9-12- Mike Milligan and Steam Shovel
12-2:00- Smokin Guns Band
Heated Bourbon St. Tent
Fickle Peach and Buddy's Place
300 Block of Walnut
Bellydancers, swords, veils and freaks of nature!
Il Troubador 16th Century Rock throughout the evening
Laughing Monkey Bellydancers: 7:00, 7:45
Ancient Arts Dance Studio: 8:00, 9:15
Tantric Trio: 8:30, 9:30
Wyld Fyre: 8:15, 9:00, 9:45
Freakshow Foley: 8:45, 10:00
10:15: All Access Costume Contest
$100 first prize plus goodies!
Prizes for the best headdress, best mask,
10:30-12:00 Regional Bellydance Competition
Solo, Troup and Beginners
(must be pre-registered to compete)
12:00-2:00 Belly Dance Jam...everybody dance now!
Heated French Quarter Tent
Buddy's Place and Dill Street
Mechanical Bull...ride a horse, save a cowboy!
Heated French Quarter Tent
End Zone and Mark III Tap Room
We told you there would be something for everyone...
7:00-8:00--Amateur Hour
8:00-8:30- Male Review
9:00-10:00- Rainbow Girls Drag Show
10:00-10:30-Cirilla's Lingerie Show
10:30-11:30- Jokers Wild Dancers
11:30-12:30: Rainbow Girls Drag Show
12:30-1:00-Male Review
1:00-2:00- Amateur us what you've got!
Food Vendors
Cajun Kid
Fat Boys Chicken
Old Memphis BBQ
Sweet Treats
Retail Vendors
Bead, Beads and More Beads!
Body Painting
Drum Circle
Utopia Tribal
US Smokeless Tobacco
Photo Booth by Stone Bear Photography
Bessie the Beer Cow- got beer?
Outside the Gate
(Additional Cover Charge):
Mark III Tap Room: Drag Shows at the Top of each hour 9:00-1:00
Fickle Peach: Live Music "Frank" 10:00-2:00
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Heated Tent FM Music Stage
200 block of Walnut St
7-8: Funcie Funk
8-9: 8 Stories high
9-10: Prizzy Prizzy Please
10-11: Losing September
11-12: Michael Martin Band
12-2: Mid West
Doc's Music Hall
215 S. Walnut St
9-10: Jack of Suede
10-11: James Brown Car Alarm
11-12: Redlight Remedy
1-3: Cosmic Railroad
Totally Michael....all night long
Blue Bottle our own Cafe du Monde!
Food specials, beer and wine
Heorot (additional ticket purchase required before 2/21)
219 S. Walnut Street
Mr. Mouse
223 S. Walnut
Coyote Crazy! Window Dancers
Heated Doc's on Dill Tent
east side of Adams and Walnut St.
MC Sparkplug Trip Hop Dance Party.....all night long
8:00 and 10:00 BSU Busted Space Vaudeville
Heated End Zone Tent
west side of Adams and Walnut St.
Budlight Go-Go Cage
Center Stage- Club Bud
7-8 Mudeye Joe
8-9- Joan Hamilton Band
9-12- Mike Milligan and Steam Shovel
12-2:00- Smokin Guns Band
Heated Bourbon St. Tent
Fickle Peach and Buddy's Place
300 Block of Walnut
Bellydancers, swords, veils and freaks of nature!
Il Troubador 16th Century Rock throughout the evening
Laughing Monkey Bellydancers: 7:00, 7:45
Ancient Arts Dance Studio: 8:00, 9:15
Tantric Trio: 8:30, 9:30
Wyld Fyre: 8:15, 9:00, 9:45
Freakshow Foley: 8:45, 10:00
10:15: All Access Costume Contest
$100 first prize plus goodies!
Prizes for the best headdress, best mask,
10:30-12:00 Regional Bellydance Competition
Solo, Troup and Beginners
(must be pre-registered to compete)
12:00-2:00 Belly Dance Jam...everybody dance now!
Heated French Quarter Tent
Buddy's Place and Dill Street
Mechanical Bull...ride a horse, save a cowboy!
Heated French Quarter Tent
End Zone and Mark III Tap Room
We told you there would be something for everyone...
7:00-8:00--Amateur Hour
8:00-8:30- Male Review
9:00-10:00- Rainbow Girls Drag Show
10:00-10:30-Cirilla's Lingerie Show
10:30-11:30- Jokers Wild Dancers
11:30-12:30: Rainbow Girls Drag Show
12:30-1:00-Male Review
1:00-2:00- Amateur us what you've got!
