1-31 - Minnestrista exhibit: Presidential Hopefuls: The Quest For The Oval Office
1-31 -Minnestrista features: View From the Garden: The Quilt Art of Emily Parson
1st-27 Artist Within: presenting artist/photographer Kendrick Shadoan
1st-31st Gordy Fine Art & Framing: exhibit of Lynette Whitesell
Muncie Children's Museum: daily events, call for more info.
26th 50's Night at Our Daily Bread, Historic Johnson House 322 East Washington Street. Featuring Billy G., formerly of The Platters. Fun starts at 6 p.m. Reservations only, call 287-9247.
27th - Minnetrista Farmers Market, 7-11 a.m.
27th Muncie Children's Museum: The one-of-a-kind People's Choice winner of Purdue University's 2004 Rube Goldberg Machine Contest opens. To learn more, call the Museum at (765) 286-1660 or visit
27th - The Star Press Summer Concert Series at Minnetrista - R&B concert featuring John Lee Hooker, Jr. & Clarence Dobbins, 7:30 p.m. FREE admission.
27th YART: 8 am to 11 pm. Great art for sale, and nothing over $50!!!! For more information contact Luke Lofland at
27th Gordy Fine Art & Framing offering classes by Lina Gordy will lead a full-day knitting workshop for advanced beginners from 9 AM to 3 PM.
28th - River Wildlife Family Workshop at Minnetrista - We will investigate the unique adaptations of aquatic creatures by trying dip netting and seining. Also, we will test the water quality for essential conditions like dissolved oxygen and optimal temperature.
Send news items
Weekly emailed newsletter to
For the printed monthly Do It Downtown newsletter in the Star Press, send news to, or call the Downtown Development office at 282-7897.
To have information added to the downtown website, email
1-30 Mitchell Place Gallery, THE ANIMAL SHOW, A Group Exhibit featuring the works of Mary Ann Rahe, Sarojini Jha Johnson, Sally Myers, David Johnson and Robert Flory. Five artists explore the theme of animals in a variety of media. Opening Reception: Thursday, September 1, 5-8pm
11th-Dec 3rd Cornerstone Center for the Arts: Infant & Preschool Offerings; various programs that brings both children and parents together for 30 minutes each of art, dance and music. Please contact Pam Nicholas, Director of Education, at 281-9503, ext. 23
13th Gordy Fine Art & Framing offering classes by professional artist Brian Gordy ; beginning Watercolor classes on Tuesday evenings for ten weeks beginning September 13, 2005. Adults and children over 15 who have some drawing skills will be guided through basic techniques for still life and landscape painting. Intermediate and Advanced Watercolor class will be offered on Wednesday evenings for those students with some background in watercolor techniques who wish to develop personal skills and style. Both classes meet from 6 to 8 PM at Gordy Fine Art & Framing Company, 224 East Main Street in downtown Muncie.
16th-18th Muncie Civic Theatre presents comedy classic THE GRADUATE, tickets are $18 for Adults and $6 for Ball State students. Reservations, hours, and ticket sales call 765-288-PLAY
18 & 19 Old Washington Street Festival, Saturday 10-5, Sunday Noon-5
Be a part of all the excitement and festivities during the Annual Old Washington Street Festival to be held on the four blocks of East Washington Street between Madison and Hackley Streets. The primary focus of the Old Washington Street Festival is on the architectural, cultural, and social heritage of Muncie's Emily Kimbrough Historic District and the surrounding neighborhood. Home tours and a walking tour extend the bounds of the Festival to approximately fourteen square blocks. At the hub of the Festival on Washington Street are demonstrations of crafts contemporary to the turn of the century, arts and crafts displays, musical entertainment, an ice cream social and other refreshments, antiques, a milk wagon and a hand-drawn fire pumper to take visitors back to the gas boom era. We expect the variety of attractions to draw over 8,000 people.
22nd-24th Muncie Civic Theatre presents comedy classic THE GRADUATE, tickets are $18 for Adults and $6 for Ball State students. Reservations, hours, and ticket sales call 765-288-PLAY
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
5-28 WATERMEDIA: Mitchell Place Gallery, exhibition featuring the works of over 30 artists from Indiana and surrounding States. Awards and Opening Reception: Thursday, October 6, 5-8pm
6th The Annual Altrusa Style Show presents: "Red Carpet To Style" at the Horizon Convention Center. Two Shows: Noon Luncheon $25 and 7:00pm Dinner $30.
Several area stores will be showing Fall and Winter fashions. Popular WLBC Morning Show host Steve Lindel will emcee. Upon arrival, guests will have the opportunity to rub elbows with 'Joan
Rivers', 'Opra', etc. (all in fun played by Muncie actors.) Great door prizes, tickets available for fabulous merchandise from local stores. Proceeds benefit Altrusa service projects focused on literacy, youth development and the advancement of women. Thanks for your support!
7th -9th Watercolor workshop by PAT SAN SOUCIE 9-4 PM located 400 arts and Journalisom Bldg at Ball State. Pat San Soucie is a renowned painter, educator and juror. She is a member of many watercolor societies including the National Watercolor Society and the American Watercolor Society. She is a Dolphin Fellow. She has received numerous awards and is widely published and included in many public and corporate collections.. San Soucie creates watermedia paintings in a unique style by pouring pigments through filters, yielding abstract textures, shapes and colors. She will teach workshop particpants different methods of creating paintings. The workshop is limited to 15 artists.
To register, send you name, address, phone number and email address and your check for $150 made out to Mitchell Place Gallery to:
Patrick Wasson Watermedia 2005 Workshop Chair 409 S. Liberty Muncie IN 47305 765-228-1247
2-26 THE POWER OF ONE; Mitchell Place Gallery, an exhibit featuring stories of hope for the people of Kenya affected by HIV/AIDS. Descriptions and photos by Stan Abell, Lori Crantford, Beth Fried, Jonathan Fried, Ron Pettigrew and Charlie Russell, individuals in the Indianapolis Power of One project team. The team visited Kenya in 2004 with the IU-Kenya AMPATH program . The Power of One explains how each person has the power to make a difference and transform the world one person at a time. Opening Reception: Thursday, November 3, 5-8pm
1-30 Mitchell Place Gallery Three Artists exhibit their works
Grace Benedict (Colored Pencil)
Susan Suraci (Paintings)
John Wood (Miniature Sculptures)
Opening Reception: Thursday December 1, 5-8pm
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The charm of Muncie's historic Downtown District is that its businesses are independently owned and operated. Please shop locally and support independent business in Muncie.
Friday, August 26, 2005
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Lynyrd Skynyrd Cancels Tour
LYNYRD SKYNYRD CANCELS TOUR has just received word from the folks at Downtown Development that Lynyrd Skynyrd has cancelled their show at the End of Summer Jam in Downtown Muncie, as well as the rest of their tour. Singer Jonnie Van Zant requires throat surgery to remove a vocal cord polyp.
