
Saturday, August 20, 2005

News from Downtown Muncie 8/19/2005


1st-27 Artist Within: presenting artist/photographer Kendrick Shadoan

1st-31st Gordy Fine Art & Framing: exhibit of Lynette Whitesell

Muncie Children's Museum: daily events, call for more info.

18-21st The Muncie and Anderson Kennel Clubs are putting on their Annual dog show at
the Delaware Country Fairgrounds. We will be trying out a Meet the Breeds event this year on Saturday where people can come and ask questions about different breeds and see the dogs.

19th Vera Mae's: Summer Jazz Vignette's Frank Puzzullo Duo featuring Hans Sturm on string Bass. 6:30pm-9:30pm, no cover charge, reservations taken for dining guests only. 747-4941

20th Artworks: annual Artist Attic event from 8:00am-4:00pm-art supplies, new art, and all sorts of fun things the artist find in their studio's and attics.

26th 50's Night at Our Daily Bread, Historic Johnson House 322 East Washington Street. Featuring Billy G., formerly of The Platters. Fun starts at 6 p.m. Reservations only, call 287-9247.

27th Minnestrista Rhythm and Blues with John Lee Hooker, Jr. and Clarence Dobbins at 7:30 p.m.

27th YART: 8 am to 11 pm. Great art for sale, and nothing over $50!!!! For more information contact Luke Lofland at

27th Gordy Fine Art & Framing offering classes by Lina Gordy will lead a full-day knitting workshop for advanced beginners from 9 AM to 3 PM.

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1-30 Mitchell Place Gallery, THE ANIMAL SHOW, A Group Exhibit featuring the works of Mary Ann Rahe, Sarojini Jha Johnson, Sally Myers, David Johnson and Robert Flory. Five artists explore the theme of animals in a variety of media. Opening Reception: Thursday, September 1, 5-8pm

13th Gordy Fine Art & Framing offering classes by professional artist Brian Gordy ; beginning Watercolor classes on Tuesday evenings for ten weeks beginning September 13, 2005. Adults and children over 15 who have some drawing skills will be guided through basic techniques for still life and landscape painting. Intermediate and Advanced Watercolor class will be offered on Wednesday evenings for those students with some background in watercolor techniques who wish to develop personal skills and style. Both classes meet from 6 to 8 PM at Gordy Fine Art & Framing Company, 224 East Main Street in downtown Muncie.

18 & 19 Old Washington Street Festival, Saturday 10-5, Sunday Noon-5
Be a part of all the excitement and festivities during the Annual Old Washington Street Festival to be held on the four blocks of East Washington Street between Madison and Hackley Streets. The primary focus of the Old Washington Street Festival is on the architectural, cultural, and social heritage of Muncie's Emily Kimbrough Historic District and the surrounding neighborhood. Home tours and a walking tour extend the bounds of the Festival to approximately fourteen square blocks. At the hub of the Festival on Washington Street are demonstrations of crafts contemporary to the turn of the century, arts and crafts displays, musical entertainment, an ice cream social and other refreshments, antiques, a milk wagon and a hand-drawn fire pumper to take visitors back to the gas boom era. We expect the variety of attractions to draw over 8,000 people.

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5-28 WATERMEDIA: Mitchell Place Gallery, exhibition featuring the works of over 30 artists from Indiana and surrounding States. Awards and Opening Reception: Thursday, October 6, 5-8pm

6th The Annual Altrusa Style Show presents: "Red Carpet To Style" at the Horizon Convention Center. Two Shows: Noon Luncheon $25 and 7:00pm Dinner $30.
Several area stores will be showing Fall and Winter fashions. Popular WLBC Morning Show host Steve Lindel will emcee. Upon arrival, guests will have the opportunity to rub elbows with 'Joan
Rivers', 'Opra', etc. (all in fun played by Muncie actors.) Great door prizes, tickets available for fabulous merchandise from local stores. Proceeds benefit Altrusa service projects focused on literacy, youth development and the advancement of women. Thanks for your support!

7th -9th Watercolor workshop by PAT SAN SOUCIE 9-4 PM located 400 arts and Journalisom Bldg at Ball State. Pat San Soucie is a renowned painter, educator and juror. She is a member of many watercolor societies including the National Watercolor Society and the American Watercolor Society. She is a Dolphin Fellow. She has received numerous awards and is widely published and included in many public and corporate collections.. San Soucie creates watermedia paintings in a unique style by pouring pigments through filters, yielding abstract textures, shapes and colors. She will teach workshop particpants different methods of creating paintings. The workshop is limited to 15 artists.

To register, send you name, address, phone number and email address and your check for $150 made out to Mitchell Place Gallery to:

Patrick Wasson Watermedia 2005 Workshop Chair 409 S. Liberty Muncie IN 47305 765-228-1247


2-26 THE POWER OF ONE; Mitchell Place Gallery, an exhibit featuring stories of hope for the people of Kenya affected by HIV/AIDS. Descriptions and photos by Stan Abell, Lori Crantford, Beth Fried, Jonathan Fried, Ron Pettigrew and Charlie Russell, individuals in the Indianapolis Power of One project team. The team visited Kenya in 2004 with the IU-Kenya AMPATH program . The Power of One explains how each person has the power to make a difference and transform the world one person at a time. Opening Reception: Thursday, November 3, 5-8pm


1-30 Mitchell Place Gallery Three Artists exhibit their works
Grace Benedict (Colored Pencil)
Susan Suraci (Paintings)
John Wood (Miniature Sculptures)
Opening Reception: Thursday December 1, 5-8pm

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The charm of Muncie's historic Downtown District is that its businesses are independently owned and operated. Please shop locally and support independent business in Muncie.

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