Food Vendors
Cajun Kid
Fat Boys Chicken
Old Memphis BBQ
Sweet Treats
Retail Vendors
Bead, Beads and More Beads!
Body Painting
Drum Circle
Utopia Tribal
US Smokeless Tobacco
Photo Booth by Stone Bear Photography
Bessie the Beer Cow- got beer?
Outside the Gate
(Additional Cover Charge):
Mark III Tap Room: Drag Shows at the Top of each hour 9:00-1:00
Fickle Peach: Live Music "Frank" 10:00-2:00
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Thursday, February 12, 2009
Upcoming Shows at The Living Room
A busy weekend at The Living Room in Downtown Muncie! On Friday night, Dave Elwert and his band will be headlining. Dave has a great piano-driven pop/rock sound. The set will feature songs from his new EP that releases on the 13th. Hear a preview of some of these songs at Opening for Dave are Mike Dean and Alex Hall. Doors open at 8pm, show starts at 8:30. Tickets are only $5. Listen to Mike & Alex's music at and
On February 14th, Griffin House and Charlie Mars will be at The Living Room. Griffin is a great up and coming folk/rock artist. Recently he's been on the Ten out of Tenn Tour which features some of Nashville's best singer/songwriters including Andy Davis, Tyler James, Erin McCarley, Matthew Perryman Jones and others. Tickets are $10 in advance and $12 at the door. Check out Griffin's music at and Charlie's music at
Don't miss out on these great shows!
Upcoming Shows:
Dave Elwert - 02/13/09
Griffin House - 02/14/09
Open Mic Night - 02/20/09
More Upcoming Events at
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On February 14th, Griffin House and Charlie Mars will be at The Living Room. Griffin is a great up and coming folk/rock artist. Recently he's been on the Ten out of Tenn Tour which features some of Nashville's best singer/songwriters including Andy Davis, Tyler James, Erin McCarley, Matthew Perryman Jones and others. Tickets are $10 in advance and $12 at the door. Check out Griffin's music at and Charlie's music at
Don't miss out on these great shows!
Upcoming Shows:
Dave Elwert - 02/13/09
Griffin House - 02/14/09
Open Mic Night - 02/20/09
More Upcoming Events at
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King Corn Film Screening at Muncie Civic Theatre
"King Corn," a feature length documentary on the reality behind one of America's most pervasive cash crops, will be presented at Muncie Civic Theatre on Saturday, February 28th at 8:00pm. Tickets are $7.00 and all proceeds will benefit Muncie Civic Theatre. Tickets are available by calling 288-PLAY to purchase over the phone or at the box office; Tuesday-Friday from 1-6pm. Tickets will also be available at the door. Seating is general admission.
This film is presented by The Downtown Farm Stand, a local organic food store, The Blue Bottle Coffee Shop, Harvest Moon Film Festival, and Muncie Civic Theatre. Concessions will be available. The Blue Bottle will be offering coffee and other treats and the Downtown Farm Stand will offer organic popcorn and soda sweetened with sugar instead of corn syrup.
King Corn chronicles filmmakers and best friends, Ian Cheney and Curt Ellis, as they move to Iowa to grow a one acre bumper crop of corn using genetically modified seed, nitrogen fertilizers, and powerful herbicides. They followed their corn into the food chain and what they found raises some troubling questions about America's most productive, most subsidized grain. The story of the one acre of corn quickly became a story about soil, water, energy, history, genetic modification, and our most basic foods. The film illustrates how subsidizing bumper crops of corn can in-turn fuel our food system with high fructose corn syrup and fatty, corn-fed beef.
Since its release in 2007 the film has been featured on PBS, won many awards including the North American Association for Environmental Education, and has been featured at film festivals across the United States and abroad.
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Wednesday, February 11, 2009
All Ages Show at Cornerstone with The Bears of Blue River, Rodeo Ruby Love, and Eric Alexander
This is an all ages show. Proceeds from the show will help to support these local bands and Cornerstone arts programming. Cornerstone Center for the Arts is located at 520 E. Main St. Muncie, IN 47305.
Go online to or call the Education Office at 281-9503, ext. 15 for more information.