Downtown Development is seeking a comparable headlining act so that the End of Summer Jam may go on as planned. Fans who have already bought tickets may return them at the point of purchase for a refund - or hang onto them, as they will be honored at the End of Summer Jam regardless of the headlining act.
Read the full Star Press newspaper article here:
Further details will be posted on as soon as we get them. has just received word from the folks at Downtown Development that Lynyrd Skynyrd has cancelled their show at the End of Summer Jam in Downtown Muncie, as well as the rest of their tour. Singer Jonnie Van Zant requires throat surgery to remove a vocal cord polyp.
Downtown Development is seeking a comparable headlining act so that the End of Summer Jam may go on as planned. Fans who have already bought tickets may return them at the point of purchase for a refund - or hang onto them, as they will be honored at the End of Summer Jam regardless of the headlining act.
Read the full Star Press newspaper article here:
Further details will be posted on as soon as we get them.
Saturday, August 20, 2005
News from Downtown Muncie 8/19/2005
1st-27 Artist Within: presenting artist/photographer Kendrick Shadoan
1st-31st Gordy Fine Art & Framing: exhibit of Lynette Whitesell
Muncie Children's Museum: daily events, call for more info.
18-21st The Muncie and Anderson Kennel Clubs are putting on their Annual dog show at
the Delaware Country Fairgrounds. We will be trying out a Meet the Breeds event this year on Saturday where people can come and ask questions about different breeds and see the dogs.
19th Vera Mae's: Summer Jazz Vignette's Frank Puzzullo Duo featuring Hans Sturm on string Bass. 6:30pm-9:30pm, no cover charge, reservations taken for dining guests only. 747-4941
20th Artworks: annual Artist Attic event from 8:00am-4:00pm-art supplies, new art, and all sorts of fun things the artist find in their studio's and attics.
26th 50's Night at Our Daily Bread, Historic Johnson House 322 East Washington Street. Featuring Billy G., formerly of The Platters. Fun starts at 6 p.m. Reservations only, call 287-9247.
27th Minnestrista Rhythm and Blues with John Lee Hooker, Jr. and Clarence Dobbins at 7:30 p.m.
27th YART: 8 am to 11 pm. Great art for sale, and nothing over $50!!!! For more information contact Luke Lofland at
27th Gordy Fine Art & Framing offering classes by Lina Gordy will lead a full-day knitting workshop for advanced beginners from 9 AM to 3 PM.
Send news items
Weekly emailed newsletter to
For the printed monthly Do It Downtown newsletter in the Star Press, send news to, or call the Downtown Development office at 282-7897.
To have information added to the downtown website, email
1-30 Mitchell Place Gallery, THE ANIMAL SHOW, A Group Exhibit featuring the works of Mary Ann Rahe, Sarojini Jha Johnson, Sally Myers, David Johnson and Robert Flory. Five artists explore the theme of animals in a variety of media. Opening Reception: Thursday, September 1, 5-8pm
13th Gordy Fine Art & Framing offering classes by professional artist Brian Gordy ; beginning Watercolor classes on Tuesday evenings for ten weeks beginning September 13, 2005. Adults and children over 15 who have some drawing skills will be guided through basic techniques for still life and landscape painting. Intermediate and Advanced Watercolor class will be offered on Wednesday evenings for those students with some background in watercolor techniques who wish to develop personal skills and style. Both classes meet from 6 to 8 PM at Gordy Fine Art & Framing Company, 224 East Main Street in downtown Muncie.
18 & 19 Old Washington Street Festival, Saturday 10-5, Sunday Noon-5
Be a part of all the excitement and festivities during the Annual Old Washington Street Festival to be held on the four blocks of East Washington Street between Madison and Hackley Streets. The primary focus of the Old Washington Street Festival is on the architectural, cultural, and social heritage of Muncie's Emily Kimbrough Historic District and the surrounding neighborhood. Home tours and a walking tour extend the bounds of the Festival to approximately fourteen square blocks. At the hub of the Festival on Washington Street are demonstrations of crafts contemporary to the turn of the century, arts and crafts displays, musical entertainment, an ice cream social and other refreshments, antiques, a milk wagon and a hand-drawn fire pumper to take visitors back to the gas boom era. We expect the variety of attractions to draw over 8,000 people.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
5-28 WATERMEDIA: Mitchell Place Gallery, exhibition featuring the works of over 30 artists from Indiana and surrounding States. Awards and Opening Reception: Thursday, October 6, 5-8pm
6th The Annual Altrusa Style Show presents: "Red Carpet To Style" at the Horizon Convention Center. Two Shows: Noon Luncheon $25 and 7:00pm Dinner $30.
Several area stores will be showing Fall and Winter fashions. Popular WLBC Morning Show host Steve Lindel will emcee. Upon arrival, guests will have the opportunity to rub elbows with 'Joan
Rivers', 'Opra', etc. (all in fun played by Muncie actors.) Great door prizes, tickets available for fabulous merchandise from local stores. Proceeds benefit Altrusa service projects focused on literacy, youth development and the advancement of women. Thanks for your support!
7th -9th Watercolor workshop by PAT SAN SOUCIE 9-4 PM located 400 arts and Journalisom Bldg at Ball State. Pat San Soucie is a renowned painter, educator and juror. She is a member of many watercolor societies including the National Watercolor Society and the American Watercolor Society. She is a Dolphin Fellow. She has received numerous awards and is widely published and included in many public and corporate collections.. San Soucie creates watermedia paintings in a unique style by pouring pigments through filters, yielding abstract textures, shapes and colors. She will teach workshop particpants different methods of creating paintings. The workshop is limited to 15 artists.
To register, send you name, address, phone number and email address and your check for $150 made out to Mitchell Place Gallery to:
Patrick Wasson Watermedia 2005 Workshop Chair 409 S. Liberty Muncie IN 47305 765-228-1247
2-26 THE POWER OF ONE; Mitchell Place Gallery, an exhibit featuring stories of hope for the people of Kenya affected by HIV/AIDS. Descriptions and photos by Stan Abell, Lori Crantford, Beth Fried, Jonathan Fried, Ron Pettigrew and Charlie Russell, individuals in the Indianapolis Power of One project team. The team visited Kenya in 2004 with the IU-Kenya AMPATH program . The Power of One explains how each person has the power to make a difference and transform the world one person at a time. Opening Reception: Thursday, November 3, 5-8pm
1-30 Mitchell Place Gallery Three Artists exhibit their works
Grace Benedict (Colored Pencil)
Susan Suraci (Paintings)
John Wood (Miniature Sculptures)
Opening Reception: Thursday December 1, 5-8pm
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The charm of Muncie's historic Downtown District is that its businesses are independently owned and operated. Please shop locally and support independent business in Muncie.
1st-27 Artist Within: presenting artist/photographer Kendrick Shadoan
1st-31st Gordy Fine Art & Framing: exhibit of Lynette Whitesell
Muncie Children's Museum: daily events, call for more info.
18-21st The Muncie and Anderson Kennel Clubs are putting on their Annual dog show at
the Delaware Country Fairgrounds. We will be trying out a Meet the Breeds event this year on Saturday where people can come and ask questions about different breeds and see the dogs.
