Welcome: Walnut at the Crossing located at old Kelso Building, the location of the new food court. The street address is 118 South Walnut Street, between Main and Jackson streets.
Downtown Parade: for information go to: http://forum.munciedowntown.com/viewtopic.php?t=33
Note: Due to the editor's schedule the newsletter is a day early.
15th Mitchell Place Gallery "Living Art features Poetry Alive: Art That Speaks" readings of original poetry by East Central Indiana poets. 7pm-free and open to the public
16th Freaky Tiki Friday: Blue Bottle 5:30pm
16th Free Friday Night Movie at dusk: Hoosiers
16th Muncie Children's Museum an inventive thinking workshop.
17th FB Fogg Saturday Salon 10am-4pm
15th-18- Blues Fest at Heorot and CenterStage $8 for each night or $10 for the entire weekend.
16th-18th Muncie Civic Theatre presents: "The Graduate," call for hours and tickets 288-PLAY
17th-18th Washington Street Festival Saturday 10-5, Sunday Noon-5
20th 9-10 a.m. & 4-5 p.m. - Minnestrista The Itsy, Bitsy Spider Program for 4&5 Year-Olds
21st 4 p.m. until sold out - Minnetrista Farmers Market
OnGoing Exhibits:
1-30 The Artist Within printmaking exhibit featuring the artwork of two Ball State University seniors; Benny Sanders and Josh Winkler.
1-30 Artworks: featuring fiber artist Carol Myers
1-30 Mitchell Place Gallery features the Animal Show
1-30 Gordy Fine Art & Framing is exhibiting the ceramic works by Judy Wojcik & John Peterson.
Minnetrista, Muncie Children's Museum and National Model Aviation Museum
Offer Continued Support to Gulf Coast Hurricane Victims
Minnetrista, Muncie Children's Museum and the National Model Aviation Museum, offering their continued support to Hurricane Katrina victims, are donating half of all admissions on Saturday, September 17 and Saturday, September 24 to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund to aid hurricane victims.
For information, call the Muncie Children's Museum at (765) 286-1660 or visit the Web at www.munciechildrensmuseum.com; Minnetrista at (765) 282-4848 or visit the Web at www.minnetrista.net; or NAMA at (765) 289-4236 or visit the Web at www.modelaircraft.org/museum/index.asp.
Here's what Minnetrista has going on September 19-25
For more information please call our reservations line at 213-3549
1-30 - Presidential Hopefuls: The Quest For The Oval Office
10-30 - Open Space: Art About The Land
Tuesday, September 20 (9-10 a.m.) & (4-5 p.m.) - The Itsy, Bitsy Spider Program for 4&5 Year-Olds - Members, $2 per child; non-members, $5 per child
Wednesday, September 21 (4 p.m. until sold out) - Minnetrista Farmers Market
Friday, September 23 (4-5 p.m.) - Putting The Garden To Bed Family Program - Members, free; non-members, $5 per person
Saturday, September 24 (7 - 11 a.m.) - Minnetrista Farmers Market
Saturday, September 24 (9 a.m. - 4 p.m.) - Open Space, Open Road Minnetrista Minne-Trip - Members, $30 per person; non-members, $40 per person
Saturday, September 24 (9 a.m. - 4 p.m.) - Habitat Stewards Training Adult Program - Members, $40 per person; non-members, $50 per person
Sunday, September 25 (1-4 p.m.) - Seasoned Tomato Sauce Food Preservation and Culture Workshop - Members, $10 per person; non-members, $20 per person
Gordy Fine Art & Framing will feature Pat Nelson and Brian Gordy for ArtsWalk and throughout the month of October.
The annual Artswalk with Ball State University is slated for Thursday, October 6th from 5 to 9 PM. The public is invited to visit the various galleries and exhibit locations downtown, as well as Minnetrista, the BSU Atrium Gallery and the BSU Museum. Trolley busses will run throughout the evening between the different locations.
The Gordy-Nelson exhibit, titled, "Natural Forms" will showcase recent watercolors by Gordy that include several turtle scenes on the White River, and metal sculptures by Nelson that also draw from nature.
CONTACT: Mary Gaston
(765) 282-2762 ext. #11
- For Immediate Release -
MITS LAUNCHES NEW WEBSITEMuncie, IN, September 13, 2005 -- The Muncie Indiana Transit System (MITS) has launched a new website. The web address is still but it is easier to navigate than the old one and has a fresh look that should be appealing to customers young and old. The site includes schedules and maps for all the bus routes, information about fares, days and hours of service, and how to ride a bus. Information about MITSPlus, JobConnection and trolley service is also available on the site. Customers can still call 289-MITS (289-6487) for more personal assistance during these hours: Monday through Friday, 6:00 a.m. - 9:30 p.m., and Saturday, 8:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
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