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Tuesday, February 10, 2009
"Cool Moves! The Artistry of Motion" at Muncie Children's Museum
There is an exciting traveling exhibit opening at the Muncie Children's Museum, Tuesday, February 17, 2009, "Cool Moves! The Artistry of Motion!"
"Cool Moves" is an engaging exhibition featuring fourteen fun, interactive exhibits that allow you to discover the beauty of motion all around us.
Change the twist of a tornado, swirl water into amazing patterns, create artwork and more at "Cool Moves". Make your way over to the Touchable Tornado and put your hand into the middle of a mini-tornado made of swirling, misty water. Then change the wind speed and see what happens to the motion of the tornado.
See animals swim, fly, jump, and crawl in the most bizarre and breathtaking ways at the "Animals in Motion" display. A computer kiosk allows the visitor to control the speed of videos for different animal motions, including those of frogs, owls, otters, cheetahs, kangaroos, hummingbirds, snakes, and dolphins.
At the "Dancing Wall" station, visitors are encouraged to create a light and sound show by "dancing" in front of a wall that contains multiple lights and speakers that are triggered by motion detectors.
Visitors can create their own piece of art, zoom a strange car down a track and more!
"Cool Moves" will only be at the Muncie Children's Museum until Friday, May 15, so hurry and visit us before it makes its way to another museum!
"Cool Moves! The Artistry of Motion," was developed by the Sciencenter in Ithaca, NY and the Rochester Museum and Science Center in Rochester, NY.
Cool Moves! The Artistry of Motion," is funded through: Ball Brothers Foundation, Chase, the Jean W. and Mora Morris Youth Fund, Indiana Michigan Power and the Muncie Altrusa Foundation. Cool Moves! Artistry of Motion," will only be at the MCM until May 15, 2009, so come and visit us soon!
"Cool Moves" will only be at the Muncie Children's Museum until Friday, May 15, so hurry and visit us before it makes its way to another museum!
For more information about Cool Moves! The Artistry of Motion, call (765) 286-1660 or visit
The Muncie Children's Museum provides hands-on, educational and innovative learning. The Museum is located at 515 S. High St. Museum hours are 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesdays-Saturdays and 1-5 p.m. Sundays. Admission is $6 a person ages 1-100.
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"Cool Moves" is an engaging exhibition featuring fourteen fun, interactive exhibits that allow you to discover the beauty of motion all around us.
Change the twist of a tornado, swirl water into amazing patterns, create artwork and more at "Cool Moves". Make your way over to the Touchable Tornado and put your hand into the middle of a mini-tornado made of swirling, misty water. Then change the wind speed and see what happens to the motion of the tornado.
See animals swim, fly, jump, and crawl in the most bizarre and breathtaking ways at the "Animals in Motion" display. A computer kiosk allows the visitor to control the speed of videos for different animal motions, including those of frogs, owls, otters, cheetahs, kangaroos, hummingbirds, snakes, and dolphins.
At the "Dancing Wall" station, visitors are encouraged to create a light and sound show by "dancing" in front of a wall that contains multiple lights and speakers that are triggered by motion detectors.
Visitors can create their own piece of art, zoom a strange car down a track and more!
"Cool Moves" will only be at the Muncie Children's Museum until Friday, May 15, so hurry and visit us before it makes its way to another museum!
"Cool Moves! The Artistry of Motion," was developed by the Sciencenter in Ithaca, NY and the Rochester Museum and Science Center in Rochester, NY.
Cool Moves! The Artistry of Motion," is funded through: Ball Brothers Foundation, Chase, the Jean W. and Mora Morris Youth Fund, Indiana Michigan Power and the Muncie Altrusa Foundation. Cool Moves! Artistry of Motion," will only be at the MCM until May 15, 2009, so come and visit us soon!
"Cool Moves" will only be at the Muncie Children's Museum until Friday, May 15, so hurry and visit us before it makes its way to another museum!
For more information about Cool Moves! The Artistry of Motion, call (765) 286-1660 or visit
The Muncie Children's Museum provides hands-on, educational and innovative learning. The Museum is located at 515 S. High St. Museum hours are 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesdays-Saturdays and 1-5 p.m. Sundays. Admission is $6 a person ages 1-100.
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Saturday, February 07, 2009
Cornerstone Black History Month Celebration Includes 1st Ladies Dinner
Cornerstone Center for the Arts is pleased to be hosting several events this month in Celebration of Black History Month.
February 13 will be the 1st Ladies Appreciation Dinner, to be presented by Cornerstone Center for the Arts. This event is aimed at highlighting several of the 1st Ladies of the area churches.