19th Vera Mae's: Summer Jazz Vignette's Frank Puzzullo Duo featuring Hans Sturm on string Bass. 6:30pm-9:30pm, no cover charge, reservations taken for dining guests only. 747-4941
20th Artworks: annual Artist Attic event from 8:00am-4:00pm-art supplies, new art, and all sorts of fun things the artist find in their studio's and attics.
26th 50's Night at Our Daily Bread, Historic Johnson House 322 East Washington Street. Featuring Billy G., formerly of The Platters. Fun starts at 6 p.m. Reservations only, call 287-9247.
27th Minnestrista Rhythm and Blues with John Lee Hooker, Jr. and Clarence Dobbins at 7:30 p.m.
27th YART: 8 am to 11 pm. Great art for sale, and nothing over $50!!!! For more information contact Luke Lofland at
27th Gordy Fine Art & Framing offering classes by Lina Gordy will lead a full-day knitting workshop for advanced beginners from 9 AM to 3 PM.
Send news items
Weekly emailed newsletter to
For the printed monthly Do It Downtown newsletter in the Star Press, send news to, or call the Downtown Development office at 282-7897.
To have information added to the downtown website, email
1-30 Mitchell Place Gallery, THE ANIMAL SHOW, A Group Exhibit featuring the works of Mary Ann Rahe, Sarojini Jha Johnson, Sally Myers, David Johnson and Robert Flory. Five artists explore the theme of animals in a variety of media. Opening Reception: Thursday, September 1, 5-8pm
13th Gordy Fine Art & Framing offering classes by professional artist Brian Gordy ; beginning Watercolor classes on Tuesday evenings for ten weeks beginning September 13, 2005. Adults and children over 15 who have some drawing skills will be guided through basic techniques for still life and landscape painting. Intermediate and Advanced Watercolor class will be offered on Wednesday evenings for those students with some background in watercolor techniques who wish to develop personal skills and style. Both classes meet from 6 to 8 PM at Gordy Fine Art & Framing Company, 224 East Main Street in downtown Muncie.
18 & 19 Old Washington Street Festival, Saturday 10-5, Sunday Noon-5
Be a part of all the excitement and festivities during the Annual Old Washington Street Festival to be held on the four blocks of East Washington Street between Madison and Hackley Streets. The primary focus of the Old Washington Street Festival is on the architectural, cultural, and social heritage of Muncie's Emily Kimbrough Historic District and the surrounding neighborhood. Home tours and a walking tour extend the bounds of the Festival to approximately fourteen square blocks. At the hub of the Festival on Washington Street are demonstrations of crafts contemporary to the turn of the century, arts and crafts displays, musical entertainment, an ice cream social and other refreshments, antiques, a milk wagon and a hand-drawn fire pumper to take visitors back to the gas boom era. We expect the variety of attractions to draw over 8,000 people.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
5-28 WATERMEDIA: Mitchell Place Gallery, exhibition featuring the works of over 30 artists from Indiana and surrounding States. Awards and Opening Reception: Thursday, October 6, 5-8pm
6th The Annual Altrusa Style Show presents: "Red Carpet To Style" at the Horizon Convention Center. Two Shows: Noon Luncheon $25 and 7:00pm Dinner $30.
Several area stores will be showing Fall and Winter fashions. Popular WLBC Morning Show host Steve Lindel will emcee. Upon arrival, guests will have the opportunity to rub elbows with 'Joan
Rivers', 'Opra', etc. (all in fun played by Muncie actors.) Great door prizes, tickets available for fabulous merchandise from local stores. Proceeds benefit Altrusa service projects focused on literacy, youth development and the advancement of women. Thanks for your support!
7th -9th Watercolor workshop by PAT SAN SOUCIE 9-4 PM located 400 arts and Journalisom Bldg at Ball State. Pat San Soucie is a renowned painter, educator and juror. She is a member of many watercolor societies including the National Watercolor Society and the American Watercolor Society. She is a Dolphin Fellow. She has received numerous awards and is widely published and included in many public and corporate collections.. San Soucie creates watermedia paintings in a unique style by pouring pigments through filters, yielding abstract textures, shapes and colors. She will teach workshop particpants different methods of creating paintings. The workshop is limited to 15 artists.
To register, send you name, address, phone number and email address and your check for $150 made out to Mitchell Place Gallery to:
Patrick Wasson Watermedia 2005 Workshop Chair 409 S. Liberty Muncie IN 47305 765-228-1247
2-26 THE POWER OF ONE; Mitchell Place Gallery, an exhibit featuring stories of hope for the people of Kenya affected by HIV/AIDS. Descriptions and photos by Stan Abell, Lori Crantford, Beth Fried, Jonathan Fried, Ron Pettigrew and Charlie Russell, individuals in the Indianapolis Power of One project team. The team visited Kenya in 2004 with the IU-Kenya AMPATH program . The Power of One explains how each person has the power to make a difference and transform the world one person at a time. Opening Reception: Thursday, November 3, 5-8pm
1-30 Mitchell Place Gallery Three Artists exhibit their works
Grace Benedict (Colored Pencil)
Susan Suraci (Paintings)
John Wood (Miniature Sculptures)
Opening Reception: Thursday December 1, 5-8pm
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The charm of Muncie's historic Downtown District is that its businesses are independently owned and operated. Please shop locally and support independent business in Muncie.
Friday, August 12, 2005
News from Downtown Muncie 8/12/2005
Hey gang! We are going to try some new formats with the newsletter in the upcoming months. New is good! The newsletter has gotten to be so long and detailed we are going to try for something that will only take you 5 min. to read. PLEASE give us feedback on this and other ways to make this newsletter valuable to you and other folks downtown. I need your help with the editing; please send only 4 lines max. for your event and only the current weeks news, also know that I may have to edit it down even further. People have said that the newsletter is so long that they are just deleting it. Ahhhh!! That is not what we want, right?
1st-27 Artist Within: presenting artist/photographer Kendrick Shadoan
1st-31st Gordy Fine Art & Framing: exhibit of Lynette Whitesell
12th Muncie Children's Museum: Unpack Stuffee's Lunch Box During Friends and Family Fun Night! Enjoy food, friends, fun and free admission from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Also daily events, call for more info.
12th DOC'S presents Souled Out Band from 9pm-12pm. Adm. $5.00
13th Vera Mae's: Summer Jazz Vignette's Frank Puzzullo duo featuring Jazz Vocalist Paula Owen. 6:30pm-9:30pm, No Cover Charge, reservations taken for dining guests only. 765-747-4941.
16th Dandelion's Flowers and Gifts are having another fresh cut flower workshop on Tues and Weds, August 17th, from 6-8 p.m. Both classes still have openings. Each "new designer" will create two arrangements and take them home. Call Dandelions @ 289-6363 to enroll.
17th Dandelion's Flowers and Gifts are having another fresh cut flower workshop from 6-8 p.m. Both classes still have openings. Each "new designer" will create two arrangements and take them home. Call Dandelions @ 289-6363 to enroll.
18-21st The Muncie and Anderson Kennel Clubs are putting on their Annual dog show at
the Delaware Country Fairgrounds. We will be trying out a Meet the Breeds event this year on Saturday where people can come and ask questions about different breeds and see the dogs.
19th Vera Mae's: Summer Jazz Vignette's Frank Puzzullo Duo featuring Hans Sturm on string Bass. 6:30pm-9:30pm, no cover charge, reservations taken for dining guests only. 747-4941
20th Artworks: annual Artist Attic event from 8:00am-4:00pm.
26th 50's Night at Our Daily Bread, Historic Johnson House 322 East Washington Street. Featuring Billy G., formerly of The Platters. Fun starts at 6 p.m. Reservations only, call 287-9247.
27th Minnestrista Rhythm and Blues with John Lee Hooker, Jr. and Clarence Dobbins at 7:30 p.m.
27th YART: 8 am to 11 pm. Great art for sale, and nothing over $50!!!! For more information contact Luke Lofland at
27th Gordy Fine Art & Framing offering classes by Lina Gordy will lead a full-day knitting workshop for advanced beginners from 9 AM to 3 PM.
13th Gordy Fine Art & Framing offering classes by professional artist Brian Gordy ; beginning Watercolor classes on Tuesday evenings for ten weeks beginning September 13, 2005. Adults and children over 15 who have some drawing skills will be guided through basic techniques for still life and landscape painting. Intermediate and Advanced Watercolor class will be offered on Wednesday evenings for those students with some background in watercolor techniques who wish to develop personal skills and style. Both classes meet from 6 to 8 PM at Gordy Fine Art & Framing Company, 224 East Main Street in downtown Muncie.
18 & 19 Old Washington Street Festival, Saturday 10-5, Sunday Noon-5
Be a part of all the excitement and festivities during the Annual Old Washington Street Festival to be held on the four blocks of East Washington Street between Madison and Hackley Streets. The primary focus of the Old Washington Street Festival is on the architectural, cultural, and social heritage of Muncie's Emily Kimbrough Historic District and the surrounding neighborhood. Home tours and a walking tour extend the bounds of the Festival to approximately fourteen square blocks. At the hub of the Festival on Washington Street are demonstrations of crafts contemporary to the turn of the century, arts and crafts displays, musical entertainment, an ice cream social and other refreshments, antiques, a milk wagon and a hand-drawn fire pumper to take visitors back to the gas boom era. We expect the variety of attractions to draw over 8,000 people.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
6th The Annual Altrusa Style Show presents: "Red Carpet To Style" at the Horizon Convention Center. Two Shows: Noon Luncheon $25 and 7:00pm Dinner $30.
Several area stores will be showing Fall and Winter fashions. Popular WLBC Morning Show host Steve Lindel will emcee. Upon arrival, guests will have the opportunity to rub elbows with 'Joan
Rivers', 'Opra', etc. (all in fun played by Muncie actors.) Great door prizes, tickets available for fabulous merchandise from local stores. Proceeds benefit Altrusa service projects focused on literacy, youth development and the advancement of women. Thanks for your support!
7th -9th Watercolor workshop by PAT SAN SOUCIE 9-4 PM located 400 arts and Journalisom Bldg at Ball State. Pat San Soucie is a renowned painter, educator and juror. She is a member of many watercolor societies including the National Watercolor Society and the American Watercolor Society. She is a Dolphin Fellow. She has received numerous awards and is widely published and included in many public and corporate collections.. San Soucie creates watermedia paintings in a unique style by pouring pigments through filters, yielding abstract textures, shapes and colors. She will teach workshop particpants different methods of creating paintings. The workshop is limited to 15 artists.
To register, send you name, address, phone number and email address and your check for $150 made out to Mitchell Place Gallery to:
Patrick Wasson Watermedia 2005 Workshop Chair 409 S. Liberty Muncie IN 47305 765-228-1247
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The charm of Muncie's historic Downtown District is that its businesses are independently owned and operated. Please shop locally and support independent business in Muncie.
1st-27 Artist Within: presenting artist/photographer Kendrick Shadoan
1st-31st Gordy Fine Art & Framing: exhibit of Lynette Whitesell
12th Muncie Children's Museum: Unpack Stuffee's Lunch Box During Friends and Family Fun Night! Enjoy food, friends, fun and free admission from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Also daily events, call for more info.
12th DOC'S presents Souled Out Band from 9pm-12pm. Adm. $5.00
13th Vera Mae's: Summer Jazz Vignette's Frank Puzzullo duo featuring Jazz Vocalist Paula Owen. 6:30pm-9:30pm, No Cover Charge, reservations taken for dining guests only. 765-747-4941.
16th Dandelion's Flowers and Gifts are having another fresh cut flower workshop on Tues and Weds, August 17th, from 6-8 p.m. Both classes still have openings. Each "new designer" will create two arrangements and take them home. Call Dandelions @ 289-6363 to enroll.
17th Dandelion's Flowers and Gifts are having another fresh cut flower workshop from 6-8 p.m. Both classes still have openings. Each "new designer" will create two arrangements and take them home. Call Dandelions @ 289-6363 to enroll.
18-21st The Muncie and Anderson Kennel Clubs are putting on their Annual dog show at
the Delaware Country Fairgrounds. We will be trying out a Meet the Breeds event this year on Saturday where people can come and ask questions about different breeds and see the dogs.
19th Vera Mae's: Summer Jazz Vignette's Frank Puzzullo Duo featuring Hans Sturm on string Bass. 6:30pm-9:30pm, no cover charge, reservations taken for dining guests only. 747-4941
20th Artworks: annual Artist Attic event from 8:00am-4:00pm.
26th 50's Night at Our Daily Bread, Historic Johnson House 322 East Washington Street. Featuring Billy G., formerly of The Platters. Fun starts at 6 p.m. Reservations only, call 287-9247.
27th Minnestrista Rhythm and Blues with John Lee Hooker, Jr. and Clarence Dobbins at 7:30 p.m.
27th YART: 8 am to 11 pm. Great art for sale, and nothing over $50!!!! For more information contact Luke Lofland at
27th Gordy Fine Art & Framing offering classes by Lina Gordy will lead a full-day knitting workshop for advanced beginners from 9 AM to 3 PM.
13th Gordy Fine Art & Framing offering classes by professional artist Brian Gordy ; beginning Watercolor classes on Tuesday evenings for ten weeks beginning September 13, 2005. Adults and children over 15 who have some drawing skills will be guided through basic techniques for still life and landscape painting. Intermediate and Advanced Watercolor class will be offered on Wednesday evenings for those students with some background in watercolor techniques who wish to develop personal skills and style. Both classes meet from 6 to 8 PM at Gordy Fine Art & Framing Company, 224 East Main Street in downtown Muncie.