So often the Pastor's receive appreciation for their service and we wanted to take a moment to show our appreciation along with allowing the congregations the opportunity to show their appreciation, to their 1st Ladies.
This event will include dinner provided by Uncle Monte's, it will feature entertainment throughout the evening, and there will be several vendors on site from some of Muncie's Black Owned Businesses. The doors will open at 5pm and the event will begin at 6pm.
The cost will be $18 in Advance for single tickets & $32 in advance for Couples. Tickets will be available at the door for $20 singles & $36 couples. Tables of 8 can be purchased in advance only by Wednesday, February 11 for $130. This event is open to the general public, all are welcome. Reservations are recommended.
For tickets & information, please contact Cornerstone Center for the Arts Box Office between hours of 9am & 5pm M-F at 765-289-9687. This event is sponsored by the Indiana Art Commission, & Indiana Public Radio
For any questions or more information please contact, Brett Ellison, Director of Rentals & Events or JK Blair, Special Events Assistant at 765-281-9503 ext 53.
Additional Black History Month Event Information will be forthcoming.
Thank you!
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February 13 will be the 1st Ladies Appreciation Dinner, to be presented by Cornerstone Center for the Arts. This event is aimed at highlighting several of the 1st Ladies of the area churches.
So often the Pastor's receive appreciation for their service and we wanted to take a moment to show our appreciation along with allowing the congregations the opportunity to show their appreciation, to their 1st Ladies.
This event will include dinner provided by Uncle Monte's, it will feature entertainment throughout the evening, and there will be several vendors on site from some of Muncie's Black Owned Businesses. The doors will open at 5pm and the event will begin at 6pm.
The cost will be $18 in Advance for single tickets & $32 in advance for Couples. Tickets will be available at the door for $20 singles & $36 couples. Tables of 8 can be purchased in advance only by Wednesday, February 11 for $130. This event is open to the general public, all are welcome. Reservations are recommended.
For tickets & information, please contact Cornerstone Center for the Arts Box Office between hours of 9am & 5pm M-F at 765-289-9687. This event is sponsored by the Indiana Art Commission, & Indiana Public Radio
For any questions or more information please contact, Brett Ellison, Director of Rentals & Events or JK Blair, Special Events Assistant at 765-281-9503 ext 53.
Additional Black History Month Event Information will be forthcoming.
Thank you!
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Thursday, February 05, 2009
Birthday Bash at MCM Friends & Family Fun Night
Bring your party hat and get ready to have a great time during the "Birthday Bash" themed Friends and Family Fun Night, at the Muncie Children's Museum, on February 6, 2009, from 3 - 7 p.m.! Admission is free.
Attend the MCM's February 6 Friends and Family Fun Night and take part in an array of activities, games and crafts! The Museum is opening up its doors to share the games and activities that are a part of every birthday party held at the MCM. Explore all of the different party themes: Luau, Western, Purple Princess, Pirate and Garfield. Throughout the afternoon, create your own birthday hat to take home, play balloon and party games and then enjoy a scoop of ice cream around 4:30 p.m.
Underwriting for Friends and Family Fun Night is provided by the Edmund F. & Virginia B. Ball Foundation.
For more information on February's Friends and Family Fun Night, call (765) 286-1660 or visit
The Muncie Children's Museum provides hands-on, educational and innovative learning. The Museum is located at 515 S. High St. Museum hours are 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesdays-Saturdays and 1-5 p.m. Sundays. Admission is $6 a person ages 1-100.
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Attend the MCM's February 6 Friends and Family Fun Night and take part in an array of activities, games and crafts! The Museum is opening up its doors to share the games and activities that are a part of every birthday party held at the MCM. Explore all of the different party themes: Luau, Western, Purple Princess, Pirate and Garfield. Throughout the afternoon, create your own birthday hat to take home, play balloon and party games and then enjoy a scoop of ice cream around 4:30 p.m.
Underwriting for Friends and Family Fun Night is provided by the Edmund F. & Virginia B. Ball Foundation.
For more information on February's Friends and Family Fun Night, call (765) 286-1660 or visit
The Muncie Children's Museum provides hands-on, educational and innovative learning. The Museum is located at 515 S. High St. Museum hours are 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesdays-Saturdays and 1-5 p.m. Sundays. Admission is $6 a person ages 1-100.
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Upcoming Shows at The Living Room
This Friday, February 6th, Red Light Remedy, Josh LaMore and Babylon will be at The Living Room. Doors open at 8pm, show starts at 8:30pm. Tickets are only $3. Check out their music at,,
Dave Elwert will be having his pre-release show at The Living Room on February 13th. He will be playing full band. Alex Hall and Mike Dean will be opening. Doors open at 8pm, show starts at 8:30. Tickets are $5. Check out Dave's music at, Alex's music at and Mike's music at
Also, tickets are still on sale for the Griffin House and Charlie Mars show on February 14th. Tickets are only $10 in advance, so make sure to get yours today! Doors open at 8pm, show starts at 8:30pm. Check out Griffin's music at and Charlie's music at
Joe Paulson will be at The Living Room on February 27th. Doors open at 8pm, show starts at 8:30pm. Tickets are only $3. Check out Joe's music at
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Dave Elwert will be having his pre-release show at The Living Room on February 13th. He will be playing full band. Alex Hall and Mike Dean will be opening. Doors open at 8pm, show starts at 8:30. Tickets are $5. Check out Dave's music at, Alex's music at and Mike's music at
Also, tickets are still on sale for the Griffin House and Charlie Mars show on February 14th. Tickets are only $10 in advance, so make sure to get yours today! Doors open at 8pm, show starts at 8:30pm. Check out Griffin's music at and Charlie's music at
Joe Paulson will be at The Living Room on February 27th. Doors open at 8pm, show starts at 8:30pm. Tickets are only $3. Check out Joe's music at
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Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Muncie Children's Museum Seeks Mural Artist
The Muncie Children's Museum is looking for an energetic and creative artist to design and execute a mural size artwork in the Museum's music hallway.
Wall space is 52 'L x 13'H which includes doorways, a window and water fountains. Eligible artist must be able to create an artwork appropriate for children and conduct educational programs that compliment the artwork.
Work must be conducted during Museum hours (10-5 M-Sat & 12-5 Sun) sometime between September 2009 and May 2010. Artist will be expected to engage with visitors during specific times while creating the artwork.
If you would like to be considered for this project, please submit contact information and three photos of recent works or similar works to Barbara Schafer, or Muncie Children's Museum, PO Box 544, Muncie IN 47308.
Deadline is February 16, 2009.
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Wall space is 52 'L x 13'H which includes doorways, a window and water fountains. Eligible artist must be able to create an artwork appropriate for children and conduct educational programs that compliment the artwork.
Work must be conducted during Museum hours (10-5 M-Sat & 12-5 Sun) sometime between September 2009 and May 2010. Artist will be expected to engage with visitors during specific times while creating the artwork.
If you would like to be considered for this project, please submit contact information and three photos of recent works or similar works to Barbara Schafer, or Muncie Children's Museum, PO Box 544, Muncie IN 47308.
Deadline is February 16, 2009.
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Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Sparkle Salon Days on Saturdays at Muncie Ballet Studio
Muncie Ballet is offering Sparkle Salon Days, Each Saturday 9:00-10:00am at Muncie Ballet located in Cornerstone Center for the Arts.
Come explore our costumes, learn a dance and have a sparkle makeover with a hair up-do and glitter polish.
Registration is not required. $12 per child visit or call 765-282-1480 for additional details.
Click here for details about Sparkle Salon Days.
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Come explore our costumes, learn a dance and have a sparkle makeover with a hair up-do and glitter polish.
Registration is not required. $12 per child visit or call 765-282-1480 for additional details.
Click here for details about Sparkle Salon Days.
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Monday, February 02, 2009
Juried Student Art Exhibit at Gallery 308
Gallery 308, 308 E. Main St. will host a Juried Student Art Exhibit, Grades K - 12, opening Thursday, Feb. 5 and running through Feb. 27.
Fourteen art classes representing schools throughout Delaware County are participating. The First Thursday opening reception, 5 - 8 p.m. will feature awards presentations at 6 p.m.
Jurors for the exhibit are Josh Chatwin, for grades K - 5, and Will Britton, grades 6 - 12. Chatwin graduated in Fine Art from BSU, and Britton is a graduate of the Ohio Art Institute.
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Fourteen art classes representing schools throughout Delaware County are participating. The First Thursday opening reception, 5 - 8 p.m. will feature awards presentations at 6 p.m.