18 & 19 Old Washington Street Festival, Saturday 10-5, Sunday Noon-5
Be a part of all the excitement and festivities during the Annual Old Washington Street Festival to be held on the four blocks of East Washington Street between Madison and Hackley Streets. The primary focus of the Old Washington Street Festival is on the architectural, cultural, and social heritage of Muncie's Emily Kimbrough Historic District and the surrounding neighborhood. Home tours and a walking tour extend the bounds of the Festival to approximately fourteen square blocks. At the hub of the Festival on Washington Street are demonstrations of crafts contemporary to the turn of the century, arts and crafts displays, musical entertainment, an ice cream social and other refreshments, antiques, a milk wagon and a hand-drawn fire pumper to take visitors back to the gas boom era. We expect the variety of attractions to draw over 8,000 people.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
6th The Annual Altrusa Style Show presents: "Red Carpet To Style" at the Horizon Convention Center. Two Shows: Noon Luncheon $25 and 7:00pm Dinner $30.
Several area stores will be showing Fall and Winter fashions. Popular WLBC Morning Show host Steve Lindel will emcee. Upon arrival, guests will have the opportunity to rub elbows with 'Joan
Rivers', 'Opra', etc. (all in fun played by Muncie actors.) Great door prizes, tickets available for fabulous merchandise from local stores. Proceeds benefit Altrusa service projects focused on literacy, youth development and the advancement of women. Thanks for your support!
7th -9th Watercolor workshop by PAT SAN SOUCIE 9-4 PM located 400 arts and Journalisom Bldg at Ball State. Pat San Soucie is a renowned painter, educator and juror. She is a member of many watercolor societies including the National Watercolor Society and the American Watercolor Society. She is a Dolphin Fellow. She has received numerous awards and is widely published and included in many public and corporate collections.. San Soucie creates watermedia paintings in a unique style by pouring pigments through filters, yielding abstract textures, shapes and colors. She will teach workshop particpants different methods of creating paintings. The workshop is limited to 15 artists.
To register, send you name, address, phone number and email address and your check for $150 made out to Mitchell Place Gallery to:
Patrick Wasson Watermedia 2005 Workshop Chair 409 S. Liberty Muncie IN 47305 765-228-1247
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The charm of Muncie's historic Downtown District is that its businesses are independently owned and operated. Please shop locally and support independent business in Muncie.
Thursday, August 04, 2005
News from Downtown Muncie 8/5/2005
Please send downtown news and information to This email update is also posted in the News department at You may subscribe or unsubscribe to the email list from the website.
Free Friday night movie: A Cinderella Story, at the corner of Walnut and Charles streets in downtown Muncie. Movie begins at dusk.
Downtown Business Council News from Genny Gordy
Downtown merchants may want to mark their calendars for the following advertising opportunities: Info for the Downtown Wrap due to Dawn New by Wednesday the 10th. Send to: Ads due for Downtown Page by next Friday, the 12th. See your newspaper rep.
Looking ahead: YART will take place in downtown Muncie on Saturday, August 27th from 8 am to 11 pm. Great art for sale, and nothing over $50!!!! For more information contact Luke Lofland at
Don't We All Want to be "Destination Businesses"?????
The Uptown Innovation Center in Richmond, IN is offering an exciting series of workshops by nationally-known marketing consultant Joh Schallert. "Increasing Sales and Marketing with Destination Marketing," will be offered on Monday, Aug.15th. Cost is $25. "Destination Creation Workshop" will be offered the following day and is geared toward downtown development professional, economic development directors, city officials & chamber of commerce members. Cost is $249 for this workshop. The final workshop, "Change the Business You Own into the Business You Want: the Powerful, Painless, No-Excuse Method Using Destination Business Reinvention" costs $85, includes workbooks for innovative marketing strategies and the like, and is offered on Wed., Aug. 17th. For more information, contact Main Street Richmond-Wayne County, 765.962.8151.
Please let Genny Gordy know if you're going - there may be car-pooling opportunities for these timely workshops. Her phone # is 284.8422, email:
A new online media outlet has recently launched in Muncie - Visit this wonderfully informative community website at Muncie Free Press is a news and information source by the people and for the people, offering news, information and conversation. Content is updated daily, so be sure to check it out.
The Downtown Data Center now offers internet dialup and broadband services! To check availability, visit Downtown Data Center also provides internet consulting, web hosting, and managed server solutions, served locally from Downtown Muncie.
1st-27 Artist Within: presenting artist/photographer Kendrick Shadoan. During the 1st Thurs event 5-8pm, Kendrick will have his equipment set up and will be taking photographs of guests.
1st-31st Gordy Fine Art & Framing: exhibit of Lynette Whitesell flowers and plant-live paintings will be on display. The public is welcome to 1st Thurs-Aug 4th opening reception to meet the artist from 5-8pm. 224 E. Main St.
3rd-6th Mitchell Place Gallery, 301 S. Walnut, Suite 102, Muncie, will host an exhibit of "Art From Kids' Camps" that will feature work from the summer art camps of Bob Hartley (The Artist Within) and Karen Fisher (Art Mart). An opening reception will be Thursday, August 4, 5:30 -- 8:00 PM. This event will coincide with the downtown Rib Fest. So come downtown and see what wonderful art work children can create and enjoy the food at the Rib Fest.
6th Downtown Rib Fest 2005: noon-10pm Admission $2.00 - 12 fabulous bands-great food! Kids under 12 free!
- Kids activities, rock wall, pony rides, inflatable rides and games
- 20 of Indiana's finest Rib Vendors
- Beer Gardens
- Arts and Craft Vendors
- Not-for Profit and Information Booths
Big Stage
12-1- Bethany Road
1:30- 2:30- Bent River
3:00-4:00- Kayro and the Second Time Around
4:30- 5:30- Flipside
6:00-7:00- Pray for Mojo
7:30- 9:00- Mike Mulligan and Steam Shovel
Small Stage
1-2- Artka
2:30-3:30- Joan Hamilton and Greg Tanner
4-5-Mike Martin and Friends
7-8- UpDawg
8:30-10- Annex
7th Downtown Rib Fest 2005 11am- 4pm Admission free
- Kids activities, pony rides, rock wall, inflatable rides and games
- 20 of Indiana's finest Rib Vendors
- Beer Gardens
- Arts and Craft Vendors
- Not-for Profit and Information Booths
Big Stage
11:30-1- Bob Eichhorn Band
1:30-3- Burke and Taylor
3-4 River of Life Choir
Small Stage
All Day Karaoke Contest
$100 first place prize
$50 second place prize
12th Muncie Children's Museum: Unpack Stuffee's Lunch Box During Friends and Family Fun Night! Enjoy food, friends, fun and free admission from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. during Friends and Family Fun Night at the Muncie Children's Museum.
Enjoy a healthy snack, meet Stuffee, the blue-haired giant, and unpack Stuffee's Lunch Box to learn about nutrition and the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. In addition, a nutritionist from Open Door will read the story, Gregory the Terrible Eater, and talk about the new food pyramid. Friends and Family Fun Night is a dream the Museum staff envisioned last Fall when discussing the need to reach out to better serve the community.