Jurors for the exhibit are Josh Chatwin, for grades K - 5, and Will Britton, grades 6 - 12. Chatwin graduated in Fine Art from BSU, and Britton is a graduate of the Ohio Art Institute.
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Watercolor Classes Offered at Gordy's
Adult Watercolor Classes will be offered by Indiana Artisan, Brian Gordy, on Wednesday evenings beginning February 11th and running six consecutive weeks.
Starting at 6 PM, the two hour sessions will be held at Gordy Fine Art & Framing Company, 224 East Main Street in downtown Muncie. Class size is limited to 20 participants.
For more information or to register call Brian at 765-284-8422 or email,
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Starting at 6 PM, the two hour sessions will be held at Gordy Fine Art & Framing Company, 224 East Main Street in downtown Muncie. Class size is limited to 20 participants.
For more information or to register call Brian at 765-284-8422 or email,
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Fire Safety Program at MCM Gets A Boost from State Farm Insurance
The Muncie Children's Museum's "Learn Not to Burn" program is gaining an additional educational component that will ensure children are better prepared in the case of an emergency.
On Friday, February 6, 2009, at the Muncie Children's Museum, at 3:30 p.m., Jason May and Bob Lay, two local Muncie insurance agents, will present the Muncie Children's Museum with two 911 phone call simulators.
The 911 phone call simulators allow children to role play a 911 emergency call and learn how to make such a phone call in a calm and constructive manner. The generous gift of two phone call simulators will improve upon the Museum's "Learn Not to Burn" program. The "Learn Not to Burn" program teaches children how to react in the situation of a house fire by learning the appropriate actions to take if they are caught in a house fire.
"The 911 Simulators are going to be a great addition to our Learn Not to Burn program! Not only will we be able to teach children how to react to a fire in a calm and effective manner, we will also be able to teach them how to call and interact with emergency services. I cannot explain how valuable an asset this is to both our museum and the children of our community," Exhibits and Education Director Robert Abner said.
After the presentation of the simulators, there will be opportunities for Museum visitors to try the 911 phone call simulators.
For more information on the Muncie Children's Museum, call (765) 286-1660 or visit
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On Friday, February 6, 2009, at the Muncie Children's Museum, at 3:30 p.m., Jason May and Bob Lay, two local Muncie insurance agents, will present the Muncie Children's Museum with two 911 phone call simulators.
The 911 phone call simulators allow children to role play a 911 emergency call and learn how to make such a phone call in a calm and constructive manner. The generous gift of two phone call simulators will improve upon the Museum's "Learn Not to Burn" program. The "Learn Not to Burn" program teaches children how to react in the situation of a house fire by learning the appropriate actions to take if they are caught in a house fire.
"The 911 Simulators are going to be a great addition to our Learn Not to Burn program! Not only will we be able to teach children how to react to a fire in a calm and effective manner, we will also be able to teach them how to call and interact with emergency services. I cannot explain how valuable an asset this is to both our museum and the children of our community," Exhibits and Education Director Robert Abner said.
After the presentation of the simulators, there will be opportunities for Museum visitors to try the 911 phone call simulators.
For more information on the Muncie Children's Museum, call (765) 286-1660 or visit
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Sunday, February 01, 2009
Celebrate the Arts During First Thursday Gallery Walk Downtown
Celebrate the arts in Downtown Muncie this "First Thursday" on February 5 from 5 to 9pm. Our many art galleries launch their monthly exhibits on the first Thursday evenings of every month, with meet-the-artist receptions. This month's first Thursday is actually on the second Thursday of the month, the first being New Year's Day. The following galleries will be opening new exhibits (in alphabetical order by gallery) during First Thursday:
111 Arts Gallery & Tattoo Studio ~ 111 East Main Street ~ 765-282-8342

111 Arts Gallery will feature Indianapolis artist Mike Vandergriff, who will exhibit semi nude, manipulated in the raw photography. Multiple size prints will be for sale. There will be an opening reception during First Thursday, February 5th, from 5 to 8pm at 111 E. Main Street. For more information visit or
The Artist Within ~ 313 S Walnut Street ~ 765-289-7895

The Artist Within will exhibit Ball State University Advanced Painting Classes in the main gallery, and the upper level gallery will feature "It's Not Your Mom's Refrigerator Anymore," a juried show with the BSU Art Department Painting Faculty selecting the pieces. Both shows will have a combined opening reception with music, light refreshments and an opportunity to meet the artists.The opening is free and open to the public from 5-8 pm, Thursday February 5, 2009. Most artwork will be for sale and all work will remain on exhibit through February 28, 2009. READ MORE...
Artworks ~ 301 South Walnut Street ~ 765-288-2221

ArtWorks Gallery will feature the works of Mark Twig in a new exhibition, "Twig Turns to Wood" February 5 through 27th at the Gallery, located at 301 S. Walnut St. in Downtown Muncie. There will be an opening reception during First Thursday, February 5th, from 5 to 8pm. READ MORE...
Cornerstone Gallery ~ 520 East Main Street ~ 765-281-9503, ext. 15

The work of Ball State University art student Mary Barczak will be on display in the Cornerstone Art Gallery beginning January 21st until February 27th. Barczak is currently graduating from Ball State University in the spring with a BFA with a specialization in photography. The show is entitled Periodically, Nothing Happens and there will be a reception during Downtown's First Thursday events on February 5th from 6 to 8 p.m. READ MORE...
Downtown Farm Stand ~ 125 East Main Street ~ 765-288-3775

Downtown Farm Stand organic market at the corner of Main and Mulberry streets now carries Sue Beach's functional pottery. The Downtown Farm Stand is open during First Thursday, and offers a seasonal selection of meat, dairy, eggs, produce, bulk foods and canned goods from Indiana's finest farms and regional producers. Visit for info.
Gallery 308 ~ 308 E. Main Street ~ 765-289-8575

Gallery 308 is a 501(c)(3) community art gallery which exists to provide exhibition space for artists, encourage innovative work and serve the community as a cultural and educational resource. Contributions to Gallery 308 are tax-deductible. For more information about gallery hours, volunteer and donor opportunities, please call 765-289-8575.
Gordy Fine Art & Framing ~ 224 E Main Street ~ 765-284-8422

David and Sarojini Johnson, professors of printmaking at Ball State University, will present new works in a month-long exhibit at Gordy Fine Art and Framing in downtown Muncie, titled, "Fresh Ink: Recent Etchings, Relief Prints, and Artist's Books by David & Sarojini Johnson." The show opens with a reception for the duo on Thursday, February 5th, from 5 to 8 PM. Light refreshments will be served and the public is invited to attend, ask questions and learn about the various methods employed by the Johnson's in their artwork. READ MORE...
Toys Forever Models & Hobbies ~ 311 South Walnut Street ~ 765-288-6505

On First Thursdays, Toys Forever Models & Hobbies hosts a meeting of modelers who build and detail plastic models of cars, trucks, aircraft, ships, sci-fi and other subjects. The meeting is held from 6:00PM to 8:00PM. Come see finished models on display, models in the process of being built and talk to the modelers about tips and techniques. Any person interested is welcome to join and participate in the display and discussion.
For more information, contact Brandon Mundell at Toys Forever Models & Hobbies (765) 288-6505. In addition, Toys Forever Models & Hobbies will be open to the public extended hours until 8:00 PM First Thursday. Come meet our knowledgeable and friendly staff while exploring East Central Indiana's premier selection of model and hobby supplies.
Other downtown Muncie businesses may have extended hours or special events during First Thursdays including:
~ Cassella's Kitchen, 401 S. Walnut Street - 765-289-8980
~ FB Fogg, 418 E Main Street - 765-289-7464
~ Blue Bottle - 206 South Walnut Street - 765-284-3630
Additionally, all of Downtown's independently owned bars and restaurants will be open and ready to serve you. For more information, visit
Please help keep us informed of any upcoming events or exhibits in Downtown Muncie. Email details to info [at]
111 Arts Gallery & Tattoo Studio ~ 111 East Main Street ~ 765-282-8342
111 Arts Gallery will feature Indianapolis artist Mike Vandergriff, who will exhibit semi nude, manipulated in the raw photography. Multiple size prints will be for sale. There will be an opening reception during First Thursday, February 5th, from 5 to 8pm at 111 E. Main Street. For more information visit or
The Artist Within ~ 313 S Walnut Street ~ 765-289-7895
The Artist Within will exhibit Ball State University Advanced Painting Classes in the main gallery, and the upper level gallery will feature "It's Not Your Mom's Refrigerator Anymore," a juried show with the BSU Art Department Painting Faculty selecting the pieces. Both shows will have a combined opening reception with music, light refreshments and an opportunity to meet the artists.The opening is free and open to the public from 5-8 pm, Thursday February 5, 2009. Most artwork will be for sale and all work will remain on exhibit through February 28, 2009. READ MORE...