The Muncie Children's Museum is proud to offer educational programming, capable of reaching all children in East Central Indiana. Friends and Family Fun Nights are made possible through the generous support of the Jean and Mora Morris Youth Fund at the Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County, Inc.
To learn more, contact the Muncie Children's Museum at (765) 286-1660
13th Vera Mae's: Summer Jazz Vignette's Frank Puzzullo duo featuring Jaz Vocalist Paula Owen. 6:30pm-9:30pm, No Cover Charge, reservations taken for dining guests only. 765-747-4941.
19th Vera Mae's: Summer Jazz Vignette's Frank Puzzullo Duo featuring Hans Sturm on string Bass. 6:30pm-9:30pm, no cover charge, reservations taken for dining guests only. 747-4941
20th Artworks: annual Artist Attic event from 8:00am-4:00pm. The artist have been busy cleaning their studio's and attics to bring items of art to this fun outdoor event. We will have everything from old art work, pottery, prints, books, brushes, fabric's, mats and frames, stamps and many other art related things for sale at greatly reduced prices.
26th 50's Night at Our Daily Bread, Historic Johnson House 322 East Washington Street. Featuring Billy G., formerly of The Platters. Wear your poodle skirts and bobby socks. Be ready to eat a "Big Bopper Tenderloin" with a thick chocolate malt. Fun starts at 6 p.m. Reservations only, call 287-9247.
27th Minnestrista Rhythm and Blues with John Lee Hooker, Jr. and Clarence Dobbins at 7:30 p.m.
Have Fun with the Amazing Alphabet, All August at the Muncie Children's Museum! School is just around the corner! Go back to basics and have fun with the amazing alphabet all August at the Museum. Exciting daily activities are Tuesday - Saturday at 11 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m. Detailed daily activities are as follows:
Friday, August 5: Delightful Duck, Duck, Goose Hear the story Ten Little Rubber Duckies by Eric Carle. Then, enjoy a game of Duck, Duck, Goose, a favorite of children young and old.
Saturday, August 6: Enormous Elephant Ears Hear the story The Elephants Child by Rudyard Kipling and make giant elephant ears to wear home.
Sunday, August 7: Finding Flying Fireflies Hear the story The Very Lonely Firefly by Eric Carle and make your own insect-collecting jar to take home.
Tuesday, August 9: Gooey Grape Gummies Help make gooey grape gummy candies to taste test. This activity costs an additional $1.00 to participate.
Wednesday, August 10: Happy Hawaiian Hula Learn about Hula dances in Hawaii. Then make hula skirts and lei necklaces.
Thursday, August 11: Invent an Interesting Igloo Hear the story Building an Igloo by Ulli Stelzer and work in groups to make an igloo.
Friday, August 12: Jolly Jumping Jacks Learn to take your heart rate and participate in a relay including jumping jacks.
Saturday, August 13: Kooky Kid Kaleidoscopes Look through a kaleidoscope and make your own kaleidoscope to enjoy at home.
Sunday, August 14: Little Lively Lemurs Watch a video with lemurs called Soboo's Tails and make a ringtail to wear home as a keepsake.
Tuesday, August 16: Mice Milk Mustaches Hear the story If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Numeroff and enjoy a milk and cookies snack. This activity costs an additional $1.00 to participate.
Wednesday, August 17: Nuts, Nails and Newspapers Use newspapers, nuts and nails along with plaster of Paris to make a paperweight.
Thursday, August 18: Odd Ocean Octopus Learn about unusual ocean creatures and create your own sea creature.
Friday, August 19: Pin the Pigtail on the Pig Experience the Pigtails and Hardhats exhibit. Then, play a game of pin the pigtail on the pig.
Saturday, August 20: Queen's Quirky Questions Watch an excerpt from Alice in Wonderland and talk about the questions the Queen of Hearts asks. Then, play a question game.
Sunday, August 21: Restless Rabbit Races Make rabbit ears to wear during some "hopping" relay races.
Tuesday, August 23: Scary Spider Suckers Make a spider sucker to take home and enjoy. This activity costs an additional $1.00 to participate.
Wednesday, August 24: Tiny Toothpick Teepees Make tiny teepees out of toothpicks to take home as a keepsake.
Thursday, August 25: Ultimate Unique Unicorns Learn about fantasy creatures and make a unicorn horn to wear around the Museum.
Friday, August 26: View from a Vacation Van Learn games to play in a van or in a car. These games are great for road trips long and short.
Saturday, August 27: Wacky Water on Wax Participate in an experiment using wax and water-based paint to show that wax resists water and can be used to mask paper.
Sunday, August 28: Xeroxed X-rays and Xylophones Hear the story Xylophone for X-ray Fish by Lisa Charlesworth. Then, color Xeroxed copies of X-ray fish to decorate a homemade xylophone to take home.
Tuesday, August 30: Yummy Yummy Yellow Taste test yummy yellow foods. This activity costs an additional $1.00 to participate.
Wednesday, August 31: Zebra Zone at the Zoo Hear the story Shanti by Maartju Padt and Mylo Freeman. Then, cut out and color your very own zebra.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
18 & 19 Old Washington Street Festival, Saturday 10-5, Sunday Noon-5
Be a part of all the excitement and festivities during the Annual Old Washington Street Festival to be held on the four blocks of East Washington Street between Madison and Hackley Streets. The primary focus of the Old Washington Street Festival is on the architectural, cultural, and social heritage of Muncie's Emily Kimbrough Historic District and the surrounding neighborhood. Home tours and a walking tour extend the bounds of the Festival to approximately fourteen square blocks. At the hub of the Festival on Washington Street are demonstrations of crafts contemporary to the turn of the century, arts and crafts displays, musical entertainment, an ice cream social and other refreshments, antiques, a milk wagon and a hand-drawn fire pumper to take visitors back to the gas boom era. We expect the variety of attractions to draw over 8,000 people.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
7th -9th Watercolor workshop by PAT SAN SOUCIE 9-4 PM located 400 arts and Journalisom Bldg at Ball State. Pat San Soucie is a renowned painter, educator and juror. She is a member of many watercolor societies including the National Watercolor Society and the American Watercolor Society. She is a Dolphin Fellow. She has received numerous awards and is widely published and included in many public and corporate collections.. San Soucie creates watermedia paintings in a unique style by pouring pigments through filters, yielding abstract textures, shapes and colors. She will teach workshop particpants different methods of creating paintings. The workshop is limited to 15 artists.
To register, send you name, address, phone number and email address and your check for $150 made out to Mitchell Place Gallery to:
Patrick Wasson Watermedia 2005 Workshop Chair 409 S. Liberty Muncie IN 47305 765-228-1247
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The charm of Muncie's historic Downtown District is that its businesses are independently owned and operated. Please shop locally and support small business in Muncie.
Free Friday night movie: A Cinderella Story, at the corner of Walnut and Charles streets in downtown Muncie. Movie begins at dusk.
Downtown Business Council News from Genny Gordy
Downtown merchants may want to mark their calendars for the following advertising opportunities: Info for the Downtown Wrap due to Dawn New by Wednesday the 10th. Send to: Ads due for Downtown Page by next Friday, the 12th. See your newspaper rep.
Looking ahead: YART will take place in downtown Muncie on Saturday, August 27th from 8 am to 11 pm. Great art for sale, and nothing over $50!!!! For more information contact Luke Lofland at
Don't We All Want to be "Destination Businesses"?????
The Uptown Innovation Center in Richmond, IN is offering an exciting series of workshops by nationally-known marketing consultant Joh Schallert. "Increasing Sales and Marketing with Destination Marketing," will be offered on Monday, Aug.15th. Cost is $25. "Destination Creation Workshop" will be offered the following day and is geared toward downtown development professional, economic development directors, city officials & chamber of commerce members. Cost is $249 for this workshop. The final workshop, "Change the Business You Own into the Business You Want: the Powerful, Painless, No-Excuse Method Using Destination Business Reinvention" costs $85, includes workbooks for innovative marketing strategies and the like, and is offered on Wed., Aug. 17th. For more information, contact Main Street Richmond-Wayne County, 765.962.8151.
Please let Genny Gordy know if you're going - there may be car-pooling opportunities for these timely workshops. Her phone # is 284.8422, email:
A new online media outlet has recently launched in Muncie - Visit this wonderfully informative community website at Muncie Free Press is a news and information source by the people and for the people, offering news, information and conversation. Content is updated daily, so be sure to check it out.
The Downtown Data Center now offers internet dialup and broadband services! To check availability, visit Downtown Data Center also provides internet consulting, web hosting, and managed server solutions, served locally from Downtown Muncie.
1st-27 Artist Within: presenting artist/photographer Kendrick Shadoan. During the 1st Thurs event 5-8pm, Kendrick will have his equipment set up and will be taking photographs of guests.
1st-31st Gordy Fine Art & Framing: exhibit of Lynette Whitesell flowers and plant-live paintings will be on display. The public is welcome to 1st Thurs-Aug 4th opening reception to meet the artist from 5-8pm. 224 E. Main St.
3rd-6th Mitchell Place Gallery, 301 S. Walnut, Suite 102, Muncie, will host an exhibit of "Art From Kids' Camps" that will feature work from the summer art camps of Bob Hartley (The Artist Within) and Karen Fisher (Art Mart). An opening reception will be Thursday, August 4, 5:30 -- 8:00 PM. This event will coincide with the downtown Rib Fest. So come downtown and see what wonderful art work children can create and enjoy the food at the Rib Fest.
6th Downtown Rib Fest 2005: noon-10pm Admission $2.00 - 12 fabulous bands-great food! Kids under 12 free!
- Kids activities, rock wall, pony rides, inflatable rides and games
- 20 of Indiana's finest Rib Vendors
- Beer Gardens
- Arts and Craft Vendors
- Not-for Profit and Information Booths
Big Stage
12-1- Bethany Road
1:30- 2:30- Bent River
3:00-4:00- Kayro and the Second Time Around
4:30- 5:30- Flipside
6:00-7:00- Pray for Mojo
7:30- 9:00- Mike Mulligan and Steam Shovel
Small Stage
1-2- Artka
2:30-3:30- Joan Hamilton and Greg Tanner
4-5-Mike Martin and Friends
7-8- UpDawg
8:30-10- Annex
7th Downtown Rib Fest 2005 11am- 4pm Admission free
- Kids activities, pony rides, rock wall, inflatable rides and games
- 20 of Indiana's finest Rib Vendors
- Beer Gardens
- Arts and Craft Vendors
- Not-for Profit and Information Booths
Big Stage
11:30-1- Bob Eichhorn Band
1:30-3- Burke and Taylor
3-4 River of Life Choir
Small Stage
All Day Karaoke Contest
$100 first place prize
$50 second place prize
12th Muncie Children's Museum: Unpack Stuffee's Lunch Box During Friends and Family Fun Night! Enjoy food, friends, fun and free admission from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. during Friends and Family Fun Night at the Muncie Children's Museum.
Enjoy a healthy snack, meet Stuffee, the blue-haired giant, and unpack Stuffee's Lunch Box to learn about nutrition and the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. In addition, a nutritionist from Open Door will read the story, Gregory the Terrible Eater, and talk about the new food pyramid. Friends and Family Fun Night is a dream the Museum staff envisioned last Fall when discussing the need to reach out to better serve the community.
The Muncie Children's Museum is proud to offer educational programming, capable of reaching all children in East Central Indiana. Friends and Family Fun Nights are made possible through the generous support of the Jean and Mora Morris Youth Fund at the Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County, Inc.
To learn more, contact the Muncie Children's Museum at (765) 286-1660
13th Vera Mae's: Summer Jazz Vignette's Frank Puzzullo duo featuring Jaz Vocalist Paula Owen. 6:30pm-9:30pm, No Cover Charge, reservations taken for dining guests only. 765-747-4941.
19th Vera Mae's: Summer Jazz Vignette's Frank Puzzullo Duo featuring Hans Sturm on string Bass. 6:30pm-9:30pm, no cover charge, reservations taken for dining guests only. 747-4941
20th Artworks: annual Artist Attic event from 8:00am-4:00pm. The artist have been busy cleaning their studio's and attics to bring items of art to this fun outdoor event. We will have everything from old art work, pottery, prints, books, brushes, fabric's, mats and frames, stamps and many other art related things for sale at greatly reduced prices.
26th 50's Night at Our Daily Bread, Historic Johnson House 322 East Washington Street. Featuring Billy G., formerly of The Platters. Wear your poodle skirts and bobby socks. Be ready to eat a "Big Bopper Tenderloin" with a thick chocolate malt. Fun starts at 6 p.m. Reservations only, call 287-9247.
27th Minnestrista Rhythm and Blues with John Lee Hooker, Jr. and Clarence Dobbins at 7:30 p.m.
Have Fun with the Amazing Alphabet, All August at the Muncie Children's Museum! School is just around the corner! Go back to basics and have fun with the amazing alphabet all August at the Museum. Exciting daily activities are Tuesday - Saturday at 11 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m. Detailed daily activities are as follows:
Friday, August 5: Delightful Duck, Duck, Goose Hear the story Ten Little Rubber Duckies by Eric Carle. Then, enjoy a game of Duck, Duck, Goose, a favorite of children young and old.
Saturday, August 6: Enormous Elephant Ears Hear the story The Elephants Child by Rudyard Kipling and make giant elephant ears to wear home.
Sunday, August 7: Finding Flying Fireflies Hear the story The Very Lonely Firefly by Eric Carle and make your own insect-collecting jar to take home.
Tuesday, August 9: Gooey Grape Gummies Help make gooey grape gummy candies to taste test. This activity costs an additional $1.00 to participate.
Wednesday, August 10: Happy Hawaiian Hula Learn about Hula dances in Hawaii. Then make hula skirts and lei necklaces.