Artworks ~ 301 South Walnut Street ~ 765-288-2221
ArtWorks Gallery will feature the works of Mark Twig in a new exhibition, "Twig Turns to Wood" February 5 through 27th at the Gallery, located at 301 S. Walnut St. in Downtown Muncie. There will be an opening reception during First Thursday, February 5th, from 5 to 8pm. READ MORE...
Cornerstone Gallery ~ 520 East Main Street ~ 765-281-9503, ext. 15
The work of Ball State University art student Mary Barczak will be on display in the Cornerstone Art Gallery beginning January 21st until February 27th. Barczak is currently graduating from Ball State University in the spring with a BFA with a specialization in photography. The show is entitled Periodically, Nothing Happens and there will be a reception during Downtown's First Thursday events on February 5th from 6 to 8 p.m. READ MORE...
Downtown Farm Stand ~ 125 East Main Street ~ 765-288-3775
Downtown Farm Stand organic market at the corner of Main and Mulberry streets now carries Sue Beach's functional pottery. The Downtown Farm Stand is open during First Thursday, and offers a seasonal selection of meat, dairy, eggs, produce, bulk foods and canned goods from Indiana's finest farms and regional producers. Visit for info.
Gallery 308 ~ 308 E. Main Street ~ 765-289-8575
Gallery 308 is a 501(c)(3) community art gallery which exists to provide exhibition space for artists, encourage innovative work and serve the community as a cultural and educational resource. Contributions to Gallery 308 are tax-deductible. For more information about gallery hours, volunteer and donor opportunities, please call 765-289-8575.
Gordy Fine Art & Framing ~ 224 E Main Street ~ 765-284-8422
David and Sarojini Johnson, professors of printmaking at Ball State University, will present new works in a month-long exhibit at Gordy Fine Art and Framing in downtown Muncie, titled, "Fresh Ink: Recent Etchings, Relief Prints, and Artist's Books by David & Sarojini Johnson." The show opens with a reception for the duo on Thursday, February 5th, from 5 to 8 PM. Light refreshments will be served and the public is invited to attend, ask questions and learn about the various methods employed by the Johnson's in their artwork. READ MORE...
Toys Forever Models & Hobbies ~ 311 South Walnut Street ~ 765-288-6505
On First Thursdays, Toys Forever Models & Hobbies hosts a meeting of modelers who build and detail plastic models of cars, trucks, aircraft, ships, sci-fi and other subjects. The meeting is held from 6:00PM to 8:00PM. Come see finished models on display, models in the process of being built and talk to the modelers about tips and techniques. Any person interested is welcome to join and participate in the display and discussion.
For more information, contact Brandon Mundell at Toys Forever Models & Hobbies (765) 288-6505. In addition, Toys Forever Models & Hobbies will be open to the public extended hours until 8:00 PM First Thursday. Come meet our knowledgeable and friendly staff while exploring East Central Indiana's premier selection of model and hobby supplies.
Other downtown Muncie businesses may have extended hours or special events during First Thursdays including:
~ Cassella's Kitchen, 401 S. Walnut Street - 765-289-8980
~ FB Fogg, 418 E Main Street - 765-289-7464
~ Blue Bottle - 206 South Walnut Street - 765-284-3630
Additionally, all of Downtown's independently owned bars and restaurants will be open and ready to serve you. For more information, visit
Please help keep us informed of any upcoming events or exhibits in Downtown Muncie. Email details to info [at]
Muncie Park & Recreation Master Plan Public Meeting Feb. 4
Your attendance is encouraged at the public meeting for Muncie's 5 year park & recreation master plan Wednesday, February 4th.
The meeting will take place from 5-7 at Maring-Hunt Library meeting room.
The purpose of this public meeting is to provide an opportunity for the public to: 1) review the work that has gone into forming the plan, including results from the public surveys, and 2) provide feedback on the plan's goals & objectives. This will be an informal meeting so that people can look through the information and provide feedback at their leisure.
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The meeting will take place from 5-7 at Maring-Hunt Library meeting room.
The purpose of this public meeting is to provide an opportunity for the public to: 1) review the work that has gone into forming the plan, including results from the public surveys, and 2) provide feedback on the plan's goals & objectives. This will be an informal meeting so that people can look through the information and provide feedback at their leisure.
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