Thursday, August 11: Invent an Interesting Igloo Hear the story Building an Igloo by Ulli Stelzer and work in groups to make an igloo.
Friday, August 12: Jolly Jumping Jacks Learn to take your heart rate and participate in a relay including jumping jacks.
Saturday, August 13: Kooky Kid Kaleidoscopes Look through a kaleidoscope and make your own kaleidoscope to enjoy at home.
Sunday, August 14: Little Lively Lemurs Watch a video with lemurs called Soboo's Tails and make a ringtail to wear home as a keepsake.
Tuesday, August 16: Mice Milk Mustaches Hear the story If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Numeroff and enjoy a milk and cookies snack. This activity costs an additional $1.00 to participate.
Wednesday, August 17: Nuts, Nails and Newspapers Use newspapers, nuts and nails along with plaster of Paris to make a paperweight.
Thursday, August 18: Odd Ocean Octopus Learn about unusual ocean creatures and create your own sea creature.
Friday, August 19: Pin the Pigtail on the Pig Experience the Pigtails and Hardhats exhibit. Then, play a game of pin the pigtail on the pig.
Saturday, August 20: Queen's Quirky Questions Watch an excerpt from Alice in Wonderland and talk about the questions the Queen of Hearts asks. Then, play a question game.
Sunday, August 21: Restless Rabbit Races Make rabbit ears to wear during some "hopping" relay races.
Tuesday, August 23: Scary Spider Suckers Make a spider sucker to take home and enjoy. This activity costs an additional $1.00 to participate.
Wednesday, August 24: Tiny Toothpick Teepees Make tiny teepees out of toothpicks to take home as a keepsake.
Thursday, August 25: Ultimate Unique Unicorns Learn about fantasy creatures and make a unicorn horn to wear around the Museum.
Friday, August 26: View from a Vacation Van Learn games to play in a van or in a car. These games are great for road trips long and short.
Saturday, August 27: Wacky Water on Wax Participate in an experiment using wax and water-based paint to show that wax resists water and can be used to mask paper.
Sunday, August 28: Xeroxed X-rays and Xylophones Hear the story Xylophone for X-ray Fish by Lisa Charlesworth. Then, color Xeroxed copies of X-ray fish to decorate a homemade xylophone to take home.
Tuesday, August 30: Yummy Yummy Yellow Taste test yummy yellow foods. This activity costs an additional $1.00 to participate.
Wednesday, August 31: Zebra Zone at the Zoo Hear the story Shanti by Maartju Padt and Mylo Freeman. Then, cut out and color your very own zebra.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
18 & 19 Old Washington Street Festival, Saturday 10-5, Sunday Noon-5
Be a part of all the excitement and festivities during the Annual Old Washington Street Festival to be held on the four blocks of East Washington Street between Madison and Hackley Streets. The primary focus of the Old Washington Street Festival is on the architectural, cultural, and social heritage of Muncie's Emily Kimbrough Historic District and the surrounding neighborhood. Home tours and a walking tour extend the bounds of the Festival to approximately fourteen square blocks. At the hub of the Festival on Washington Street are demonstrations of crafts contemporary to the turn of the century, arts and crafts displays, musical entertainment, an ice cream social and other refreshments, antiques, a milk wagon and a hand-drawn fire pumper to take visitors back to the gas boom era. We expect the variety of attractions to draw over 8,000 people.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
7th -9th Watercolor workshop by PAT SAN SOUCIE 9-4 PM located 400 arts and Journalisom Bldg at Ball State. Pat San Soucie is a renowned painter, educator and juror. She is a member of many watercolor societies including the National Watercolor Society and the American Watercolor Society. She is a Dolphin Fellow. She has received numerous awards and is widely published and included in many public and corporate collections.. San Soucie creates watermedia paintings in a unique style by pouring pigments through filters, yielding abstract textures, shapes and colors. She will teach workshop particpants different methods of creating paintings. The workshop is limited to 15 artists.
To register, send you name, address, phone number and email address and your check for $150 made out to Mitchell Place Gallery to:
Patrick Wasson Watermedia 2005 Workshop Chair 409 S. Liberty Muncie IN 47305 765-228-1247
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The charm of Muncie's historic Downtown District is that its businesses are independently owned and operated. Please shop locally and support small business in Muncie.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Lynyrd Skynyrd to Headline End of Summer Jam
Press Release
July 29, 2005
For Immediate Release
From: Brian Lough
Director, Muncie Downtown Development Partnership
Lynyrd Skynyrd to Headline Jam
Muncie, IN -- Legendary Southern rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd will headline this year's "End-of-Summer" Jam.
The concert will be held in the streets of downtown Muncie on Saturday, September 24th. Tickets will go on sale August 15th at 10am through all Ticketmaster locations and
The opening act will be rock group Foghat.
Reserved seat tickets are $40, $30, and $25. A limited number of lawn seats will be available for $20.
The Southern rock group with 18 gold and 12 platinum albums, consistently has drawn capacity crowds with every performance given since reforming in 1987, a full decade after the Freebird fell from the sky, taking the lives of founding members Ronnie Van Zant, Steve Gaines and Cassie Gaines.
Ronnie's brother, Johnny Van Zant has been fronting the band, keeping rock classics like Sweet Home Alabama, Gimme Three Steps, You Got That Right, That Smell and the rock anthem Freebird alive and well. Two original members, guitar-great Gary Rossington and founding keyboardist Billy Powell support Van Zant.
A recent USA Today readers' poll ranked Lynyrd Skynyrd as the 16th greatest rock and roll band of all-time.
The 70's rock group Foghat will open the evening at 7:00pm with hits like Fool for the City and Slow Ride.
July 29, 2005
For Immediate Release
From: Brian Lough
Director, Muncie Downtown Development Partnership
Lynyrd Skynyrd to Headline Jam
Muncie, IN -- Legendary Southern rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd will headline this year's "End-of-Summer" Jam.
The concert will be held in the streets of downtown Muncie on Saturday, September 24th. Tickets will go on sale August 15th at 10am through all Ticketmaster locations and
The opening act will be rock group Foghat.
Reserved seat tickets are $40, $30, and $25. A limited number of lawn seats will be available for $20.
The Southern rock group with 18 gold and 12 platinum albums, consistently has drawn capacity crowds with every performance given since reforming in 1987, a full decade after the Freebird fell from the sky, taking the lives of founding members Ronnie Van Zant, Steve Gaines and Cassie Gaines.
Ronnie's brother, Johnny Van Zant has been fronting the band, keeping rock classics like Sweet Home Alabama, Gimme Three Steps, You Got That Right, That Smell and the rock anthem Freebird alive and well. Two original members, guitar-great Gary Rossington and founding keyboardist Billy Powell support Van Zant.
A recent USA Today readers' poll ranked Lynyrd Skynyrd as the 16th greatest rock and roll band of all-time.
The 70's rock group Foghat will open the evening at 7:00pm with hits like Fool for the City and Slow Ride.
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